/ / Replacement Display for iPhone 5: Instruction

Replacement Display for iPhone 5: Instruction

Smashed or crushed mobile screenphone is a kind of tragedy for the user. And when such a nuisance happens with a brand new iPhone, some owners of a presentable smartphone may even fall into a state of terrible depression. After all, replacing the display on the iPhone 5 - it's not a cheap pleasure in the service center. However, this kind of unforeseen expenses can be significantly reduced if you manually reinstall the smartphone screen module. How to do this, what should be cautioned when dismounting and then installing the display? Where to get a high-quality LCD-component, and what tools will be needed to implement the recovery process? As you can see, there are many questions, and all of them need permission. Which is the purpose of this article ...

Replacement Display for iPhone 5

Priceless recommendations: how much will it cost me such a repair?

To date, the replacement of the display on the iPhone 5 -this is a variable value: 2500-4000 rub. Depending on the color, modification of the device, as well as the manufacturer of the display module, the price may vary significantly. However, the original component will always cost money! However, there is still a fee for services, which includes or does not take into account the immediate repair process. It is worth noting that some service centers practice prepayment for warranty service device. But, as mentioned earlier, all this can be avoided. And then…

Technical nuances: replacing the iPhone 5's display glass

The design feature of the screen moduleis the foreseen technological cohesion of the LCD component, the touch control element and the protective glass, which ultimately looks like a single whole. The special glue that holds these components together can only be neutralized with special equipment. At home, it is not possible to separate such a "technical sandwich". And whatever the Internet sources say to you, the process of separation is incredibly laborious, and the implementation of such a scenario requires the performer to have extraordinary abilities and considerable experience in such matters. Therefore, the replacement of the display on the iPhone 5 will also become inevitable when the user simply splits the outer protection glass.

What tools do you need?

Replacing iPhone 5's display glass

Do not try to open an expensive mobile phonethe machine with a kitchen knife or a household Phillips screwdriver. No such good barbaric methods will not lead. It is much wiser to purchase a special set of screwdrivers, which, by the way, you will certainly need if there is another plan fault. The human factor, you know ...

  • Pentalobe and Philips screwdriver 2.5.
  • Unnecessary credit card (plastic card).
  • Special sucker-puller.

As a joke to an integral complement in the implementation of the repair scenario "Replacing the display on the iPhone 5" - "direct hands", devoid of shivers. So excitement away!

Where to buy the display?

Replacement Display on iPhone 5s

If you live in a big city, then for youit will not be a problem to find out the address of a specialized store for trade of this kind of spare parts. It may well be that you will be sold the necessary component in the service center for repair of Apple-devices. In the end, place an order through the Internet. To date, finding a display module on the iPhone is not an issue. By the way, the latter option is most suitable for those who really want to save money. The spread of prices will pleasantly surprise you! However, do not go to extremes, remember, only the original display can be of high quality.

Replacement of the display on the iPhone 5 with your own hands: step by step instruction

Before proceeding to the repair process,prepare the workplace. It is desirable to cover a smooth surface of a table with a dense fabric in order to reduce the sliding effect. Good illumination and the sound of your favorite songs are ideal assistants in such a responsible business as replacing the display on the iPhone 5 with your own hands.

Step # 1: Releasing the screen module frame

Replacement Display for iPhone 5c

  • Unscrew the two end screws that are located at the bottom of the case (at the ends of the system connector).
  • Install the suction cup on the protective glass (as close to the Home button).
  • With some effort, as they say, without fanaticism, pull the ring mounted on the front of the device, the tool-tool.
  • Carefully push the credit card inward, between the bottom of the frame and the glass.
  • After there is a barely noticeable line of separation - strengthen the suction of the sucker, while with auxiliary movements, use a plastic card to remove the waste glass.

Replacing the display on your iPhone 5 with your own hands

Attention!It is at this stage that the replacement of the display on the iPhone 5s often fails. And with rather disastrous consequences, because at the time of removal, the unfortunate repairman tears the connecting cable of the fingerprint sensor, which is mounted in the Home button.

  • So, if your device has an ambiguous addition in the form of a letter "S", then carefully unplug the biosensor connector from the motherboard.
  • Slowly move the lower partof the released screen module up, with the top edge of the glass remaining in place (place the display vertically in relation to the horizontally located phone).

Step # 2: Dismantling the "visual" unit

Replacement of the display on the iPhone 5c (Russian interpretation of the S-modification) is made in the same scenario - "disassembly / assembly", as in the case of the previous fifth version of the device.

  • Unscrew the four screws of the protective cover (upper right corner), under which there are pads for connecting the loops of the dismounted module.
  • After that, carefully disconnect three connectors from the motherboard of the mobile device.
  • Dismantling can be considered complete!

Step # 3: Reverse process - installation of a new part

  • First of all, transfer to the new module the speaker and its connecting stub, which also has a light sensor and a front camera.
  • Position the metal frame and the dismounted Home button (in the case of the iPhone 5s, the "Home" button).

Replacement Display for iPhone 5 - Instruction

  • Connect the connecting elements of the video block to the corresponding connectors.
  • On top, install a protective shield and fix it with the same four bolts.
  • Attach the frame to the body frame, with the positioning process starting from the top down.
  • Fasten the screen module with the end screws from the bottom.


Perhaps, this is the most important thing that you needKnow that the replacement display on the iPhone 5 (the instructions will help you) was a success. Despite the seeming simplicity (and with the advent of the fifth iPhone, the dismantling of the screen became an incredibly elementary action), yet do not forget about the unfavorable factors of repair. For example, a monolithic body rim is not so easy to disconnect. Therefore, there is a risk that something will be damaged by careless mechanical action. But if you are careful in the actions being taken, a positive result is guaranteed. Since, again, again, saving with the release of the fifth iPhone became easier! Be careful, and let the screen of your device always pleases you with the primordial colors!

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