/ / Vitaly Kaleshin: football in krasnodar

Vitaly Kaleshin: football in Krasnodar

Kaleshin Vitaly is a native of Krasnodar anda pupil of a local football school. It's no wonder that the guy chose this profession, because his father is none other than the famous midfielder who used to wear the Kuban uniform for many seasons. The elder brother of Vitaly, Yevgeny Kaleshin, also followed in the footsteps of his father. He defended the colors of several Russian clubs, and at the moment he works on the coaching bridge of the Kuban.

First steps

Vitaly Kaleshin is a football player whose debutfell on the semi-ambitious "Kolos". The guy quickly announced himself and at the age of seventeen "went to increase" all in the same "Kuban". There he mainly played for the double in the championship of Krasnodar region. Vitaly had good chances to get into one of the football teams in Russia, but the young defender accepted the offer of the Moldovan "Roma". In Balti, where the club was based, Vitaly Kaleshin played two full seasons, after which he went back to Russia, signing a contract with Lada from Togliatti.

vital kaleshin

Career development

Togliatti collective became the first where the defenderKaleshin was an unconditional player of the basic structure. However, at that time he also played in the position of the defensive midfielder, which did not prevent him from scoring nineteen goals in 126 games for Lada. By the way, it was during the performance for the Kaleshin club that the team was able to rise from the zonal tournament to the first football league. No wonder that the young player in excellent shape was very quickly offered to go on promotion and return to his native city. Of course, he could not refuse.

vital kaleshin football player

Return to Krasnodar

At the age of 23 Vitaly Kaleshin joined the staffKuban, signing a long-term contract with the club. During the performance for the "yellow-green" football player gradually "lowered" closer to his goal and gradually retrained to the extreme defender, and could play on both flanks. With good speed, he closed the entire curb, regularly included in the attack. The footballer spent 5 seasons in "Kuban" and twice helped her to rise to the Premier League. True, more than a year the Krasnodar team did not manage to stay in the elite division. By the way, thanks to his leadership qualities in Togliatti, and in Krasnodar, Vitaly became the captain of the team.

At the peak

Отыграв за «Кубань» полторы сотни матчей, Виталий Kaleshin after another relegation from the Premier League and the year spent in FC "Moskva" (for the capital club the footballer spent only 18 matches, nevertheless signed at the gate of rivals twice), accepted the proposal of the forward-stepping Kazan Rubin.

Here, the footballer resigned and the bronze of the championship,and gold, and the national Cup, and two Super Cups of the country. The crown of the performances for Kazan was the legendary match at the "Camp Nou", where Kaleshin and the company beat, perhaps, the strongest club in the world - the Catalan "Barcelona". Then the players of the Kazan team presented a real sensation and an occasion for pride to their fans, and Kaleshin played in that match for 90 minutes. In total for "Ruby" the defender has spent more than 50 matches, and this segment of career can be considered the most successful in his football biography. Kaleshin was twice recognized as the best football player of the Krasnodar Territory. In Kazan, they will always remember who Vitaly Kaleshin is. The photo of the player is placed in the club museum.

Vitaliy Kaleshin photo

Second Homecoming

By the time the contract expires with "Ruby"Kaleshin was already 33 years old. By football standards, this is the age of the veteran, so playing at the highest level became increasingly difficult. Nevertheless, in his native Krasnodar, the defender was greeted with open arms, and in 2013 Vitaly Kaleshin returned for the second time to play in his native city. Now in FC Krasnodar. Despite the venerable age, the defender is the main one in the club and, perhaps, will hold 1-2 more seasons at the highest level.

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