/ / The Maracana Stadium - a star story of the starry arena

Maracana Stadium - a star story of the starry arena

There is not much time left until the moment whenOn the football fields of Brazil, the battles of the upcoming World Cup will begin. We all live in anticipation of this great action, because here the strongest national teams will clash. Among the other matches of the championship will be the legendary stadium "Marakana" (its capacity is almost 77 thousand people), by the way, this is the largest and roomy arena of the declared. What is the design and what is its greatness?

Maracan Stadium

Marakana Stadium is a real miraclesports architecture. Football in Brazil is considered the second religion, and the arena has become her true temple. Here, home games of the Brazilian championship are held by the grandees Fluminense and Flamengo. In addition, the Marakana stadium is also the main haven for the national teams of the country of all ages, as well as the final competitions of the championship and the cup. There is an arena in Rio de Janeiro, a city celebrated in the dreams of Ostap Bender.

Completely completed "Marakana" - the stadium(photos of the arena in different angles are presented in the article) in 1965. But the official opening of it took place in 1950, when one of the World Cup matches took place here. Such an unusual name is derived from a small river flowing nearby. The stadium is built on funds from the city treasury, it is still an urban property today.

Maracana Stadium photo

The first significant matches in the arena were held intime of the 4th World Championship. In particular, it was here that the Brazilian national team was defeated by its principal rivals in the decisive match - the Uruguayan team. That competition gathered in the stands 199 850 people, in general, the world record of attendance belongs just to "Marakane". Since then, a lot of time has passed, but on the legendary arena still hold the most significant football events. Stadium "Marakana" has the shape of an oval, on the consoles the roof visor is strengthened, and directly the field is fenced with a moat with water (such original delights). Near the arena is an indoor sports hall, where to this day hold tennis matches, boxing matches, as well as various cultural events. So, for example, in 1980, on the 30th anniversary of the stadium, Frank Sinatra gave a concert here.

Maracana Stadium capacity

At the dawn of the stadium "Marakana" housedin the stands 200 thousand people, but in connection with the requirements of the Football Federation, part of the seats outside the gates were abolished, the benches were replaced by the numbered seats according to the regulations. Interesting fact: the roof of the building is designed in such a way that the water from it flows into special tanks, and then it is used for flushing in the toilets. After the reconstruction, the arena lost the championship and in terms of the number of seats today is inferior to such stadiums in South America as the "Monumental Isidro Romero Carbo" and others. 82 thousand spectators can watch 82 thousand spectators at the World Cup soccer from the stands of the stadium at the same time. Including places for disabled people and full people. In 2016, it is planned to hold the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games.

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