/ Homemade pneumatics - is it possible?

Homemade pneumatics - is it possible?

Pneumatics with your own hands?Yes, it is possible, but first you need to find suitable materials, detailed assembly instructions, and also make sure that you realize the seriousness of the actions when using such a weapon, because otherwise you can get to some places not so remote.

homemade pneumatics

If you are all well thought out, then you can get down to business. Homemade pneumatics in the assembly is very simple, since there are many schemes from amateur designers.

Here, by the way, is the list of materials that wewill be required for the manufacture of a homemade pneumatic gun: two aluminum tubes each half a meter in length (15 and 3.5 mm in diameter, respectively); polished board with a thickness of 2-3 centimeters, from which we will make a butt; one cork of champagne; an empty vial for injections, which has a rubber stopper; a simple medical tourniquet or a sufficient number of elastics used by aircraft modelers to replace it; a small amount of leather - you can take even an old belt; galvanized sheet metal, which is quite suitable for an empty jar of the appropriate drink; a piece of thick enough steel wire, and a piece of copper wire thinner; screws, nails, electrical tape and a set of tools for working with wood. Yes, homemade pneumatics, although it consists of so many components, is manufactured surprisingly quickly.

homemade air rifles

But, actually, the instruction itself.So, first we need to insert a thin metal tube deeper into the tube of champagne. It is recommended that you map out a hole for this so that the tube does not come out crooked. That part, which will be at the base of the cork, is wrapped around the diameter with electrical tape. The layer should be thick enough, about 3-4 millimeters. Next, it is necessary to slightly flatten the short end of the tube in such a way that it takes the shape of an asterisk. This can be done by using a chisel.

The next step is to make a stock. Yes, even homemade pneumatics must have a butt, since the return ispretty strong. The butt is made from the board we took. It is required to work with tools to make an ideal butt. The greatest attention is required by the process of cutting a notch under the barrel, in the role of which will make a large aluminum tube. If you do not calculate the correct diameter of the notch, then when you shoot a gun, it may just fall apart.

Then follows the assembly phase, during whichyou will need to attach as much as possible all the details of the future gun. The barrel, for example, is assembled from two aluminum tubes, the junction of which passes in the area of ​​the cap of our wine cork and is wrapped with electrical tape.


Homemade pneumatics, of course, requires more and morecalibration, so the next step is to choose a rubber harness of the optimal length, because if you make a mistake with this parameter, you can get a non-functioning toy.

Finally, you need to make a trigger. To do this, we will need a thick steel wire.

Homemade air rifles, as you can see, are fairly simple to manufacture.

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