/ / Collection of herbs for weight loss - losing weight, getting rid of fat and slag

Collection of herbs for weight loss - losing weight, getting rid of fat and slag

The problem of excess weight frightens many people.For those who decided to seriously adhere to the diet, there should not be a secret that in a short time to change your weight in a smaller direction and not to hurt your health - almost impossible task. It is a warm season, when weight loss becomes a headache for many women, who can be advised effective complex weight loss, and this includes: the restriction of eating, playing sports and much more. Some "slimming" take a collection of herbs for weight loss. The last method we will consider.

If you follow certain rules of nutrition,then the collection of herbs for weight loss will act on your body as effectively as possible. The main rule is the division of the daily norm of food into equal portions in 5-6 receptions. The diet of a dieting person should consist of more of fruits, vegetables, legumes. Meat and fish 200 grams per day. Dairy products, which are necessary for our body, eat with reduced fat. Also the menu should necessarily include a creamy and vegetable (olive) oil, but in the minimum quantities. Instead of white bread, eat black bread or bread from cereals. White grades of cheese are less fatty than yellow varieties. Low-fat sour cream will replace high-calorie mayonnaise.

Collection of herbs for weight loss can help significantlyreduce appetite, they form a mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach. Such useful herbs include: althea roots, angelica officinalis, spirulina algae, flax seeds.

Herbs that remove slag from the body, affecting the peristalsis of the intestine: anise ordinary, dill fragrant, buckthorn bark, cumin seed.

Herbs that help remove excess fluidfrom the body, enhance metabolism: field horsetail, corn stigmas, goose goatee, birdwalker, bearberry, cowberry leaves, duckweed is small.

To cleanse the slag, you can use the following herbal diet for weight loss:

- mix fruits of wild strawberry, leaveslemon balm, mother-and-stepmother, herb thyme and St. John's wort, fennel seeds, flowers and herbage of the motherwort (calculation of a tablespoon of each kind for two cups of boiling water). Insist should be half an hour. Take a collection of herbs for weight loss should be 150 ml two times a day. Such a decoction has a beneficial effect on the intestines, removes excess water from the body;

- mix the leaves in equal amountseucalyptus, spearmint, marjoram, thyme, and St. John's wort, calendula flowers and lime, valerian root. Brew a liter of boiling water in a thermos, insist for two hours. Drink the broth during the day, for a more pleasant taste variety, add honey. This collection of herbs for weight loss increases the excretion of toxins, especially if you drink it in a bath. Another remarkable property of this collection is the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

Those who used the Tibetan slimming collection,praise him for his effectiveness. Tibetan collection contains approximately 37 herbs that are collected and dried in Tibet, the influence of these herbs have on the entire work of the human body. For losing weight, only five herbs are used: chamomile, birch buds, roots and leaves of strawberry, immortelle and St. John's Wort. The combination of these herbs relieves the body of toxins, improves the functioning of the intestines, helps the heart to work. Improvement will be effective if you, along with receiving infusion of herbs, will adhere to a healthy diet and exercise. It is also worth reducing the amount of bread, salt and fatty foods in the diet.

Pharmacies sell ready-made medicines forlosing weight, which frees you from the expenditure of time and effort to find and mix herbs yourself. If you chose this method, then it is worth buying herbal preparations of domestic production, since they consist of herbs that were collected in the middle lane, so they are more useful.

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