/ / Swedish children's sports wall for home

Children's sports wall Swedish for home

Physical development of the baby is one of the main priorities for caring parents. To help the child grow strong and healthy is able children's sports wall.

Let's find out what you should pay attention to when choosing such equipment, let's figure out how to make such a convenient tool for training at home.

children's sports walls for home

What is the wall bars?

Children's walls for sports home are a simplified version of equipment, which is traditionally located around the perimeter of gyms in educational institutions.

For use in domestic conditionsmanufacturers often offer inventory that consists of only one section. Therefore, children's sports wall in the apartment is delivered and mounted there without any problems. It is a ladder from the ceiling to the floor, in the upper part of which there is a horizontal bar for pulling up.

In addition such inventory can be completed:

  • benches;
  • rope ladders;
  • parallel bars;
  • soft grip and armrests;
  • rope ladders;
  • ropes.

children's sports wall in the room

What do the lessons on the wall?

First of all, the children's sports wall allowsdevelop the flexibility of the whole body. Regular classes provide an opportunity to get a truly attractive, athletic figure. The operation of such equipment contributes to the training of the cardiovascular system. In the end, studying on the wall, the child receives a whole lot of positive emotions.

Type of construction

What form does a household children's sports wall have? Swedish wall can be represented as follows:

  1. I-shaped models - the easiest optionexecution. The design is presented in the form of 2 parallel racks connected by crossbeams. Can be fastened or fixed to the wall. This solution does not allow for the use of additional attachments.
  2. L-shaped models - the most common walls. The upper part of the structure is represented by a one-sided handle or a simple horizontal bar. Suitable for placement in fairly cramped apartments.
  3. T-shaped models - extremely practicaldecision. Similar constructions are attached to the floor or ceiling in place. The staircase is located in the middle of the room, and from it in all directions to the walls, various beams and ropes diverge.
  4. П-образные модели – наиболее массивные structures designed for installation in spacious rooms. Suitable for picking numerous additional rows of beams, rings, rope ladders.

children's sports wall do it yourself

Wooden children's sports wall

Often in the production of children's walls fordomestic use as the material used in the manufacture of wood beech or pine. All parts are amenable to grinding and fitting, are treated with paint and varnish coatings.

What are the benefits of buying a wooden wall? Here it is worth noting the following:

  1. When using such equipment, the child does nothave to experience extra discomfort. Wood gives pleasant tactile sensations, has a slightly rough surface, does not cool as much as metal.
  2. Wooden children's sports wall bars for home are less traumatic than metal. On the steps and crossbars of such models the skin slips less.

However, wood products have relativelylow margin of safety. It is rather difficult to choose a reliable wall from such a material that would withstand the loads that are on the structure when bundled with a bench for a bar, with hanging bars.

Wood is less resistant to environmental influences. Therefore, it is advisable to operate such walls in dry, protected from direct sunlight exposure rooms.

children's sports wall photo

Metal wall

Quite often, children's wall sports for homeare made from metal hot-rolled profile. For such constructions, a profile with a size of 30 x 30 mm with a wall thickness of about 2 cm is used, which is quite enough to support the weight of babies.

The main advantage of metal products -highest strength, resistance to mechanical stress. This opens up the possibility for the use of a whole range of additional equipment, the organization of classes with weights. Metal children's sports wall can be easily supplemented by hanging bars, bar stops, and benches for the press.

At the same time, the metal is not so pleasanttouch like a tree. As a result of grinding by the user's hands, the surface of the crossbars becomes slippery over time. Therefore, metal sports walls are considered to be more traumatic.


