Going for winter fishing, many preferto try your luck in catching predators. Particularly interesting in the cold season is the hunting of the first fish by the pike perch. But the question remains: "And what to catch it for?" You can, of course, use a spinner, but it is better to give preference to the balancer. This bait has a lot of pluses, besides, fishing with it immediately turns into a sport. After all, this tackle requires a certain skill. The balancer on the pike-perch also has its specific differences both in appearance and in the technique of catching. Choosing this bait for yourself, the angler should remember that it requires a special "game", so it will take a long time to acquire the necessary skills and learn.
It is undeniable that fishermen have a balance onpike perch is becoming increasingly popular and in demand every year. But why is this happening? What is so good about this winter bait? First, it meets all the requirements for attracting and catching a fanged predator directly at a depth. Secondly, if you compare the balancer with other baits, you can immediately notice that its cost is less. What makes this tackle is very affordable for most fans of winter fishing. Thirdly, the catchability of this bait is no worse, and sometimes even better than that of other species. And, of course, it is necessary to remember that the balancer on a pike perch has its own specific differences, for example, from tackle to perch.
Of course, there are many models of balancers,intended for catching pike perch. But it is naive to assume that they all equally well cope with the task. Some models are better, and the second ones are worse. So how do you determine the most catchy option when buying this gear? To guess for certain it will not turn out, but nevertheless the good balancer on a pike perch will have a number of features on which it is necessary to pay attention. So, the bait can be metal. But better "play" silicone balancer. As a rule, they are planted on a metal base. Pike perch almost always reacts to bait with fur brushes instead of wings. Why this predator prefers them, it is not known, but this feature has long been noticed by fishermen. Equally interesting are the balancers with a combination of wool tail and wings. Currently, the market of fishing tackles is full of different varieties of baits. Therefore, if desired, you can choose the best model for yourself by experimenting with a reservoir.
Using on the holes a balancer on the pike perch in winter,enduring the cold, so I want to fish a big trophy, well, or at least a medium-sized fish. And as sometimes it becomes insulting, if one "striped trifle" comes to the hook. It is the small perch that, when catching a pike perch, you want to see on the balance bar last. But the whole point is that from the very beginning the bait was wrongly chosen. The optimal size of the tackle is from 7 to 9 cm. These are the most common swaddling balancers, it is not recommended to take less. Also need to pay attention to the sharpness of the front and rear hooks. Knowledge of the gear features of certain manufacturers can help here. So, for example, the well-known company Salmo has very strong hooks, which are produced in Japan. But almost in the same balance, but already the brand Rapala, they are made of a softer alloy, so when bending large fish can even bend. But for the sake of justice, it must be said that catching zander in winter on the balancer of this company is very successful. On it properly pecked individuals of medium size. That's why seasoned fishermen, willingly buying the balancer Rapala, just change the hooks on it.
When choosing a bait for winter fishing onpredators need to pay special attention to the size of the hooks on it. The best balancers for pike perch are those that work without fail. The thing is that predators often attack the bait across. In this case, for not very successful models, the hook can pull on to the body of the tackle, as a result, the sweep will not occur. How to check the balance in this case? It is not difficult to do this. Turn the bait and press the hook to her body, if the sting is to extend across the width, it will not allow the pike perch to close its jaws without further cutting. Sometimes, if the balancer often gives empty bites, it makes sense just to change the native hooks to larger hooks.
When choosing a balance beam, it is desirable to pay attentionon its color. In general, a serious fisherman in his arsenal should have baits of different color options. It can not be said that pike-perch is a particularly fastidious fish, but it also has moods from time to time. Going to fishing, it is better to take balancers mottled and natural color, do not interfere and combined options. Very interesting bait with a bright red or yellow belly and silver or white back.
Catching of pike perch in winter on the balancer makes specialgear requirements. The length of the handle of the rod should be at least 25 cm. At the same time, it must have rigidity. The same requirements apply to the whip. These nuances should not embarrass the fisherman. It should be remembered that catching on a bald eagle does not imply an intensive oscillation of the bait. In many respects the success of the application of this gear depends on whether the fisherman can create fluctuations and sustain breaks during the game. And this technique is made with the use of a long handle. As for the remaining gear, then everything is standard. The line is applied 0.2 mm. A thicker version will negatively affect the quality of the balancer's game. But there is a lot of controversy about whether you need a leash in snapping a winter tackle on a pike perch.
It is not important which balances catch zander,The equipment of winter spinning is at the same time the same. But always the same question arises: "Do you need a leash?" If there is fishing for pike, then everything is very clear. Leash just need. But the pike perch cuts the line very seldom, besides, in the places of its accumulation the pike is a rare visitor. Therefore, many anglers do not complicate the rigging and fasten the balancer straight to the main line with the help of a carbine. The game does not spoil it. So it's up to each angler to decide whether to set a leash or not.
The technique of catching a balancer is quite simple.First, lower the bait to the very bottom, then lift it about 30 cm up. In this case, the balancer performs oscillatory circular motions. We wait until he returns to the center of the hole, and again we lower it to the bottom. If catching occurs on the edge, the bait may fall a little deeper, slipping off its edge. The balance can, on the contrary, settle in a smaller place. Therefore, it is necessary to check each time whether the bait is actually on the bottom. After its lowering, we again make a smooth sweep with a brush and raise it. The main thing here is not to make too sharp movements, everything should look natural. Making sweeping strokes with the handle of the rod, it is very easy to frighten off the pike perch. The game should not be different, when catching this fanged predator need patience and monotony. Waves should be the same and completely predictable for fish. This can only be achieved through training. The owner of the situation must be a fisherman. He should know approximately where the balancer will stop, at what point it will die. Pauses are made from 10 to 15 seconds, as a rule, during this period and observed bite. It is completely pointless to linger at the hole for more than 15 minutes. If there is a pike perch in this place, then it will manifest itself almost immediately. But it makes sense to periodically return to the already trapped holes, because during the feeding the fish constantly moves along the bottom.
So, having decided on how to catch the zander onbalancer, it is necessary to understand a few nuances about how to disguise it. Much depends on the speed of reaction and the quickness of the angler. It happens that fishing takes place in severe frost, so your hands stay warm. This does not interfere in particular with producing the desired game with a balance, but when the bite occurs, the gloves are sometimes a strong hindrance. In order to facilitate the process of removing fish from the hole, it is best to use gloves that are larger by a couple of sizes. They should be easily removed from the hand. Then, with a bite, we hold the line with one hand, and with the second rapid movement we shake the mitten, then quickly change hands and do the same with the second glove. Now the hands are free, so you can safely remove the pike perch from the hole, without doing any unsuccessful and awkward movements.