/ / How to clean the stove at home?

How to clean the stove at home?

What begins cleaning the kitchen? From washing up?Maybe. But! The largest amount of dirt accumulates primarily on the stove. We are day-to-day something soar, cook, fry. Naturally, all these processes do not occur without damaging cleanliness.

Ready to say goodbye to dried mud and burnt fat forever? We will talk about all possible ways, and you will learn how to clean the stove and return it to its original appearance.

How often should I wash the stove?

By all rules of cleanliness, the cleaning of the slab shouldproduced daily, along with washing dishes. Do not lose sight of the grill and knobs from the burners - at least three times a week they should be cleaned with a damp cloth. So to say, hygiene is most important! But since most of us are sorely lacking time, we rarely take up cleaning the stove.

Even the most ambitious are not able to escapeunpleasant situations, after which there is an acute question of how to clean the stove at home. Milk ran out, and after frying all the oil was left on the burners, then it’s time to start cleaning.

how to clean the stove

What is needed to clean the stove?

So, first we need to prepare all the necessary aids that will help ease the process of cleaning the stove. For this you will need:

  • any cleaning agent (with the exception of abrasives - they ruin the enamel);
  • brush;
  • rag;
  • gloves (to negate the aggressive effects on the skin of the hands of chemicals).

It’s probably no secret that mostchemicals can be found an equivalent alternative to harmless food additives. Table vinegar and baking soda are ideal for cleaning the surface of the plate. These two components will help clean both the gas stove and the electric one.

how to clean the gas stove

You must clearly understand:no matter what you try to scrub the stove, even with a mega-effective advertised tool, it is impossible to achieve instant results. After applying the cleaning gel / powder should not immediately be taken actively "scrub". Leave the applied agent for a few minutes. During this time, a small chemical reaction will occur, as a result of which the molecules of soot, burned fat and soot will gradually begin to break up into smaller compounds, which will contribute to easy cleaning. And only after that, armed with a brush, you need to rub a little dirty area, and then wash off the tool with a cloth dipped in water.

How to clean the stove from fat: folk remedies

First of all, if the stove is gas, you need to remove the grill. Then carefully remove the burners. With an electric stove such a "prelude" is not required.

We will need to dilute the solution from the water andbaking soda in a 1: 1 ratio. Next, take a sponge, dip it in the resulting porridge and pass a sponge over the entire surface of the plate. The most problematic areas are places around the burners. It is there that accumulates the largest amount of fat. Therefore, near the burners it is more reasonable to apply a larger solution, do not regret it. After that, forget about the stove for about ten minutes.

After the time has expired, you only need to removesurface gruel wet rag. Wipe the stove well so that no soda particles are left. Pay attention to the zones of the burners, they will need a little rub with a brush, then the dirt will move away quite easily. After that, carefully remove moisture from the stove. Now we know exactly how to clean the stove!

how to clean the stove at home

If we are dealing with multi-day clustersdirt (but we are not the same, are we?), then we leave the solution for a longer time. It will be enough for about 20-25 minutes. Or re-carry out the above manipulations. Most often, such a simple version of the cleaning plate allows you to cope with dirt.

Another effective way

Consider the second way to clean the stove.from carbon and fat. A prerequisite for this method is the use of rubber gloves. Cleanliness is good, but healthy skin is much more important.

It takes six or six vinegarnine percent. Pour on the surface of the plate. You should not pour out too much, for cleaning it will take quite a bit. We take in hands a sponge and carefully take to distribute the vinegar over the entire surface area with burners.

Вооружаемся содой и щедро посыпаем ею поверх vinegar. An immediate reaction occurs. Soda in contact with acid begins to sizzle actively, characteristic bubbles will form on the surface of the plate - as a result of the reaction taking place. After the hissing stopped, and all the bubbles burst, we wipe the stove with a wet cloth. Try to thoroughly rinse the area around the hotplates so that no traces of table vinegar and soda are left on the stove.

how to clean the stove from fat

Now our plate looks no worse than in advertising. You can even conduct your own experiment. Try to drag your finger over the cleaned surface. Hear? This is the creak of impeccable purity!

Perhaps the disadvantage of this method can be considered mandatory work in gloves. But what can't you do for the whiteness of your favorite plate, isn't it?

Cleaning the handles from the stove

Another hotbed of dirt is a handle from the stove.In the process of cooking, various fatty deposits accumulate on them, beneath them and around them, and not only that. If we ask a question about how to clean the stove, it means that we have to worry about the cleanliness of the knobs as well.

They say there is a sure way to cleanunattainable places using a mixture of drops of anise and ammonia. The secret is simple. Everyone knows from the school chemistry lessons that ammonia dissolves fat remarkably. Anise in this duet acts as a flavoring. It slightly softens the sharp smell of ammonia fumes.

Work process

We work all on the same principle:apply the mixture, scrub with a brush, with a damp cloth wash off the remnants of dirt and wipe. The method is perfect for processing plates, the removal of the handles which are not provided.

But if the handles are removed, you can use another way to clean them. This will require an old toothbrush and a means to clean the surfaces.

how to clean the gas stove at home

We apply any cleaning agent to the removed parts, actively work with a toothbrush, wash the individual components, dry them and put them in place.

The same method works great if you need to remove dirt and grease from the burner. Means + toothbrush, rubbed, washed, wiped. A la beauty!

How to clean the grill on the gas stove?

And now “for dessert” we have the most difficult part -lattice. How much burning and dirt settles on it! Electric cookers definitely benefit in this regard. There is a theory that slabs for slabs are painted in black for a reason. The reason is trivial: on black, all this disgrace in the form of accumulated fat and soot is almost imperceptible. Although, perhaps, the color is determined solely for aesthetic reasons.

how to clean the grill on the gas stove

Reasons for regular cleaning of gas stovesenough During cooking, splashes of oil, fats and various liquids hit the surface not only of the stove, but also of the grate. After some time, it all dries up, and with the next use of the plate heats up again. In the end, begin to stand out harmful to human health couples. And we all should not breathe. Therefore, we proceed to restore order!

Effective cleaning methods

Put the knives to the side, they will not be required. In addition, if you use the blade of the knife to clean the grill, there is a high probability to scratch the surface.

Мы уже разобрались, как очистить газовую плиту в home conditions, now consider the proposed methods of cleaning grates. In fact, a huge amount of variations, ranging from incandescence over an open fire and ending with the use of a blowtorch. But the most realistic way to clean the grate well is to boil it with the addition of soda ash and a solution of laundry soap.

Pour water into the largest saucepan, pour soda into water (100 grams of soda for five liters of water), you should also rub the laundry soap on a fine grater and send it to the water too.

Далее кладём решётку в кастрюлю и кипятим.Boil, most likely, will have a long time. We focus on the degree of contamination of the grids. It should be borne in mind that this method is suitable only for cleaning cast iron products!

And it can be made much easier: make a solution of soda, distribute over the surface of the grates and leave for about an hour, after which the grates should be thoroughly rinsed.

how to clean the stove from carbon and fat


Here you go! Now everything sparkles and glitters!We hope this article has helped you resolve the issue of how to clean the stove. Do not forget that cleaning up traces of dirt is much easier to keep fresh, so that timely wet cleaning will help to considerably take care of the stove.

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