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How to choose a moto for the beginner

For the first time having been driving a motorcycle,think about the need to purchase special equipment, which will minimize the likelihood of injuries in the event of traffic accidents or minor falls.

How to choose the right moto?This issue worries not only beginners, but also many experienced riders. The only true answer here is: to buy better the whole set of equipment, but to dwell only on those things that are ideal for both the driver and the vehicle.


how to choose a motorcycle

Thinking about how to choose moto equipment, first of all you should pay attention to the selection of a reliable helmet. It is included in the list of mandatory equipment for any motorbike enthusiast.

Modern motorcycle helmets are divided into several types:

  1. Integral - completely covers the head, providing the maximum level of protection from all sides. The review is carried out through a visor closed with a protective glass.
  2. Modular - belongs to the category of closed helmets,but, in comparison with the integral, allows you to open not only the opening of the visor, protected by impact-resistant glass, but also to release the entire frontal part. This structure allows you to remove the chin protection during the parking, which allows you to eat or drink freely, without removing the helmet.
  3. Cross-helmet - the design is very similar tointegrals. However, this option is somewhat lightweight, which facilitates more convenient movement across rough terrain. It is possible to modify cross-helmets with removable visors or elongated chin protection elements. As a rule, instead of a visor, the set includes protective removable glasses.
  4. An open helmet - does not have chin protection.It is used mainly when riding on low-power motorcycles, mopeds or scooters. Most models are widely available in cost, low weight, mobility and special ease of use.
  5. The helmet - does not bear almost no sense in terms of protective equipment. However, helmets may be sufficient to meet the generally established requirements when riding a motorcycle.

Currently, the choice of helmets is extremely large andvarious. When choosing this item of motorcycle equipment it is important to dwell on products that sit tightly on the head, protect the chin and do not irritate the skin.

Which motorcycle equipment should I choose for a beginner? Pick up recommended products that are as tightly seated on the body, but do not cause discomfort. This rule applies to the helmet as well.

Motorcycle "turtle"

how to choose a moto

Thinking about how to choose a moto,it is necessary to understand how high the risk of falls when riding a motorcycle, especially if the first speed bike is a sports speed model. To protect yourself from serious damage, it is enough to get a special protection in the form of a motorcycle "turtle" or at least a good motorcycle jacket, which in certain situations can play about the same role.

Usually in the wardrobe of experienced motorists there isseveral variants of protective "turtles". In an unbearable heat when driving in the city, you can easily limit the use of a lightweight motorcycle "turtle", well, in cool weather or on long trips - put on reinforced protection, covering it from above with a dense jacket.

Jacket and trousers

what to choose

Deciding which to choose the moto, the specialattention should be paid to the selection of a comfortable, quality jacket that will save from the scorching sun in the heat and from the cold in the cold. Most motorcyclists have several jackets at their disposal. In particular, the so-called perforated models are distinguished by the presence of special small holes for effective heat removal.

When choosing a jacket,Possibilities for her fastening to her pants. Usually such a functional is present when choosing the equipment of one manufacturer. It is desirable that the jacket at the same time contains rigid inserts that can protect the back when it falls.

О выборе мотоциклетных штанов можно сказать, в principle, everything is the same as that about the jacket. If the pants do not assume the possibility of connection with the jacket, in this case it is worth dwelling on the tight-fitting models, under which the wind will not blow out during the movement.


how to choose the right gear
What kind of moto equipment to choose for a beginner?It is recommended for beginner motorists to stop on selection of quality protection in the form of gloves with an impressive number of shields. The presence of such equipment will prevent damage to rather delicate bones of the extremities and avoid rupture of ligaments, because when a person falls, they instinctively try to lean on, push off, or absorb them with their hands.

To understand how to choose the right onemoto security in the form of protective gloves, it is enough to model in your mind the variants of possible damages depending on driving conditions and style, and also to assess the convenience of the chosen model by putting on gloves on your hands.

It is recommended to give preference to longmodels of gloves that can cover part of the sleeve while driving on a motorcycle. It is desirable that the ends of the sleeves do not get out from under the gloves. Otherwise, riding a bike can not be called truly comfortable because of the constantly blowing wind.


what kind of motorcycle equipment should I choose for a beginner

Trying to figure out how to choose the motocorrectly, it is worth considering the need to purchase special motorbots. When it comes to riding a classic classic motorcycle model, it's absolutely not recommended to spend money on buying racing motorbikes. Naturally, this option is able to provide maximum protection in the fall, but walking in racing models is extremely inconvenient.

Motorbike bots should fit tightly on the shinsand even slightly press his leg when walking. Stopping the choice is better on models with convenient fasteners, reliable fixing of the ankle and a firm, non-slippery sole. Before buying a motorbike, it is recommended to click the gears for several minutes, sitting on a motorcycle, which will allow us to assess the overall convenience of the product.

Elbow pads and knee pads

how to choose the right moto

People who understand how to choosemotoekipirovku, sufficiently skeptical about the need for protection in the form of knee pads and elbow pads. Usually this item of motorcycle equipment is purchased only by lovers of extreme driving at impressive speeds.

For beginners who do not know how to choosemotoekipirovku, you should pay attention to the knee pads and elbow pads of authoritative brands with the maximum level of reliability and the availability of moving elements that will not only protect against serious injuries of the limbs, but will be the most convenient for daily use.

Important points when choosing a moto

There are several general rules that will allow you to understand how to choose a moto. When choosing a motorcycle protection, pay attention to the following:

  • leather motorcycle equipment is always better than products made of textiles, since it has an increased resistance to abrasion, both in contact with a motorcycle during driving and when falling;
  • the basic elements of protective equipment should be as tight as possible around the body, but do not press, causing a sense of discomfort;
  • the more truly essential elements of protective equipment the motorcyclist uses, the better for him in terms of insurance against getting possible damage;
  • the design of the equipment depends on the personal preferences of each motor-car, but you should not sacrifice the practicality of the purchased products in favor of an attractive appearance.


what kind of moto for the beginner

In summary, it can be noted that the equipment forprotection when riding a motorcycle does not happen much. It is only necessary to part with one of the above elements, as there is a significant increase in the risk of injury.

From having a properly selected and qualitativeThe level of safety of the motorist directly depends on the equipment. Naturally, riding a motorcycle requires the availability of discretion, because when you fall at a crazy speed will not save any, even the most reliable protection.

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