/ / The speakers for the machine are just as important as the wheels or engine

The speakers for the car are just as important as the wheels or the engine

The speaker in the car is very important, and it is notexaggeration. A real modern car is simply impossible to imagine without good music. No matter how technically perfect your car is, no matter how beautiful it may be in the turns, if the passengers and you as a driver can not enjoy your favorite compositions, then the price is a penny to such a vehicle.

speakers for cars
Сегодня музыку за рулем слушают абсолютно все.At the same time some are immersed in thoughtless switching of radio channels and simply float in the sea of ​​sound, while others carry with them a whole collection of disks. Therefore, the columns for the car are selected based on how much the musical ear of the driver is demanding and, of course, what is his financial position. After all, you can be content with even a very simple radio tape recorder and built-in mid-range speakers or turn the car's interior into a musical paradise, in which you can feel almost every note.

Which columns to put in the car?

In general, the race for real sound in the car -the endless occupation. It, as a rule, begins with a banal aspiration to update a regular radio tape recorder. Actually, for this reason, the driver calls in a specialized service, where he is turned into a "music maniac" or "zombie", which changes pressure and breathes faster only from words like "the column into the car" Pioneer "," 15-inch sab ", etc. So, let's go through the main types of audio car systems, and we hope that this helps you to find the speakers for the car.

which speakers to put in the car

Simple system

As the name suggests, these are two inexpensivespeakers and radio tape recorder. The cost of such a system may be different, but on average from $ 80 to $ 120 for everything. However, there are options and even cheaper, but we do not recommend taking them, because the sound will be like the order of the music center. Approximately the same thing is put by manufacturers on the basic equipment of their cars.


This is already a higher level.The system can include speakers for the machine and the machine. However, all components will be of higher quality and worth, of course, more expensive. Here the price starts at $ 130 and can exceed this sum three times. The optimal cost is $ 300. Usually forward spaced apart acoustic, and behind - the device with MP3. It is worth noting that this system produces a very high-quality sound. It can be compared to an average music center. As a rule, these systems are considered the most common. And they leave in stores in 50% of all sales. In general, such columns in the car and the device can be chosen most, but it is better, of course, to consult with a specialist.

column in the car pioneer

High level

And now the most interesting.Car enthusiasts choosing high-level sound systems make mistakes more often than others. Usually the kit includes one or two pairs of speakers, a radio, an amplifier and a subwoofer. At the same time, this system can cost as much as $ 400, and a couple of thousand. The most interesting thing is that a more expensive acquisition can play at the level of its cheap counterpart. And it's not that you were given a fake. The most important thing is the proper selection of the system itself, all its components and, of course, a professional installation in the car. If you do everything right, then the speakers for the car will play like an expensive HI-FI center.

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