/ / The best lures for pikeperch: advice on choice, reviews

The best lures for pike-perch: advice on choice, feedback

With approach of colds fishermen start to preparerigging for winter fishing. Judging by the reviews, many practice catching pike perch in winter. With the help of this tackle you can successfully fish and pike. However, according to experts, pike and pike spoons are slightly different. This is due to the fact that the size of the pike is much larger.

Experimenting and selecting various options,manufacturers have identified the optimal form of equipment for pike-perch. A lot of attention was paid to the color design of the products. Coming to the store and seeing a wide range of different fishing gear, beginners often ask the question, what kind of spinner on pike perch should be given preference? This aspect is important, because the success of fishing depends on the correct selection of rigging. Information on the device and the application of winter lures for pike perch is contained in the article.

catching a pike perch


Judging by the reviews of fishermen, not everyone prefersfishing using bait. The disadvantage of live baits is that they are disposable. Therefore, before the next campaign on the pond, the fisherman will have to buy them every time. Spoon-bait on pike-perch is a special fishing device for repeated use. You can flash at any time of the year. It is enough for a fisherman only to purchase the right model. Who wants to save, they make lures for pike perch with their own hands.

About the form

According to experts, the best baiters onPike perch are considered oblong tackle. This is explained by the fact that the ration of a predator is represented by a sticker, gudgeon and bull-calf, for which an elongated body is characteristic. The design of fishing gears was also carried out taking into account the physiological structure of the muzzle of this fish. The standard size of a spoon-bait for pike perch is no more than 100 mm, and it weighs in the range of 8-10 g.

About color design

Spoon-baitsilvery shades. Not bad proved to be a tooling of golden color. According to the owners, it is best to flaunt them in the summer. In the warm seasons, baits of copper shades are considered good enough.

winter baubles on pike perch

On the shelves of specialized storesAttention buyers are also gear, which among fishermen are called bimetallic. This bait is made of two different plates. In the water during the game, an unusual color palette is formed, to which even a very passive and careful pike-perch reacts. Predator may also be interested in the plumage of the tee and the red cambric.

What should I look for when buying a rig?

When buying lures for pike perch, experienced fishermen recommend newcomers to consider the following nuances:

  • It is undesirable to purchase a tackle solely for uniform wiring. The spinner should be adapted also for the stepped, wavy and jerky.
  • More catchy are spoon-baits, which perfectly hold on the current.
  • In the water column the rigging should look attractive.
  • 120-140 mm is considered the optimal size for the autumn models of spoon-bait on pike perch. In winter it is recommended to use 100 mm rigging.

Below are a few options for winter lures, which fishermen are recognized as the most catchy.



This model is considered the best shine onpike perch in winter. The fishing product is of the vertical type. Very good are the products, the length of which is 8 cm, weight - 11 g. They are made of colored metal plates. In production, galvanic treatment is used. In order to increase the service life of the spoon-bait, its body is covered with a heat-resistant varnish. In the bait there is a sharp triple hook, manufactured by the Japanese company Owner. In addition to pike perch, you can also catch trout on this spinner. Thanks to an attractive game, a large operating resource and the presence of an acute tee, of all models, the "Sudachia" spoon is considered the most purchased. You can buy a rig for 180 rubles.

what spoon-bait on pike-perch

Mepps Lusox AG No. 3

This model is considered the best rotatingpale on the pike perch. The equipment is characterized by the presence of replaceable heads-sinkers, golden and silvery petals of complex configuration, which provide powerful movements of bait during the game. When a fisherman performs a slow wiring, the petals, deviating 25 degrees from the axis, perform strong rotations that will interest the river predator.

Judging by the numerous reviews of the owners, thisspoon bite like a pike perch, and pike. The total length of the bait is 13 cm. Weight - 20.5 g. In this product, there is no provision on the axis of the heavy core. With this anteroposterous shine, experts recommend a stepped wiring. There are no restrictions on the working depth for the tooling. The price of the product is 270 rubles.

Sprinnex Atom

It belongs to the category of vibrating lures.It is considered a universal bait, because it is equally effective in various water bodies. Narrowed nose allows you to perform any wiring with this model. Depending on the horizon in which the predator is located, uniform rewinding of the forest, jerky and stepwise animation are possible with this bait. Wobers are used to catch pike perch, large perch, pike and catfish. Tackles are presented in two versions: 14 and 20 g. The formation of additional acoustic vibrations is possible due to the presence of a movable petal.

Spiderman in the pike perch buy silvercolors. In the warmer months of the year, more elusive gold and copper tools. Judging by the feedback of the owners, this model is characterized by its versatility and long-range. However, there are cases when the spoon-baiters overflow the forest. The cost of tackle is 80 rubles.

