/ / Develop the body by performing push-ups from the floor

Develop the body by performing push-ups from the floor

Any person knows what to maintain a goodphysical form is very important. Many attend for these purposes sports halls, swimming pools and similar establishments. Unfortunately, not everyone has the financial ability to do this, or they may simply not have enough time to go anywhere besides all other activities. However, nothing is impossible, and the physical form can be maintained at home, performing all known simple exercises.

In order to maintain their muscles in tone,not attending the gym, the so-called basic exercises are best suited. These include pull-ups on the crossbar, push-ups from the floor, squats and exercises for the development of the abdominal press. Their advantage is that each of these exercises involves a very large number of muscles, developing them in a complex way. Another important aspect is that it is extremely easy to perform such exercises. The only problem you can face is the lack of a horizontal bar. However, in the sports store you can easily find a crossbar that can be installed at home. And if the weather allows, you can practice in the yard, where you will certainly find a place for pull-ups.

Let's take a closer look at push-ups fromsex. First of all, we'll figure out which muscles "rock" when pushing. The main load is directed to deltoid muscles, triceps and chest muscles. Interestingly, this load can be redistributed, as will be discussed below. In addition to these muscles, which are loaded to a greater extent, there is also a process of strengthening the muscles of the back, legs and abdominals. Interesting is the fact that push-ups from the floor can to some extent replace the bench press, as the load goes to similar muscles.

The benefit of any exercise will only beIf you do it "as it should", and not "how it works." Therefore, it is necessary to describe how correctly to do push-ups from the floor. The basis of the technique is that the body must be as straightforward as possible. You should avoid all the bends, as they lead to the fact that these or other muscles are strained enough, that is, the effectiveness of the whole exercise tends to zero.

But the position of the hands allows quite stronglychange the resulting effect, stressing the load on different muscles. The standard position of the hands, which allows most evenly to develop all the muscles, is slightly wider than the shoulders. If you cut your hands, then most of the load will fall on the triceps. The placement of the arms considerably wider than the shoulders increases the effect on the pectoral muscles.

Vary the exercise can not only positionhands. For example, if you want to remove part of the load from the wrists, while strengthening the knuckles of your fingers, you can press on the fists. Another interesting variation is the execution of cotton when moving upwards. The bottom line is that, by straightening the hands, at the end of the movement you need to tear them off the floor, and if possible, make cotton. This modification develops the explosive power of muscles, which can also be useful. If there is a desire to concentrate hands firmly, then a good way out will be push-ups on one hand. Obviously, making them is much more difficult, but the effect will be more noticeable.

It can also happen that it will be difficult for youdo even simple push-ups from the floor. Do not despair, start exercising, doing exercises with an emphasis, for example, on a bench. As your muscles become toned, go to the horizontal position. Most importantly - do not give up training. Perhaps, the result will not be instant, but it will definitely happen. You can benefit from various programs that allow you to achieve a number of repetitions for a certain time. Not the fact that you will all go exactly on schedule, but at least there will be a goal to which you aspire.

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