/ / What is a match in football?

What is a match in football?

Sport in the modern world is fascinated by a hugenumber of people, so every person should understand this issue. In particular, understand the terminology. For example, do you know what a match is? After all, this term is found in almost all team sports and is used very often. And if you can not explain what a match is, then it makes no sense to try to delve into other more complex terms, such as offside, penalties and so on. This article is the most accurate and available to explain to you the meaning of this word, its origin, as well as some other important aspects.

what is a match

Meaning of the word

So, you watch football, you like whathappens on the field, it causes you strong emotions, because you really like this sport. But what exactly happens at the stadium? Competition in the team sport, which is held on the field for a certain period of time (in the case of football - for 90 minutes), and is called a match.

what does the match mean

Naturally, the definition of what a match is,can differ in different sports. For example, in many cases the match is limited not by a certain time, but by the achievement of a specific result (as in volleyball and tennis, where a team or player needs to score a specific number of points, and who the first of the opponents will gain this fixed amount, he wins the match).

Таким образом, нет конкретного определения the term "match" for all sports, as the conditions may vary. But in general, the title of a duel between two opponents, be it a team or an individual in which everyone wants to win by typing a certain number of points or more points in the allotted time interval and so on.

Now you have a general idea of ​​what a match is - it's time to deal with the details.

Origin of the word

In Russian, the usualthe word "game", but no less often the term "match" is also used. With the game everything is clear - so the confrontation is called for the reason that the opponents play with each other. But what does "match" mean? Where did this word come from?

match airtime

Дело в том, что оно является заимствованным, so you can not trace its history in Russian, no matter how hard you try. It happened from the English word match, which, strictly speaking, in English means the same thing.

In Russian, this word came more than a hundred years ago and is actively used to this day.


If you are fond of football, then you needunderstand not only what the word "match" means, but also what role they play in this sport. Specifically, it's about the schedule of matches - it's a pretty complicated system, which at first glance is not so noticeable. You just watch when your favorite team plays, and cheer for it at a particular time. However, if you look deeper, you will understand how difficult the schedule system is.

match schedule

For example, in one championship there are twentyteams - and you need to make sure that for 38 rounds each club played with all the rest twice, while each time the pair were unique, and all twenty clubs could play the game. To compile the schedule of matches, special specialists are hired who are able to analyze the schedule of the games of all the teams, take into account the participation of some of them in Eurocups, national cups, team matches and many other factors.

Thus, the schedule of matches only at first glance seems to be something simple, but in fact it is a very complicated system.

How to watch the match?

Остается один важный вопрос – как можно watch the match? The ether on television is one of the simplest answers. Many channels show the most important matches on a regular basis. Moreover, there are special sports channels, in which the coverage of games is much broader. But even there it is impossible to show absolutely all the matches, so in modern times, most fans use the Internet as a rescue. There you can find broadcasts of absolutely all matches, even those that are held between extremely weak teams, so do not cause the public much interest.

what does the match mean

However, the TV and the computer are notthe only available ways to view matches. You can also indulge in the spirit of football by visiting a sports bar or even a stadium where a particular game is played.

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