/ / Knockout - is the ability to knock down an opponent at one stroke

Knockout is the ability to knock an opponent off at one stroke

In battles very often sparring ends in fullvictory of any athlete. Accurate and trained blow, he overturns the opponent on the floor. If the referee counted the set time, and the fighter could not get up, then they say "won by knockout". Let's consider more carefully what is the meaning of such a phrase.


This is the end of the meeting of athletes, in whichThe loser can not continue the fight after 10 seconds. They count down the referee, who is in the ring. As a result of missing a series or one accurate blow, the boxer falls to the floor. His orientation in space is disturbed, a concussion of the brain may occur or a dizziness may appear.

knockout this

Based on practice, it has long been known that in boxinglittle will to win and perform daily exhausting workouts. It is necessary to have the ability to endure pain and wounds. Knockout is a consequence of the most prevalent injuries encountered in martial arts.

The most vulnerable parts of the body

The weakest point is the lower jawrights. Due to its mobility, the greatest inertia force is transmitted to the brain. As a result, it shifts and hits the skull. The boxer gets lost in the orientation in space, and he loses consciousness.

bouts of knockouts

A blow to the solar plexus leads to a shortage of air, and the boxer feels choking. Also, strong shocking tremors include falling into the liver, the left aorta and a series of strokes on the trunk.

Sometimes in battle there is a technical knockout. This is the end of the meeting at the signal given by the referee, coach or doctor.

What you need for a knockout

The ability to put the enemy in the ring by oneonly the most gifted fighters have a stroke. Here, in addition to training, you need talent. Together with him, the athlete grinds his skills and becomes a real champion. But the result is achieved only by daily exhausting training.

Experts, having seen many fights, knockouts in which have finished competition, have revealed the basic components of a victorious blow:

  1. Force. The ability to quickly defeat an opponent depends on the ability to concentrate in impact the power of the legs, trunk and hands at the same time.
  2. Intuition. This is a feeling that tells the athlete when to put all his strength in the only accurate blow.
  3. Fist compression. At the moment when the brush touches the target, the fist should be compressed to the maximum extent.
  4. Disguise. The ability to hide the decisive blow has repeatedly knocked out strong opponents.
  5. Counterattack. The strength of the blow increases many times due to the oncoming movement of the body of the attacking athlete.
  6. Psychology. Before a fight with any opponent, you should only set yourself up for victory.

What is the difference between a knockout and a knockdown

the knock-out is different from the knockdown
There are times when an athlete, having receivedcrushing blow, does not fall, but begins to lean against the ring with any part of the body (arm, knee or elbow). This is a knockdown. In other words, the loss of a person's balance due to an attack. In this case, the judge starts counting to 10. If the fighter was able to rise, then the fight continues, if not, then a knockout is fixed. This means the end of the fight, regardless of the athlete's desire to continue the fight.

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