/ How to choose a fishing echo sounder: advice to anglers

How to choose a fishing echo sounder: advice for anglers

Fishing is not just a hobby, buttechnological occupation, as evidenced by a fishing echo sounder. This novelty has touched all kinds of fishing: rod, spinning, feeder, fishing from the boat. The market presents devices of different manufacturers, differing not only in value, but also in functionality. In order not to get confused in this diversity, the fisherman should know as much as possible about the device.

Fish sounder

What is an echo sounder

A fishing echo sounder is a device,which is equipped with a transducer. It sends sound pulses in a certain direction, and is also able to receive the reflected signals from the surfaces. Then they enter the processor unit, where the received information is processed and displayed on the display. As a result, fishermen can see on the screen the surface of the bottom, underwater objects in the selected territory, the depth.

Echolocation for fishing

The criteria for choosing the echolocation depend largely on the type of fishing for which it will be used. Based on this, you can make the choice of the device itself. The main criteria are:

  • power of echolocation;
  • scanning depth;
  • display type;
  • food;
  • bracket type;
  • the ability to install additional devices.

In stores there is a huge range, but withchoosing a model is important to take into account not only its technical and functional data, but also the price. There are options that have huge possibilities, up to the real-time display of the bottom of the reservoir and the fish schools that float along it, and there are some that display only the structure of the bottom.

Fishing echo sounders for winter fishing

Types of sonar

In the photo, fishing echosounders are used for a variety of fishing methods. For this type of application, the following division of devices occurs:

  1. Models for boats.
  2. Sonars for winter fishing.
  3. Devices with the possibility of use from shore.

For winter fishing sonar must be compact and have excellent resistance to low temperatures. An important indicator for them will be the ability to scan the bottom state at shallow depths.

For fishing from the shore, wirelessdevice. They perform bottom scanning and transmit the signal using radio waves. Outwardly, such devices can be easily distinguished from others: coastal sonars have a float, to which the sensor is fixed. The float is fixed on the line and thrown together with the sensor into the water, then dragged in the opposite direction. During the movement, the reservoir is scanned.


Все рыбацкие эхолоты работают по принципу reflections from the bottom and underwater objects of a signal of various frequency. A beam, i.e., a signal directed in a certain direction, has a fixed viewing angle. In its width it can be narrow and wide, combined. The most advanced models of fishing echosounders are capable of creating 3D images of underwater terrain. However, such devices are expensive. Cheap options have one beam.

Narrow beam is able to conduct bottom studiespond at an angle of up to 24 degrees. Due to the small dispersion of the signal, the picture is more realistic. However, due to the small viewing angle, it is difficult to find a fish with such a ray.

Wide beams conduct a survey of the surface at an angle of up to 90 degrees. However, such models draw a little worse. This option allows you to see a large area of ​​the reservoir and quickly find flocks of fish.

Repair of fish echo sounders in Saratov

Depth of echolocation

Many people ask:but how to choose a fish finder? The answer to it is ambiguous. When choosing one of the most important indicators is the depth of echolocation. It depends on the output power of the device and the frequency of the beam. If the approximate depth of the reservoir is known, where it is planned to use the sonar, it is better to take the device with a small margin. If there is no binding to a particular pond, then it is worth taking the depth sounder with the greatest depth of measurement.


After the type of the device and its power are selected, it is necessary to decide what the display should look like and how it will display the received data.

Fishing echo sounders for winter fishing and othersdevices for other purposes can show the picture in black and white, in color. The latter type is more expensive. The price is also affected by the diagonal of the screen, the graphic resolution. It is measured in pixels and gives an accurate picture. This is important in the study of a water body with great depth.

A small number of vertical pixels in the deep water will not be able to display small objects.

Fisherman's depth sounder will show the corpse of a man under water

If you plan to use the echo sounder for a largedepth, then you should think about buying a device with the function of increasing the picture on the screen. Such models will provide more detailed information about what is happening at depth.

Horizontally, a large number of pixelsvery useful. Such devices are able to display additional topographic maps, according to which it is possible not only to follow the route, but to mark the selected places with points on the map.

During operation, the device not only displaysstructure of the bottom, but also transmits information about underwater objects, highlighting the points on the screen with different intensity of color. In order to see in more detail a pond, it is better to buy an echo sounder with a color display. And the more shades are displayed on the display, the more information the fisher will receive about the place of fishing. On the other hand, if you plan to use the echo sounder only for catching in a certain pond, then a monochrome version of the device is quite suitable: 16 gradations of gray will be enough to determine schools of fish.

Some models can display realistica picture of the bottom. This function allows you to create photorealistic images on the sounder display. However, such devices are not cheap, but they can show not only the bottom, but also all objects: fallen trees, piece fish. Such a fishing sounder will show the corpse of a man under the water at an impressive depth.

How to choose a fishing sounder

The displays themselves can be very different.For fishing from the shore, boats are considered the most convenient models of displays that can be fixed on the hand (in the form of hours). On a small screen, the sonar displays the state of the bottom and shows whether there is a fish.

Sounder power supply

The power supply of the device depends on the model, although here its niceties. The type of battery depends on the allowable input power, power consumption.

Fishing sounder from the boat

Sonar sensor mount

Various manufacturers offer products withdifferent types of attachment. There are models equipped with universal solutions, but this is rare. Most often, sonars are equipped with fasteners on the transom of boats, submersible options for winter fishing. Fishing echo sounder from the boat can be supplied with a bracket for inflatable PVC boats. Improper attachment may require repair of a fishing echo sounder in Saratov or in any other city.

Additional Features

To some models of sonar, you can connect additional devices. The most commonly used additional module echolocation, color display.

In addition to the additionally connected devices, when choosing a sonar, it is important to consider the additional capabilities of the echo sounder itself. The best are the sonars, equipped with:

  • water temperature indicator;
  • navigation system;
  • sensitivity setting;
  • beep when fish is detected;
  • moisture protection;
  • the ability to save settings.

When choosing a model, you should consider the size of the boat, because it would be a pity to drop an expensive device into the water.

Fishing sounder photo

Any type of echo sounder will guaranteegood catch in any reservoir and in any weather. If you choose the right model, even in those places where no one can find fish, sonar will allow you to catch impressive specimens, and in a short time, because with this device the fisherman will know exactly where to throw the tackle and which way the flock of fish is swimming. In addition to fishing, it is worth taking bite activators, as well as tackles with increased sensitivity. Some fishermen use pheromones to lure the schools of fish found by the sonar to the fishing spot. There are other ways to get huge catches, but in any case sonar is an indispensable thing.

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