/ / Liana clematis: preparation for winter

Liana clematis: preparation for winter

In our gardens there are not so many perennials whowithstand severe winters. This especially applies to lianas. If you are planning to plant a beautiful perennial vine on your site - be sure to pay attention to a flower like clematis. Preparation for the winter of this plant will not take you much time, but how will please with its long and bright bloom!

clematis preparation for winter

Experienced gardeners begin their preparation for winterIn the end of August. In this period, it is necessary to feed the lianas with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is best to do this during watering: 50 g of fertilizer per 10-15 liters of water.

How to care for clematis in the autumn?

You can begin to cover clematis at the endOctober. These plants are not afraid of frost. It is necessary to cut the branches of lianas, depending on the type of clematis, the length can vary from 20 cm to 1 m. Then you should cut off the foliage, remove the dry and broken shoots. Foliage of most clematis does not fall off, so if you do not remove it, in the spring your plant will not have a very beautiful appearance.

Advice of experienced gardeners: if you do not know about which group the liana belongs to, trim the branches, leaving 40-50 cm above the ground.

Clematis: preparation for winter

Clematis are divided into 3 groups, each of which has its own nuances in pruning.

First group

Such creepers bloom on the branches of the pastof the year. Branches of such lianas must be preserved when pruning, leaving 1-1.5 m. Here the length of the vine will depend on you. When choosing such lianas for your garden, turn your attention to the winter hardiness of the plant. Often on the fences in the gardens you can see clematis "princes", for example, Pink Flamingo.

Clematis of the 1st group should be hilled to a height35-40 cm. This must be done in order to protect the plant from death in severe frosty winters. The bush will be able to recover and grow again from the root neck in case of severe frosts.

how to care for clematis

The second group

Such clematis at the end of spring bloom onbranches, which wintered, and in the middle of summer - on the young. Accordingly, the whips of such clematis must also be preserved. More beautiful and large flowers, as a rule, are formed on the branches of the last year. This type includes varieties Andromeda, Lord Nevill and others.

How to cover clematis of the 2nd group?

Scourge cut at a height of 1 meter, you can and a littlelonger if necessary. Leaves should be cut off. Liane needs to be removed from the support and try to untangle. This should be done carefully, so as not to break fragile branches.

The bush is plowed with earth, making a mound of 30-40 heightscm, as in the first case. Branches should be carefully laid in a ring on the mound and sprinkled them with dry foliage. Some gardeners rare rare clematis varieties are covered with lutrasil.

how to cover clematis

Third group

The most popular group of gardeners.These clematis bloom on the branches of the current year, which is why it is not necessary to keep the whips in the winter. Another plus of this group - the plants are very unpretentious, long and abundantly bloom. This group includes Venosa Violacea, a popular Blue River - also this kind of clematis. Preparation for winter for this group is the simplest. Plants are cut at an altitude of 15-20 cm and simply bogged down with earth.

That's all the care for a lianas of the clematis type. Preparation for the winter of this plant, as you can see, will not be a big deal for you.

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