/ / Irina Kiseleva: biography of the famous Soviet athlete

Irina Kiseleva: biography of the famous Soviet athlete

Modern pentathlon, in which she showed herselfIrina Kiseleva, has been developing rapidly since the middle of the last century. Athletes compete in five sports: competitions (equestrian sport with obstacles), running, swimming, fencing and shooting.

Irina Kiseleva became the four-time championpeace in this sport and twice took gold in the personal championship. In this article you will learn more about her life: sports career, family, current activities.


Kiseleva Irina Vladimirovna was born on July 23, 1967 in the city of Moscow. The girl was born in a sports family. The father of the sportswoman is Kiselyov Vladimir Petrovich, the famous coach of the USSR, master sports and part-time teacher RGUFK on modern Pentathlon techniques.

Irina Kiseleva

As a child, Irina was very often sick, was weakchild. Her father's main goal was to strengthen her daughter's health. Having come into the sport, Irina Kiseleva really stopped often getting sick and started to achieve results very quickly. For her family, this was a pleasant surprise, because the achievements of a small athlete exceeded all expectations. According to Irina Kiseleva, the main reason for its success can be considered strong character and good genes.

The beginning of sports career

Career Irina Kiseleva began at age 13.For sports this is a late age. However, by the age of 16, the beginning athlete had joined the USSR team. Being in this team, Irina became the four-time world champion.

In August 1986, Irina Kiseleva took gold in the World Pentathlon World Championships, which took place among women in Montecatini (France). Then the athlete was only 19 years old.

Kiseleva irina

A year later, in 1987, a 20-year-old athletetakes gold in yet another world championship in modern pentathlon, which was held in the city of Bainshem in Germany. Both medals were won in a personal championship. Then Irina Kiselyova was even brought to the Guinness Book of Records.

Education and teaching activities

Sports did not stop Irina Kiseleva from gettingeducation. In parallel with the sports career, the girl studied in the city of Moscow in the State Institute of Physical Culture. This institute acquired the status of an academy, and since 2011 has become a university.

Irina studied at the Faculty of Modern Pentathlon, and she really liked it.

Irina Kiseleva

In the third year Kiseleva had an ideaengage in coaching activities. She started with the fact that she taught physical education lessons to children from the mathematical school. The famous sportswoman herself came up with training programs and exercises.

Irina recalls that one of her students is soI fell in love with physical education and so much took a great interest in modern pentathlon that I came to this sport. Subsequently, the girl became the world champion surprisingly all her relatives.

A family

Irina Kiseleva was married to the master of sports in modern pentathlon Sergei Biryukov. April 29, 1992, Irina and Sergei had a son, Mikhail.

After the birth of the child, the sportswoman appearedthe goal is to instill a love for the son in sports. Since the woman herself was very painful in her childhood, she wanted to protect her child from this. And at the same time and return the former sports form lost due to pregnancy.

Kiseleva Irina is vladimirovna

To vaccinate my son Mikhail with a love of sport Irinabeginning with proper nutrition, massages and gymnastics. Good health and a parental example led to the fact that Michael independently came to the sport. Mikhail Biryukov became the best junior in Russia in tennis. As Irina says, the son just took the racket, came to the parents and told them that he wants to become a tennis player.

Irina Kiseleva advises all parents who want to bring their children to a big sport, follow her example - to strengthen the health of children.

Irina Kiseleva is proud of the fact that her family came out a real sports dynasty.

Present time: working for Smile & Co

At the moment, Irina Kiseleva is the mainmethodologist and trainer in the children's sports club Smile & Co. The main goal of her activity and activity of the whole club is the deserved sportswoman considers the physical development of children. Below in the photo, Irina Kiseleva conducts an activity in the club Smile & Co.

irina ciselepha photo

Strength, speed, flexibility, agility and endurance - all this can be achieved only by training.

The main feature of the club Irina considers the use of an individual approach. This helps to better reveal the abilities of each child.

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