/ / Sports rope: description, varieties, application

Sports rope: description, varieties, application

There are many different simulators for trainingsports. Some software-controlled models are more like a spaceship than a conventional treadmill. Along with cutting-edge developments, very simple, familiar shells from childhood, such as a sport cable, do not lose their relevance.


The first mention of it refers to the ancientat times, by the year 129 AD. Rope climbing perfectly trained strength and endurance. Later, the exercise was highlighted in a separate kind of gymnastics program. From 1896 to 1932, even Olympic awards were played.

sports rope

At first the height of the lift was 14 meters, the winner of 1896 was able to complete the task for 23.4 seconds. Then the height was reduced to 7.62 m, the Olympic record - 6.7 s.

The second birth is a rope for climbing sportsfound in the 90 years of the last century in the Czech Republic, where national competitions are held annually. The record of overcoming the shell length of 8 meters is only 5.5 seconds.

In sports

Products can be different in thickness, methodweaving, material of manufacture. Rope sports a child, usually a small diameter. A small handle can not securely fix a thick rope. When it is made using cotton fiber, soft and durable, it can be painted in any color. Children with pleasure master such a simulator for about three years. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the hands, develops skill and dexterity. Ropes for the sports corner (children's) are sometimes made with knots at a certain distance for the convenience of children.

rope for climbing

Traction requires the product to be particularly strong.Efforts are simultaneously applied by a group of people, sometimes several dozen. On both sides wrapped with tape, in order to protect the fibers from rastrepyvaniya. Length - at least 33.5 meters, according to existing rules, one team must consist of at least 8 players.

Sports rope is great for resettingexcess weight and intensive training of athletes. Crossfitters use the horizontal variant, practicing mahi, blows, throws. One end of the projectile is securely fixed in the wall or floor, the free ends with a special anti-slip coating (in order not to rub palms and not to be disheveled) are picked up. The rope is massive, 6-10 meters long.


The definition of the rope is:A strong, thick rope of synthetic, metal or vegetable fibers intertwined in a certain way. Despite the different target use of the projectile, it should be:

  • antiallergenic;
  • smooth, but not slippery;
  • Do not heat up when downhill;
  • strong;
  • thick enough (in diameter).

 sports rope

Absolutely all products are tested for tearing. This is an elementary safety requirement when using a rope.


Materials are divided into two groups: plant and synthetic. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Jute.An annual plant of up to 4 meters in length grows in China, India, Egypt. The sports rope is weaved from 3-4 veins according to the technology worked out for centuries. Modern technology allows you to provide the necessary thickness and strength. Characteristic:

- ecologicaly clean;

- resistant to ultraviolet light;

- antistatic;

- wear-resistant;

- has a low weight.

  • Cotton. Ropes for the sports corner (children's) are made of this material. Characteristic:

- excellent hygienic indicators;

- Elastic;

- resistant to relatively high temperatures;

- does not accumulate static electricity;

- poorly tolerates moisture (subject to rotting);

- there is no breaking of fibers (at bends);

- has an attractive appearance;

- weighs little;

- resistant to breaking load;

- wear-resistant.

ropes for sports corner

  • Sisal. Woven-twisted ropes are made from agave leaves fibers, growing in Kenya, Brazil, Tanzania. Characteristics:

- strong;

- eco-friendly;

- durable;

- light;

- Elastic;

- soft.

  • Manila. Abaca, or manila, - natural fiber, is extracted from textile banana. Grows in the Philippines and the Moluccas. Specifications:

- eco-friendly;

- hygroscopic;

- strong;

- it has a minimum degree of slip;

- high breaking strength.

  • Polypropylene. This is an artificial material, multifilament fiber or film fibrillated filament. Specifications:

- smooth;

- resistant to bends;

- has a high resistance to aggressive environments;

- light;

- wear resistant;

- does not rot;

- elastic;

- badly transfers direct sunshine, deformation reaches 15% (rope lengthening).


Woven or twisted with minimal8 mm in diameter can be considered a rope. Everything that is thinner belongs to ropes or cords. The scope of application is very extensive. Ropes can be divided into groups:

  • sea, used in shipbuilding, sea and river business;
  • rigging (tackle on board);
  • lifting, with their help lift and move loads;
  • towing, towing vehicles is impossible without them;
  • decorative, they make out the premises, furnishings, furniture;
  • rope sports as a projectile in individual disciplines and for training.

Есть еще много отраслей деятельности человека, where it can come in handy. Despite the various technical characteristics, the ropes perform one task - they withstand the high loads assigned to them.


In specialized stores you can choosesuitable sports rope. The price depends on the material of manufacture, brand, length and diameter of the product. It ranges from 120 p. for one running meter to 3000 r. and higher. Large selection and fasteners. It is purchased in a set or separately.

sport rope Price

The main criterion is the operating conditions.The following nuances should be taken into account: fixing method, room humidity, purpose of use. Properly selected projectile will last more than one year and ensure safety during operation.

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