How to learn to kick

The most effective and, accordingly, the mostit is difficult to kick with a turn. This type of reception should begin to work alone. And only then, after a while, you can do it in pairs.

Performing the Armada exercise


This kick is executed with a full turntorso. At the same time, the person performing it should remain in an upright position. It is best to practice this exercise while you are still. A person must perform about twenty strokes with each foot, while making a turn. In the beginning, all movements should be done smoothly and slowly. In this case, it is necessary to control the vertical position of the trunk and to make a turn in the hips in the direction in which the alleged enemy is located.

In order to perform this blow, the left legmust perform a sliding motion back clockwise. Then it is necessary to turn on the toe of the right foot. It is necessary to deploy the hips and trunk. After the attacking reception is completed, the impact leg should be retracted. You can use a chair as an opponent. It is necessary to denote the kick. "Armada" must be carried out with a step to the chair. It is necessary to understand that it is required to keep balance and not to do too high strikes. The speed of striking can be increased only after the exercise is fixed.

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Kick with a turn

This kick from the reversal is also called"Tail of the ramp." It can be performed in two ways. The first method implies a full turn of the trunk, the second one should be carried out with the support of the hands. It should be understood that this method is very complicated, so it should be worked out as carefully as possible. So, to inflict this kick with a foot, you must first take the starting position. To do this, the body needs to be deployed at ninety degrees and take a pivot. The left hand should touch the surface at the level of the heel of the left foot. The right hand will cross with the right foot. Subsequently, the body must be rotated 90 degrees. The impact leg should be carried by the athlete parallel to the floor, causing a blow to the top. When striking a person must deploy the body 180 degrees. After the exercise is completed, you must accept the starting position.

Kick with a turn of a leg
In order to work out such a kick,The athlete must perform fifteen repetitions on each leg. Then the exercise is worked out in pairs. It should be understood that when practicing this technique together, it is necessary to change roles after fifteen repetitions. Such a blow - with a foot turn - you need to work long and hard. The speed of its implementation can be increased only after the exercise is fixed.

All the above techniques should also be worked outin a free-style duel. But this must be done only after the final consolidation of skills. And do not forget about working off the defense against such attacks.

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