Acme Kastmaster

The spoon is the best wiggle on pike perch.Produced by Acme. Experts recommend giving preference to gear, the length of which varies from 5.2 to 6.2 cm. Weigh such oscillations from 10.5 to 21 g. With this device you can fish on any water bodies. The product is considered universal and sufficiently catchy. For the spinner is characterized by a compact streamlined shape, which has a positive effect on the range of the castmaster. With it conduct as a uniform wiring, and the classical stepped. Spoon-baits are equipped with very sharp triple hooks. Price of bait - 420 rubles.

bait on pike perch in winter


This lure is a bait withoriginal design in the form of a tube. Its interior is equipped with steel balls, which during the wiring form noises. In the fisherman environment, this device is also called a noise tube. Skillfully combining a vertical game and sound effect, a fisherman can attract pike perch and provoke him to active actions. Judging by the feedback of the owners, the equipment is more catchy on the horizon of 7 m. Due to the presence of special oblique cuts when entering and leaving the water, the bait performs shots in different directions.

"Pilker" is intended for spinning fishing, withthe plummet of the boat and ice fishing. Aluminum or brass is used to make noise. The diameter of the tubes is 1.2 cm. The lures are from 35 to 100 g. You can buy "Pilker" for 170 rubles.

About craft baits

Despite the wide range of differentbranded outfits, many fishermen use lures made by themselves. To do this, it is desirable to have locksmith skills. Save and make a bait at home will not be difficult if you have the following materials:

  • The right size beads.
  • Special fishing hook. It is desirable to use this branded product.
  • A piece of lead. It will be needed to make the sinker.
  • Wire.
  • A metal plate or tin can.Some masters make quite catchy spoons from dessert aluminum, steel and Melchior spoons. To do this, saw off the handles, and the spoons themselves are bent so that their shape is similar to the body of a fish. You can also use the fittings of copper, brass and silver.
catching zander in the winter for a spoon-bait

Petals of snap are more convenient to make ontemplate. Make it out of cardboard. Then the template is applied to the steel plate. After the pencil you need to carefully draw a contour along which the trimming will be performed.

To make a spoon-bait, then you need to do the following:

  • Process the resulting blank with a file.
  • Equip the metal plate with two holes for the beads.
  • Bend the surface at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Remove the chamfers.
  • Using wire, equip the workpiecea special ring, to which a triple hook will be attached. It is desirable that on the tackle the tee hung freely, and the wire did not interfere with its movements.
  • Put the bead on the axle and fix the lead sinker.

In this form, handicraft trolls should not be left,because apparently it looks unattractive to fish. Sudak will be interested in home-made, if it is supplemented with bright details. For this purpose, multi-colored pieces of insulation tape are suitable. Also, the tooling can be painted with white or red water-repellent enamel. As the domestic craftsmen say, there is nothing complicated in the making of self-made spoon-baits. A newcomer will be able to cope with the job.

About application

There are two ways of catching a pike perch. In the fishermen's environment, they are also called the main and the classical. The one who decided to apply the first method, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Drill a hole and measure the depth at the point of fishing.
  • To lower the spoon-bait to the bottom.
  • Raise the bait for a distance of 500 mm from the bottom and secure it firmly. This position of the spoon-bait will be used by the fisherman as a starting point.
  • Perform a sharp lifting of the tooling by about 200-300 mm.
  • Lower in such a way that the distance from the bottom to the spoon is 200 mm.
  • To sustain a short pause (2-3 seconds) and return the rigging to the starting position. Then the procedure is repeated anew.
the best bait on pike perch

The second method consists in sharp and fastups and returns snap to the bottom. Between the cycles experienced fishermen recommend to make long pauses, as the pikeperch mainly attacks when the bait is inactive.


According to experienced fishermen, each modelbait performs a characteristic game for her. Because the spoon-bait can differ from each other in shape and size, during the pauses during the posting they stop in different ways. The fisherman needs to know, in what time interval, the rigging will reach static. Therefore, before you go to the pond, it is desirable to test the spoon. For this purpose, any large capacity is suitable. Having thoroughly studied the actions of the person and how the bait reacts, the angler will know what he needs to do in different situations on the pond. When buying, we take into account such parameters as color design, size, weight and shape.

When purchasing a snap, remember thatblesna, which has proven itself sufficiently catchy in the winter, will be completely ineffective in the summer season. And vice versa. With the right approach to selecting gear with the observance of all the recommendations of experts, you can ensure a good catch.

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