/ / "Ice cream" - a tulip or a dessert? Or both?

"Ice cream" - a tulip or a dessert? Or both?

Для опытных цветоводов «мороженое» - тюльпан rare beauty, and not a dairy dessert. This flower has won the hearts of lovers of decorative flora with its unusual coloring. It is because of her that the plant was called Tulip Ice Cream. The thing is that the bud really looks like ice cream, and so much that from afar you literally will not see the difference from this favorite children's delicacy.

ice cream tulip

general information

Ice cream is a tulip, which is one of thefive of the most beautiful varieties of this familiar flower. Pinkish petals of different shades frame the snow-white core. Blossoms this wonder, beginning in April and ending with June. Tulip bulbs "ice cream" are not cheap, about two hundred rubles for one piece. Sellers insist that the tulip is very resistant to different soils and is not whimsical in grooming. But it is not so. People who bought bulbs and tried to grow them without much care, said that the flowers either did not rise at all, or they did not grow at all like they expected. With improper cultivation and care the tulip will grow small, with a pale color and will not please you as it should.

Secrets of cultivation

Tulip "Ice Crim" risk growing notall. It is simpler, of course, to plant simple unpretentious varieties that do not require special attention. But if you recall the beauty of the bud of this variety, you can still decide to land. One of the secrets of growing this flower is the soil. Ideally, it must be purchased from trusted suppliers that work with Dutch producers. They also need to buy the bulbs themselves. If everything is done correctly, then there will be no problems with top dressing of plants.

tulip ice crimson

Making a flower garden

Ice cream is a tulip that can live onone bed with other flowers. The main thing at the same time is to observe the rules of nursing and to acquire a special land for such a flower garden. So, if you want to make a beautiful flowerbed, we recommend that you act like this:

  • choose a place to plant in a sunny place, because the flower loves warmth and light;
  • loosen the ground well before planting the flower;
  • gently remove the plant from the pot and place it in the soil twenty centimeters deep;
  • The distance between the bulbs should not be less than five centimeters;
  • after that, in a shallower depth, we plant narcissus, and above, for example, crocus;
  • Such an order of landing is explained by the fact that allthese flowers budonize at different times, first crocus, then a tulip, and at the end a narcissus; while some do not interfere with the others, but, on the contrary, create a beautiful green frame for the neighbors;
  • this combination of colors has one more advantage: weed grasses on such beds practically do not grow, and in the case of strong gusts of wind, the plants support each other from different directions.

tulip ice cream

Features of care

There are some standard recommendations that should be followed to make the cultivation process successful:

  • As already mentioned, the tulip "Ice Crim" loveslight, so you need to plant it in a suitable place. If you plant a flower in the penumbra, then you will never see the full beauty of its buds. Most likely, they will be small and pale pink.
  • The regime of watering the flower is reduced to once a week, but provided that the weather is moderately warm. If the street is hot, then watering should be done every two days.
  • Like any plant, this decorative flowerrequires additional nutrition. For starters, this is done during the first landing: the land where you are going to plant the tulip is mixed with compost parts or foliage. When the vegetative period comes, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with the help of a mineral fertilizer complex. It is recommended to make five additional fertilizing during the season.
  • Carefully follow the condition of the flower in the flowerbed.One of the main enemies of a tulip is a snail. If you see it in time, you can get rid of it without losing the flowers. It is enough simply to sprinkle the soil on the flower bed with a special substance that can be purchased at the store.

bulbs of tulips ice cream

Storage conditions

"Ice cream" - tulip, for the sake of beautyshould try a little. And if it was not difficult for you to look after him, we think that it will be easy for you to provide and store bulbs in the winter. After the leaves of the flowers have turned yellow, you must prepare to remove the plant from the flowerbed until the next season. For this:

  • dig out bulbs;
  • dry them;
  • clean from dry parts and soil;
  • place in a container so that all bulbs lie in one row;
  • place the container with the bulbs of the plant in an incompetent room, where the temperature of the air will be cool.

As you can see, no big difficulties in caring forthe flower is not, but there are some nuances that are important in this process. Seeing the beauty of this flower, people can not refrain from admiration, and everyone will be struck by the desire to have such a charm in their garden.

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