/ How to choose a 20 inch bike for a boy?

How to choose a 20 inch bike for a boy?

Bicycles with 20 inch rims are suitable forboys of preschool age. Models each differ in the length of the frame, the height of the rack and the braking system. Suspensions in this case are applied with protection. Forks are installed under the steering columns of different widths.

Втулки у многих велосипедов встречаются planetary type. Calipers for models are applied with rings. Steering columns are used with double or single strips. Pedals are found, as a rule, from plastic. There is a good bike in the shops (20-inch wheel) about 23 thousand rubles.

stealth bike 20 inch

How to choose a good bike?

First of all, it is recommended to pay attentionon the quality of the brake system. Models with planetary bushings are very much appreciated. Devices with wide horns better not to choose. Separately, it is important to pay attention to the seat. It is produced adjustable and unregulated type. On average, the width of the rack is 2.3 cm. For a boy up to 8 years old this is quite enough.

Pedals better to look afterplastic platforms. However, in width they should not be too wide. In order not to be mistaken in choosing a good model, it is important to know the quality manufacturers and look after the most popular models.

20 inch wheel

Features of models Premier Sport 1010

This bike (folding) 20 inches enjoysvery popular. For children under the age of nine, it fits great. However, it is important to note that the device uses a small frame. Her landing is rather low. Racks at the bicycle of the specified series are made completely of aluminum. Calipers are set pretty high quality. Metal carriages in the model are missing.

According to customer reviews, takeawayprovided for optimum height. In this case, the frame when driving does not interfere. The rims in the specified bike are firmly installed, and the bearings fly very rarely. Buy a model of this series can be priced from 26 thousand rubles.

Opinion about models Premier Sport 1020

This is a versatile and affordable 20 inch bike.It is made with two carriages. The chain guard is made entirely of aluminum. According to customer reviews, the saddle can be adjusted without a key. In this case, the takeaway is not very big. In this case, problems with the steering column are rare. Before buying a product, it is important to know that the pedals are erased very quickly. Flashlight to the steering column is quite simple to attach.

You can install others if you like.The protective sleeve of the bicycle of the specified series is used of planetary type. The wings are made entirely of plastic. According to the owners, the bike is great for boys no older than nine years old. There is a model in the sporting goods store about 34 thousand rubles.

Reviews bikes Premier Sport 1230

Presented children's bikes 20 inchesreviews tend to get good. Landing frame at the model is low. If you believe the reviews of customers, the plug is able to serve for quite some time. However, it is important to note the low quality of the manometers. In this case, the protection of the chain sometimes cracks. For children under six years old, the model fits great. Brake lever installed in aluminum.

Grips in the presented bike are missing.Brakes the rim pretty quickly. It is also important to note that the saddle is adjustable without problems. However, this will require a special key from the kit. The pedals of the model are used without protective covers. The steering column is used classic form. Present in our time these children's bikes of 20 inches are about 35 thousand rubles.

teenage bike 20 inch

Features of Mars 03 models

This is an inexpensive and high-quality bike 20 inches.How old is the model? If you believe the manufacturer, then it is great for boys up to ten years. Reviews he mainly deserves good from buyers. However, some notice the poor quality of the frame. The width of the rack is 2.3 cm. According to customers, the seat is configured without a key.

In total, the model uses two shifters.The seatpost is rarely polluted. Wings lined quite wide, and they crack rarely. On the circuit protection is made quite high quality. The depreciation system of the bike in this series is missing. The frame is able to withstand heavy loads. Drawing from it is erased very quickly. Platforms on the pedals manufacturer installed is not very wide. Buy this teenage bike 20 inches user is able at a price of 33 thousand rubles.

20 inch bike at what age

Opinion on Stealth Enjoy models

Specified Stealth Bike 20 "made with quality wings. According to customers, the seat of the model is easy to set up, and the key is not required for this. The steering column is applied with double overlays. Flashlight to the bike of the specified series is quite simple to connect. A model of various colors is produced, and choosing the desired coloring will not be difficult. The wings of the model are fixed very firmly. If we talk about the minuses, it is important to note the scrolling of the chain.

The asterisk in the model is applied with small teeth.They are overwritten very quickly. If you believe the buyers, then the winding can be changed independently. The grips in the presented model are in an accessible place. High quality rim. Many praise this bike also for the brake system. First of all it is important to note that the cable is erased slowly. Also, this brake system is remarkable wide flange. It is made entirely of stainless steel. There is no possibility to fix the trunk on the specified model. There is a bicycle of the presented series in the area of ​​26 thousand rubles.

20 inch folding bike

Reviews of bikes "Stealth Bravo"

Specified Stealth Bike 20 inch fitfor boys of different ages. The frame of the model is provided with a low-slung. She has no partition. If you believe the buyers, the pedals are erased very rarely. Also, this model deserves attention because of the high-quality wings. They are fixed on the pin quite firmly. If necessary, lining the steering column can be replaced. The protrusion on the frame is not much in the way. Seatpost provided with a thread.

According to customers, the carriage breaksinfrequently. Brake pads on the bike are made entirely of steel. The steering column of the model is of the classic type. Grips are installed on one pad. The braking system as a whole behaves well. Rims are deformed very rarely. To ride on the bumps model fits well. The rear suspension in this case is installed without depreciation. It is represented by a bicycle of 20 inches for a boy in the area of ​​29 thousand rubles.

children's bikes 20 inches

Features models Azimut Crossere 20

Представленный велосипед 20 дюймов для мальчика different sturdy steering wheel. The brake system is installed without bushings. If you believe customer reviews, the seat provides high quality. In this case, the shifters are used with a connecting rod. The pin under the steering column is used a small diameter. In total, the model under the carriage has two pads. The rim is set quite wide. If you believe the buyers, then for children up to ten years, the model fits great. Pedals at the bicycle of the specified series are installed without linings. Flashlight on the rack fix quite problematic.

The model has a low frame for small children.fits great. In this case, the plug is designed for a limiting pressure of 3 N. Protection has not been established for the circuit. According to buyers, the steering wheel turns very smoothly. However, before buying, please note that the seat is not installed high. The indicated bike is 20 inches for a boy in the market for about 38 thousand rubles.

Opinion on the models Azimut Crossere 22

This is a high-quality and comfortable bike of 20 inches.How old is it? The manufacturer indicates that the model is suitable for boys up to eight years. The presented bicycle is made with three carriages. The chain in this case is of high quality. According to customers, bearing problems are rare. The protection of the chain is made entirely of aluminum. The bike of this series weighs extremely little. If we talk about the minuses, it is important to note a wide frame.

20 inch bike for a boy

For small children, the model is not suitablethe best way. Cranks at the bike are installed with bearings. The steering column extends upward only by 12 cm. According to customers, the seat is not very comfortable. To ride on bumps bike fits poorly. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the manners. They are erased quite quickly. The front brakes are also not of the best quality. This bike is 20 inches for a boy about 27,400 rubles.

Reviews about bikes Extreme Bike 20

The bicycle of the presented series is made withframe high landing. If you believe the reviews of customers, the rack is deformed very rarely. Protection from the chain manufacturer is not provided. Grips for this model are not installed the best quality. Directly pedals are made with double lining. Seatpost on the frame is fixed securely. The chain is able to withstand heavy loads. The saddle of the model has a maximum of 14 cm. It is possible to buy the specified bicycle on the market at a price of 25 thousand rubles and more.

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