/ / Tips for beginners: how to paddle on a horizontal bar

Tips for beginners: how to punch on a horizontal bar

When a person decides to start playing sports,he does not need to go to the gym immediately. Especially if he is far from his house. The first exercises can be done in the apartment or in the yard, using the most simple devices for this. One of these simple shells is an ordinary horizontal bar. In order to understand how to get pumped on a horizontal bar, you need to know a few basic principles.

How to learn to pull yourself together

The main thing is gradualness. Do not rush events. Especially if you have never been in sports before, or it's been a long time. First you need to let your muscles and tendons get used to the bar.

Если вы не можете подтянуться ни разу или лишь dream of how to paddle on a horizontal bar, leave your dreams and start acting. You will need to perform two exercises. The first is to just grab the crossbar and hang for a few minutes on it. So you will accustom the tendon to an unusual load.

The second exercise is pull-up.But not as usual, but in light conditions. That is, you need to choose a horizontal bar so that it is at the level of your belt or chest. You need to take on him the usual grip, take a step under the crossbar and hang. In this case, the feet will be on the ground. In this position, you need to make the maximum amount of pinching your chin to the crossbar.

Do this exercise for at least two weeks.Gradually increase the number of pull-ups, and bring them up to a hundred times a day - then you yourself will understand how to pump muscles on the bar. This simple exercise will prepare your back and hands for serious stresses.

When you can pull up twenty times in a row- It's time to move on to the real exercises. In this case, you need to remember the most important rule - during pull-ups, the body should always remain flat and do not make impulsive movements.

Turnstile in the apartment

First, let's consider the option of how tohorizontal bar if it is limited by space - for example, mounted in a box of interior doors in an apartment. However, all the recommendations with this arrangement of the projectile are suitable for training in the yard.


Pulling is considered one of the best exercisesfor the development of the latissimus muscle of the back - the one that gives the body an attractive muscular appearance. It should be borne in mind that this exercise can be performed in several ways and at the same time develop different muscle groups.

It is necessary to use all types of grips - onwidth of shoulders, slightly wider than shoulders and very wide grip. In the first and second cases, the middle parts of the widest muscles are best pumped, and in the latter, the uppermost.

The biceps arm (biceps)

Although pull-ups in and of themselves havesecondary impact on the muscles of the hands, you can still work separately on the popular biceps. For this it is necessary to take hold of the crossbar with a grip to yourself (the palms are directed towards you), and connect them. Brushes should be placed side by side, touching each other.

This pull-up carries the main stresson the biceps, and the latissimus and forearms are subjected to secondary effects. This exercise is also convenient because it can be done on any ledge, trimming a pipe or a bitch. Because for a grip you need only about 15 centimeters of the crossbar.

Tourist yard

Разобравшись, как накачаться на турнике в conditions of an apartment, we pass to trainings in a court yard. There is enough space above the bar to do additional exercises for the development of the abdominal, chest and triceps muscles of the shoulder (triceps).

Abdominal Press

To train the lower abdominals, you needhang on the bar, straighten the legs and in this form, lift them first to the level of the belt, and then to the level of the chest. Gradually, you need to increase the amplitude and reach the touch of the crossbar over your head.

Breast and triceps

In the yard you can learn the "up-turn" exercise. For this, in one movement, lift your legs to the horizontal bar, tighten, and throw the pelvis onto the crossbar. Turning back, you will find yourself above the projectile.

Since the bar is under you, and yourest against it with your hands, now you have triceps and the lower part of your chest. Slowly start bending your arms, going down. Do it to the end is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, the exercise should be brought to about half, and then straighten your arms. Its effect is very similar to push-up on the uneven bars.

Methods of training

It is best to always do several approaches to10-12 repetitions. Thus it is necessary to adhere to the main rule - between approaches there should be no more than one minute, and each repetition should take not less than 4-5 seconds.

Now you already understand how quickly to gethorizontal bar. This is a very effective shell, which allows you to increase the strength of the muscles of the upper half of the body. After all these exercises, you can move on to other, more advanced ways of training on the crossbar.

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