/ / Fire alarm. Designing of security and fire alarm systems

Fire alarm. Designing of security and fire alarm systems

Development of projects for security and firemensignaling is often combined into a single complex. This allows not only to save money for design work, but also to optimize costs in the process of direct installation of equipment. In any case, it is important to understand that the quality of the initial technical calculations will determine how effective the fire alarm will be. The system is designed by specialists in various fields. The work should include experts in the field of electronics, and architects, as well as experts in the field of firefighting.

fire alarm design

Defining system tasks

In most cases, fire alarmsare used for the timely submission of a signal to the consoles of specialized services. The latter can be played by local municipal brigades and private organizations. It depends largely on where the fire alarm is installed. Design also implies the integration of components of the security complex. That is, the project initially reduces infrastructure elements from two categories of sensors - security and fire.

Often, fire safety systems are confused withequipment that directly performs the tasks of fire extinguishing. In some situations, you can talk about combining the functions of alerting and suppression, but this does not always happen. Integrated design of fire alarm systems may include the inclusion of installations and modules that are designed to prevent the spread of the flame. However, the goals of a full-fledged fire elimination in this case are not set.

design of fire alarm systems

Design Process

The development of the project provides forseveral stages. To begin with, the basic conditions for the performance and organization of work are specified. Next, the main data are collected, on the basis of which the project will be developed. Specialists visit the facility, take data on the parameters and technical features of the premises, structures, equipment and the adjacent site. After that, a distribution scheme for warning devices is planned, due to which the fire alarm system will perform its basic functions. Designing the control panel is one of the most critical stages. In this node, the configuration of the concentration of signals from annunciators, sensors and functional modules of the security complex is formed. The more individual components, the more difficult the operator work will be. The final stage will be the direct installation of equipment and equipment, as well as a bundle of equipment through a network infrastructure.

Zoning of the square

fire alarm design

For the convenience of system design for largeobjects are divided into different areas. The basis is formed by the so-called fire compartments, which are distributed over small areas. These are sites that have boundaries in the form of special fire panels, that is, beyond their limits, the fire should not pass or, at least, containment of the flame during a certain time. Also, the design of security and fire alarm means the primary division of the area into fire detection zones. As a rule, the boundaries of these sections coincide with walls and ceilings - in effect, division into premises is made.

Choice of equipment

The basis of any complex is formed by the equipment of threetypes: annunciators, detectors and control panels. The entire network infrastructure, in turn, focuses on ensuring the optimal bundle of these components. It is recommended that all components are manufactured by the same manufacturer. Based on recommendations for the characteristics of equipment that gives the design of automatic fire alarms, specific device configurations are also defined. For example, smoke detectors can have different parameters for automatically fixing ignition sources.

design of fire alarm systems

As for the panels, they are in most casescases are presented as control points. The most important thing in developing such systems is to provide a reliable supply of supplies. In addition to the main connection to the power grid, the design of the fire and security alarm system involves the use of lead-acid batteries, as well as mandatory inclusion of fuses and, if possible, sources of uninterrupted power supply.

Mounting operations

The basic installation operations relate toinstallation of notification sensors. Depending on the area of ​​the object, their number can be from 2-3 to a hundred. Fastening is realized with the help of brackets and other hardware that, in principle, can be integrated into the wall niches. In addition, the design of fire alarm systems pays special attention to network interchanges. The laying of lines is most often carried out in a single complex with other communication channels. Cable bundles can be carried out in the sub-ceiling niche, behind the cladding materials, etc. The wireless connection concept is also gaining popularity when the sensors communicate with the control panels via radio signals. True, such systems are operated using a larger power supply resource, and in general they are more demanding in terms of maintenance.


automatic fire alarm design

Each organization involved in the designsignaling, is guided by certain principles. In particular, specialists should strive to optimize the network structure, achieve minimum power consumption and ensure the reliability of the entire security complex. Only if these rules are observed will a functional and effective fire alarm be organized. Designing also does not do without taking into account the conditions of a specific locality. For example, the system will not work qualitatively if the object does not have free access to fire services. That is, the electronics can detect the presence of smoke in time and give the appropriate signal to the control panel, but the further algorithm of the responsible service will be violated.

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