/ / Leonardo Mayer: biography, sports career, achievements, photo

Leonardo Mayer: biography, sports career, achievements, photo

This year, professional tennis player Leonardo Meyerled the Argentine team to the final at the Davis Cup. For thirteen years the athlete has been moving along the career ladder and achieving good results.


Leonardo Mayer was born on May 15, 1987in the city of Corrientes. He is a citizen of Argentina. The athlete grew up in an ordinary large family. His father Orlando works in a bank, and Estela's mother is a teacher at the school. The full name of the tennis player is Leonardo Martin Mayer. He has two brothers, Walter and Gabriel, and one sister, Veronica.

Leonardo Meyer

The height of the athlete is 1 m 88 cm, weight - more80 kg. A strong man leads a rather aggressive style of play. His working hand is right. He perfectly holds one-handed backhand and forehand. Argentine tennis player has a strong pitch and good endurance. Leo has an excellent attack and a game against the net, which is characterized by powerful punches from the back of the field. The trainer of the sportsman is Francisco Yunis. In his spare time, our hero devotes himself with pleasure to football.

The beginning of sports career

Mayer Leonardo, tennis for which has becomean integral part of his life since 1996, seven years of hard training before entering the professional level. He began performing in junior singles and doubles tournaments. At the age of eighteen, he took part in the French Open Tennis Championships. At these competitions, Leonardo Mayer won his first significant victory among male juniors in doubles. Also in 2005 he performed at the annual Dunlop Orange International Tennis Championships in the USA in Florida. And again I won in pair.

Mayer Leonardo Tennis

Mayer Leonardo took part in ITF competitions.In tournaments in the category Challenger in singles, he was four times in the final, but only once won. This happened in 2008. The athlete won then Sergio Roitman.

Participation in the largest tournaments

In 2008, Leo made his debut at the competitionThe Grand Slam. The tennis player participated in three tournaments. In each of them he was eliminated from the second round. The athlete, who is not used to giving up, in 2011 again participates in the Grand Slam. And again he is defeated. A year later, Leonardo Meyer makes the third attempt to win the tournament victory and falls into the third round, from which he still drops out. After participating in the Roland Garros in the Grand Slam series, he took 51st place in the ranking. In 2009, the Argentine tennis player showed a good game in the USA at the LA Tennis Open and Pilot Pen Tennis competitions. He was able to pass into the semifinals and the quarterfinals, respectively.

Mayer Leonardo

At the age of 21, the rating of Leonardo Mayerallowed him to get on the list of the ATP tournament. In Kitzbühel, he reached the second round in the main grid and lost to the finalist of the competition Jurgen Melzer. In February 2009, the tennis player broke into the quarterfinals in Acapulco.

A year later, for the first time in his professionalcareer falls into the finals of the ATP in San Jose in a doubles category among men. Leonardo Mayer, along with partner Benyamin Becker, lost to two Americans - Mardi Fish and Sam Quarry. It was a worthy defeat. In 2014, the Argentine tennis player won one ATP tournament in Hamburg alone.

Meyer's achievements

For the entire career of tennis player the highest rating of Leowas 21st in 2015. As of 2016, its rate has dropped significantly. Now he occupies the 132nd position. It is known that in 2015 Meyer played in the national team of Argentina in the Davis Cup. The team reached the semifinals, where they lost in the fight with the Belgians. A year later a native of Corrientes was able to promote the Argentine national team to the finals. He won the decisive battle in singles with the English tennis player Daniel Evans.

Leonardo Meyer

Leonardo Meyer will certainly enter the national team of Argentina at the Davis Cup final, which will be held in November 2016 in Zagreb. The team will fight with Croatia.

It is worth noting that Leonardo Mayer is two years oldin a row became the owner of the prestigious Olimpia Award. In 2014 and 2015, on the basis of the seasons, he was awarded the title of the best tennis player in Argentina. In addition, Leonardo Martin Mayer was held not only as an athlete, but also as a family man. He is married and is waiting for the appearance of the first child.

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