/ / Billing phone. Phone billing program

Billing the phone. Phone billing program

Billing is an automated process, inwhich involved professional software. It analyzes how the signal passes through each cell, then it is sorted and calculated, what will be the cost of services for a particular owner. It is the phone billing that forms the payment for the telephone connection. After the call, he writes off as much money as indicated in your tariff plan.

phone billing

Billing systems

Mobile phone billing is harda process that requires modern, high-quality and powerful tools. Software, banking and legal support are components of new technologies. Because of this, the phone billing program exists only in large companies that are engaged in e-commerce and, of course, in regional cellular companies.

Функция этой новой системы в том, что она calculates the price for mobile services separately for each person. Programs save information about the time when the user called, the duration and other characteristics of calls for a certain period (for a year or six months). Phone billing involves professional software that is used in the accounting calculations of telecommunications operators.

Load distribution

As a rule, cellular operators cooperate betweenby myself. They install one station and use it together, without spending additional funds on software and hardware. Usually in each city one operator installs a separate tower for himself. In the countryside and on the motorway, several companies use one. The owner of this mobile station will be one, but other operators pay him for rent, their cost is calculated based on the number of calls.

Internet traffic is also handled by billing.system. In this case, the subscriber is charged at a separate rate. In each company differently. In one it is necessary to pay for the time spent on the Internet, in the other - for the transmitted and received information packages.

mobile phone billing

Billing functions

В основу биллинга телефона положен достаточно simple principle. The switch node records all data, namely, the duration and characteristics of the conversation. Then all the information received is sent to the central station, where the calculation is made.

Software that is installed inthe central office processes all data and monitors regulations, tariffs and rates. Phone billing contains all information about the user (tariff, availability of bonuses, prices in certain areas).

phone billing program

These modern databases store information aboutall payments of each client. This allows for the calculation of withdrawals. The billing stations have high-quality and powerful computers that allow you to make calculations very quickly. Due to this, the result of an inquiry almost instantly comes to the subscribers' request for account status.

Software monitors and conditionuser accounts. The system has the ability to deactivate the subscriber. If a person has not replenished the account for a long time and does not use the services of a mobile company, then they simply disconnect him.

As you may have guessed, due to cellular billingthe phone pops up a message stating that the system cannot establish a connection at zero account. If you replenish the balance of the phone, you can immediately use the services, the system automatically connects them.

Most mobile operators create a functionfeedback. It also controls the billing of cell phones. With it, by logging into your account, you can replenish, disconnect, connect various services, change your tariff and much more.

If you go to your mobile siteoperator, you can see through the billing of the phone your actions for the last month. You can see with whom you spoke, for how long and how much money you were charged for.

cell phone billing

Additional billing options: mobile surveillance

Мобильный телефон, который мы используем для communication, like a camera, camcorder, beacon, has some more functions. Now most crimes are investigated with the help of billing. This system is able to track all calls.

How can phone billing help in a murder investigation? Everything is simple, this system records when we enter the Internet and where it happens, we call or send SMS.

With the help of new technologies, namely billing, they have already investigated many high-profile crimes and found the culprits.

Subscriber is always available

Mobile phone is a great achievement.human, new technology that has advanced progress. Unfortunately, this technology can be used and not for good, as the cellular one is a kind of radio beacon that will help to track the location of a person.

As we have already found out, the whole territory where there is a mobile connection is divided into cells. There are towers and special stations that have a specific address.

If you analyze the signal from a mobile phone,then you can determine at what distance and where the person is (in the car, at home, on the street). Also determine the movement of the subscriber is not difficult. You can take a few towers and find out the route of a person with a small error.

billing options

Private billing

The first to use billing for investigations were private detectives. Of course, they violated the Criminal Code by their actions.

If it is prohibited, how did they receive the information? The first way is to buy data from employees of a mobile company. But now it is not so easy, services began to deal with information leakage.

Now, to get the detectives data, you needwill pay 500 dollars. And in order to analyze it, find out the movement of a person, you need to give $ 1,500. In most cases, in order for an employee of a cellular company to become interested in this “business,” you need to constantly recognize numbers in large numbers.

Another way is to ask operative friends to find out about the mobile phone and the person to whom it belongs. But this is quite a long time, the investigation may be delayed.

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