/ / Guram Ajoyev - the legendary footballer of the Kharkov "Metallist"

Guram Ajoyev - the legendary footballer of the Kharkov "Metalist"

At present, Guram Ajoyev continuesserving his majesty football, which began in 1979. However, at that time he was just starting to play in the youth team, and today he is the president of the sports club. Let's see how the fate of this famous football player developed and whether his relatives supported him, continuing his father's business. Guram Ajoyev long enough was an active athlete. He has achievements that none of the players playing in the Soviet Union could beat. At the same time, this person devoted his entire conscious life to this sport. Who is he Guram Ajoyev - a football player, coach, or a functionary?

Guram Adjoi

Beginning of a football career

The beginning of the football career of young Guram Adzhoyevoccurred in his native city of Tbilisi, where he was born in the autumn of 1961. Few people in those distant times drew attention to the nationality of this boy. For most football lovers of the Soviet Union, he was a Georgian, since he was born and raised in the capital of Georgia. But in fact he was from the Kurdish family. Although at that time no one was particularly interested in either nationality or religion. Football education young Adzhoy receives in Tbilisi football school "Young Dynamo". A performance in professional sports begins in Kutaisi "Torpedo" in 1980. In this team, he spends only one season, and the breeders of the Moscow "Dynamo" notice a young talented football player. The next two seasons he plays in the Moscow "Dynamo". It can not be said that the young athlete spends a lot of time on the field, and after these two seasons passes to Moscow's Spartak. The technique of possession of the ball from the player was magnificent, but at that time in "Spartacus" was a galaxy of excellent performers, just in the attack and the middle line of the field, where Guram played. Having spent only one season in Spartacus and having played only twenty matches with two goals scored, the young football player leaves this team.

Football clubs, for which the athlete competed

Guram on the field spent almost twenty years and playedat the same time in eight teams. He returned to some teams several times. About three of them were mentioned above, but then the athlete was just starting to play football. Later, already a fairly mature athlete, he chose Metalist from Kharkiv, which was then headed by the late Yevgeny Lemeshko.

And although Guram Ajoev performed in eight teams,he remembered to fans as the leading striker of Metalist Kharkiv. It was this team that the athlete returned several times. Just with her, he won his only trophy, becoming the owner of the USSR Cup in football, beating Moscow “Torpedo” in Moscow at the stadium “Dynamo”. It was in this match that Guram scored the winning goal from a penalty (the regular penalty-kicker Leonid Buriak asked him about this very much).

Guram Ajoyev - the football player who establishedrecord, playing in four different teams in the competition of European cups under the auspices of UEFA. Neither before him, nor after any athlete of the Soviet Union could even repeat this result. After that, he performed abroad for different teams, but invariably returned to Kharkov. He finished his sports career in 1998 near Moscow “Saturn”, Guram Ajoyev.

Guram Adjoev football player

Coaching career Adzhoeva and his education

Having finished his playing career, the former football player wantedto continue sports education, but by then already having two higher educations, I decided to stop there and take advantage of the knowledge that he already had. So, he graduated as an economist from Tbilisi University, and as a lawyer - from Kharkov Law Academy. Guram Adzhoyev, whose biography is full of various interesting events, decided to use this knowledge as a sports director of Dynamo Moscow, and then as president of the Tula Arsenal, while speaking for different veteran teams.

Guram Adjoev biography

Guram Ajoev and his family

There are three children, two sons and a daughter in the Ajoevs family. All of them were brought up in strict Yezidi traditions. Guram Ajoev Jr. followed in his father's footsteps, continuing the family's football traditions.

Guram Ajoyev Jr.

He was born in Hungary in 1995 and graduated from school in England. Football specialization is the same as that of the father - the attacking midfielder. The young man wants to play in Real Madrid, like Ronaldo.

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