/ / Bicycles "Auchan": the price or still the quality?

Bicycles "Auchan": the price or still the quality?

Extinguished air, inactive work,lack of opportunity to eat regularly and correctly lead to the fact that many people begin to feel depressed and daily fatigue, which does not go away even during the weekend. Of course, an excellent option will be a vacation every month of work. Yes, only such a solution can only be done by a few people. What should the rest do? You can enroll in health yoga, you can find the strength and every day to walk a few kilometers. And you can increase this distance several times and drive it with a breeze on a bicycle. Of course, in winter this type of transport is not particularly used. But with the advent of spring on every street you can meet a joyful person in a company with a two-wheeled friend.

bicycles auchan

The first and main motivating factor

Which is better to buy bicycles?"Auchan" offers customers a variety of models of this type of transport. And the prices indicated on the labels to them are much lower than the cost of analogues offered in sports stores. And at first glance, an inexperienced user, in this two-wheeled bike there is not one flaw: it is beautiful, elegant, it has a lot of switches, additional accessories and so on.

But are bikes "Auchan" good?Let's figure it out. Of course, first of all, the buyer pays attention to the price factor. Unlike analogues exhibited in specialized sports stores, rovers placed in the sports section of the hypermarket cost several times cheaper. And thus their kind causes respect. Many models are equipped with double rims, there are front and rear shock absorbers. And about the design and say nothing - it's just gorgeous. Therefore, it is the cost of bicycles "Auchan" is sometimes a decisive factor when buying.

asan bicycle

Is quality important?

But still. Is it possible to consider this acquisition so successful, even as the first two-wheeled iron "horse" for a child?

For no one is a terrible secret thatmost of the goods supplied to the Russian market are produced by smiling and industrious Chinese. So is the bicycle "Auchan". 90% of the goods available in hypermarkets - the handiwork of the designers of the People's Republic of China. It can not be said that all products produced in this country have poor quality. By no means. Many products are perfectly created products with the best characteristics. But this does not apply to the described sports equipment. Even for a country with low labor costs, such a bicycle is slightly cheaper. Considering all sorts of cheating and taxes, shipping and packaging, the cost of this bike can not be above $ 50. Therefore, immediately suggests the conclusion - and whether the quality parts are included in the complete set of the goods?

Lucky - no luck?

bicycle auchan

If the buyer is still lucky, and he will getthe perfect "Auchan" bike without any discernible factory fusion, then after a while, somehow, the question of repair will arise. A person who in no way is a professional in the matter of choosing a two-wheeled bike is often deceived by sellers who honestly and vividly describe the appearance and positive qualities of the product. Well versed in shock absorbers, rims, "sprockets" and bearings, people will not in any case choose the products displayed in the hypermarket "Auchan". A bicycle designed for sport riding, performing tricks or even long trips uphill, can not be cheap. Given the limited resource base, the described product will suit, say, for short and unhurried walks several times a month. However, there is still a category of people who are satisfied with the goods purchased and do not find any defects in it.

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