/ / Reports on fishing in the suburbs. Winter fishing in the Moscow region: reports and recommendations of fishermen

Reports about fishing in the Moscow region. Winter fishing in the Moscow region: reports and recommendations of fishermen

Russian fishing is not just a sport orenthusiasm. This is a vocation, lifestyle or even art. For a true angler, there is no sweeter moment than the choice of gear and bait, anxious waiting, and then enjoying the smell and taste of the catch cooked on a fire. But such a expanse for an amateur to sit on the bank with a fishing rod, as in the suburbs, you will not find anywhere else. Just look at the map to understand that fishing is possible and necessary here. Today we want to discuss fishing reports in the Moscow region. Here is a myriad of reservoirs, rivers and lakes, in which live a variety of fish species.

reports about fishing in the Moscow region

Options for you

The largest bodies of water in the area areartificial, however there are natural rivers and lakes. All of them are interconnected by small rivers. There are chances to catch a bream, roach and bleak, perch. However, reports on fishing in the Moscow region suggest that for a more relaxing holiday and guaranteed fishing, it is better to visit various fishing bases, each of which is replete with certain underwater inhabitants. On paid reservoirs, fish are specially imported and bred, so you just have to enjoy the active bite.

Recently, the choice in favor of the lastis happening more often. The bite is affected by climate change and environmental conditions, as well as an increasing number of poachers. However, reports on fishing in the Moscow region are encouraging. You have every chance to catch pike and carp, carp and trout. The description of the reservoirs should help you choose the most appropriate place.

reports about fishing in the Moscow region about winter

Natural reservoirs

First of all, these are rivers.Flowing water to taste many types of fish. For example, the Sherna River in the village of Mamontovo. Reports on fishing in the Moscow region often mention this section of the river, as it is very picturesque. Medium-sized fish, ruffs and asp, crucian carp, rudd, tench and perch. You can catch here on spinning, fly fishing, float fishing rod and bottom gear. Of the bait is best suited worms or caddis larvae.

Next on our list will be the river Sturgeon,which flows near the village of Boksha. Reports on fishing in the Moscow region are not so often mentioned about this body of water, as it is small and large specimens are almost not found here. The bed of the river is winding, it is in the area of ​​this settlement the flow is average. Here the best result will come from underwater fishing with spinning.

So different, but always exciting can befishing in the suburbs. Reports of fishermen suggest that on the Molokcha River one can always count on capturing such species of fish: crucian carp, roach, pike, perch, ide and bleak. On open water it is best to catch a float rod or feeder. In this case, you can catch small individuals. Bottom gear will allow to count on larger fish. In winter, mormyshki and zherlitsy are used.

fishing in the suburbs of fishermen reports

Natural lakes

Fishing reports from the Moscow region reservoirs speak aboutthat it is impossible to catch anything interesting in the river. Therefore, if you are counting not only on a good pastime, but also on prey, then go better to the lake. Stagnant water is popular with crucians, pikes and many other ichthyofauna representatives. Kuznetsovskoye Lake is valued among fishermen. It is located in the north of the Moscow region. The road is far and not good everywhere, so few come here. The lake is rich in stocks of fish stock. Here are beautifully caught beauty and perch, bleak and tench, pike and ruff. It is best to fish from an inflatable boat. Bottom gear here is better not to use, because the bottom is muddy. Arriving for a crucian, you will be surprised how often a tench to a kilogram of weight comes across the bait.

winter fishing in the suburbs of fishermen reports

Peat bogs

The most remote and uncomfortable places for fishing.They are located in the northeast of Moscow, behind Sergiev Posad. The road is bad, catching from the shore will not work, you definitely need a boat. The area of ​​the marshes is huge, and the depth does not exceed 2 meters. The main prey is crucian carp and tench. There are pike and perch. For peaceful fish, you can use spinning or ordinary fishing rod. Pulling a pike out of the undergrowth is easier with the help of gliders or silicone baits.

Paid water reservoirs

This is where the best fishing available.Moscow region. Reports of fishermen, maps of reservoirs will allow you to choose the option that suits you best. The fish farm "Mozhaysky" is located within the boundaries of the village of Parfenki. The distance is about 100 km from Moscow. Here you can relax with the whole family, you will find a beautiful forest full of berries and mushrooms, and birds singing.

Fishing is organized on two ponds.Both are stocked well, there are carp and crucian carp, catfish and silver carp, pike and grass carp, tench and perch. Each year, ponds are stocked with one kind or another to maintain balance. Not far opened another pond where trophy fish and trout are grown. The latest reports about fishing in the Moscow region say that here you can make everyone's cherished dream come true, catch a copy of a few kilograms, and then tell about it to everyone you know.

Underwater inhabitants behave quite actively, feeding is not required. Take with you the bottom and float gear.

Fishing in the suburbs of the reports of fishermen of the map of reservoirs

Winter Adventures

If you want to fish in the cold season,then welcome to Lesnoe Lake. The thickness of the ice, depending on the air temperature, is up to 14 cm. Winter rods, bloodworms and lures are required. The places are rich in fish, there are a lot of bream and roach, there is pike and pike perch. If you are counting on civilians, then use moth as bait. The predator begins to take after 10 o'clock in the morning. Copies are very interesting, at least one and a half kilogram. Reports on fishing in the Moscow region (about winter) suggest that more often pike is caught, perch and pike perch do not show interest in gear.

Lviv ponds

Here the main prey in the winter can bewhitefish. To go fishing stands by mid-January, in the presence of good weather. Be sure to make a good feeding, then the fish will come to the hole and the bite will go. You can catch up to 10 kg per day. Individuals are not too large, up to 500 g. At Lviv ponds there is a very beautiful nature, and in winter it acquires a special charm.

The latest reports on fishing in the Moscow region

"Trial Russian fishing"

This company operates inamateur fishing and recreation. The pond is located in the Moscow region, in the Chekhov district, at a distance of 63 km from the MKAD. A pond with an area of ​​8 hectares, with depths from 1 to 10 meters, is well stocked.

Here are found carp and carp, perch and grass carp,pike and silver carp, catfish, trout and tench. With such a variety, success will depend only on your specific skills. But the most interesting event is winter fishing in the Moscow region. Reports of fishermen say that if you want to catch a really interesting specimen, then come from September 20th. The cost of fishing without a catch limit is 2000 per day. The winter season starts on October 1st. 5 persons are allowed per person.

fishing reports from the Moscow region

Fishing in Kurovo, on the Ruzovsky reservoir

This is an artificial reservoir in the western part.Moscow region. The reservoir is a popular holiday destination for residents of the capital. The pond gives good catches of bleak and carp, perch and bream, roach and perch. Fishing is very popular here in the winter. Amateurs and professionals mark the active bite of the perch, which is no longer found anywhere in the nearby waters. Eagerly grab any tackle, but mormyshk with a reptile moth are especially good.

Large copies come across in the first monthafter the ice has settled. The best perch spots are in the middle of the reservoir. But the pike perch is well caught in the depths between the villages of Shcherbinka and Tokarevo. Catch a predator on spinners, with ice. A dace goes across the territory. Mormyskim tackles with a moth are used for its use, although it is normally caught without it. In winter, people come here for burbot. The best places for this are located on the right bank.

Fishing in the Moscow region is very diverse andfascinating. On local waters you can have a good time and breathe fresh air, and in between times catch some good representatives of the underwater world.

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