There are several options for fixing the children's sports wall:

  1. Landing on special U-shaped brackets.The children's sports wall, which is installed in the room, reliably rests with its feet on the floor, after which it is fixed with fasteners in 3-4 places to the wall. This option is not suitable when installing inventory in rooms with floors made of plasterboard.
  2. Довольно распространенным решением выступает fixing the wall with spacers. The latter are installed between the floor and the ceiling. This solution seems irrational in the presence of suspended ceilings.
  3. Mixed fixation - the children's sports wall is delivered to the room, screwed to the wall, and then pulled apart between the floor and the ceiling. This method of installation is considered the most reliable.

children's sports wall

Wall Precautions

Safety is one of the main criteriaaccording to which you should choose one or another children's wall bars. The main factor here is the level of environmental friendliness of the material manufactured. On this basis, it is better to give preference to designs made of natural wood.

If the wall is purchased for a very young baby,classes should be supervised by parents. Older children can train without support. But so that the child does not hurt himself, mattresses, mats or mats should be placed under the inventory. All this can be bundled with the wall or purchased separately.

children's sports wall bars for home


Start using the Swedish sportswalls are not recommended for injuries or exacerbations of diseases of the back. Before training, be sure to warm up, which will protect against unpleasant tendon sprains.

It is worth highlighting a number of basic common exercises that can be performed on the wall bars:

  1. Подтягивание.At first glance, it is a completely non-children's exercise. However, it is beneficial, even if the baby does not fully succeed in raising its body. Thanks to the efforts made, the muscles of the back, arms and chest are involved.
  2. "Spring".Exercise makes posture proportional, visually reduces the waist. To perform it, the upper crossbar is gripped in position with its back against the wall. The toes of the legs stretch upward, the heels to the floor, and the chin pressed against the chest.
  3. Pull back legs.A position is taken facing the wall in the wall on the crossbar, the feet are thrown behind the back and come back. Regular exercise helps to develop the muscles of the legs and back.
  4. "Pendulum". Performed hanging on the crossbar with the head to the wall, legs are retracted in one direction, and then move in the opposite direction. In this case, the muscles of the back and lower back are involved.
  5. Lift the legs.The user is located in the back with his back to the crossbeams, the limbs are bent at the knees and move towards the chest, and then descend to the starting position. The exercise is designed for training the abdominal muscles.

children's sports wall do-it-yourself drawings

Children's sports wall. Do you own hands?

Let's take a look at how personallymake a swedish wall for the child. First you need to prepare well-dried, aged wood. If the structure will be operated by young children, it is better to give preference to soft rocks - pine or linden. The latter are easier to process compared to the same beech, oak or ash.

Course of work

For the manufacture of children's Swedish wall the following steps are performed:

  • an edged board is acquired with a width of about 30 cm, a thickness of 4-5 cm and a length of about 2.5 m;
  • the workpiece is cut lengthwise using a circular machine (15 cm each);
  • wood is cut off, sharp edges and corners are eliminated;
  • in the blanks, which will play the role of parallel racks, holes are drilled under the crossbar;
  • all surfaces are sanded with sandpaper;
  • holes are made in the wall for mounting.

For the manufacture of wooden slatsblanks with a length of about 70 cm are cut. The material is machined on a lathe until the diameter of such jumpers is 3.5 cm, which will be convenient for the child to grip. The final surface polishing is carried out, if necessary - the treatment with paint and varnish compositions.

To assemble the structure into a whole, you may need a whole set of fasteners. These are, above all, screws, bolts, confirmats, bolts and nuts, hexagons, angles and dowels.

How is going to children's sports wall with their own hands? Drawings will allow to understand this issue.

children's sports wall

If desired, the self-made wall can be completed with additional sports equipment: ropes, bars, horizontal bar, gymnastic rings.


As you can see, there are quite a fewparameters that are worth paying attention to when choosing a children's wall bars. Before you give preference to one or another option, it is advisable to ask the seller how high-quality materials for the manufacture of such equipment, to get acquainted with the characteristics of the presented model.

Another question - how much will the child likechildren's sports wall. Photos of various options for the execution of such equipment can be seen in this material. Visual examples will allow you to select several suitable options before visiting the store.

If no ready-made solution satisfies the needs of the child, it is worth thinking about the possibility of making the Swedish sports wall with your own hands.

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