/ / Grapes of Murom - description and characteristics

Grapes of Murom - description and characteristics

Increasingly popular in our time is gaining winemaking. After all, in the territory of Russia there are many vineyards on which various varieties of wine berries are grown.

Grapes of the Muromet

Muromec grape is most often used forproduction of fine wines. It belongs to the table sort, which ripens only about 115 days, as a result, already in early August, he pleases us with his juicy berries.

Bunches of medium-density grapes, large,canonical form. The weight of one cluster is about 400 grams on average, and with proper care can reach up to 1 kilogram. All the fruits are large enough 23 x 20 mm, which is 5 grams, dark purple with an interesting wax coating, oval shape.

Flesh is dense, very crispy and fleshy withoutof any flavor. The taste is harmonious. The grade of Muromec grape sugar is about 20%, while its acidity is 8.5 g / l. The presentation is high. New shoots quickly mature, which increases its yield every year. On average, only one bush can collect up to 7 kg. Grapes Ilya of Murom has increased resistance to frost.

This variety is grown in the Far East, north-west of Russia, in Siberia, in the south and in the center of Russia.

Growing of grapes Ilya of Murom

Variety of grapes

This variety very much likes careful leaving, thereforeif you decide to stop your choice on grapes Ilya of Murom, be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time to grow it. In addition, in order to collect as much crop as possible, it is necessary to try different molding methods: a horizontal cordon, a six-arm fan and a vine outlet on the visor. In practice, it was found that the largest berries and bunches are obtained when the vines are taken out on the visor. Grapes of Murom refers to the yielding varieties. All its shoots are thrown out by 2, and very often by 3 inflorescences, so it is necessary to do normalization of the crop.

Grapes and berries from the grapes of Murom are very large,but very often you can see a significant reduction of berries. And, it seems, everything is done correctly: the development of bushes is normal, except for this, they are not overloaded, they do not get sick, but in spite of this, a lot of grapes are found among the commodity grapes. But the worst thing is that if you do not remove such bunches in time, then they overripe, they will burst and attract the attention of insects, as a result of which the entire crop may suffer.

Advantages and disadvantages of this variety

Grapes Ilya the Muromets

Grapes Muromets is resistant to drought, frost,In addition, he is not prone to such a disease as Mild. But gray rot can damage this sort of grapes, and it is almost impossible to fight with it. It should be noted that the berries are affected by rot even after spraying!

Another disadvantage of this variety can be attributed tothat he is prone to cracking berries in the summer period after heavy rains. On the cracked berries flocks flock of wasps, which begin to beat all the clusters in a row.

Here these two minuses - bad resistibilitygray rot and a tendency to plague - can lead to the fact that you simply remove it from your garden, of course, if you have only a couple of bushes and you do not do winemaking.

But the most important thing is that the grapes of Murom are not subject to frost and perfectly tolerate the winter. At the same time, it should not even be sheltered, it can withstand temperatures as low as -26 degrees Celsius.

Another advantage of this variety is the high rooting of the cuttings. Therefore, seedlings from cuttings can be grown without problems in the suburban area with the use of kiltschivaniya.

Therefore, comparing all the pros and cons of Ilya Muromets grapes, you must independently decide on its planting and further breeding.

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