The company "Caesar Satellite" is engaged in the installationsecurity systems on cars and homes. If you want to ensure the safety of your vehicle and protect the property, then pay attention to this company. Reviews "Caesar Satellite" received good, due to a professional approach to business, as well as the desire to meet the requirements of the modern buyer.
The main purpose of satellite alarm -obtaining reliable information about where your car is at a specific time. This is determined by GPS satellites. In addition, it will be possible to determine the condition of your car and the speed of its movement on the road. If your vehicle is hijacked, the satellite alarm will send an alarm to the security system. In addition, if it works for this reason, the engine will automatically be blocked, and therefore it will be impossible to leave by car. It is important that such security complexes can be installed not only in the car, but also to protect private property, the garage and even the office. In the company "Caesar Satellite" you will be offered a wide range of solutions designed for different groups of users. All systems are offered in a different price range, so you can always choose the best option for yourself.
Как уже было сказано, особенность спутниковой signaling is that it is able to effectively protect a car from theft and, if necessary, it is easy to find it. According to statistics, the effectiveness of such systems reaches 90%! This is due to the fact that the signal of the attempted hijacking is promptly received by the dispatcher’s console, so you can always calculate the location of your car to within a few meters. Such functionality is the main thing that focuses on the reviews. “Caesar Satellite” is good in this regard: a special GPS-receiver receives a signal from the satellite and allows you to quickly determine the exact coordinates of a particular car.
Caesar Satellite Company offers reliablesecurity systems not only for cars, but also for houses and apartments. It is very important to ensure the safety of your family living, especially if you own a country house. And for this you need to choose a high-quality security system that would be distinguished by stable and efficient work.
The Caesar Satellite system works on the basis ofthe most modern equipment that conducts quality monitoring. If an alarm is triggered, the sensors in the special control panel transmit the signal to the company's own monitoring center. The maximum reliability of the system is ensured by the fact that the signal from the protected object is sent through several channels at once - via the Internet, GPRS and GSM. Each signal is analyzed by dispatchers, after which it is transmitted to state emergency services.
About this system the most numerous reviews.Caesar Satellite is a company that offers truly high-quality and reliable security alarms. This system is designed to protect the car from being hijacked and hijacked; when unauthorized access attempts, alerts come in the form of SMS messages. The system is able to detect GSM signal jamming.
Производитель отмечает, что это экономичное и An effective device that helps protect vehicles of any brand and model. Simplified communication channel via SMS allows the owner to quickly get information about the car. The Omega X kit includes an electronic tag identifier that works on the basis of a two-way dynamic digital code and variable frequency channels. This is a protection against scanning and a guarantee of reliable blocking of the engine.
Thanks to a special integrated CAN modulethe Caesar Satellite alarm system is quick and easy to install. The small size allows you to position the system as ergonomically and discreetly as possible. Each system includes two parts - a mobile device, which is secretly installed in the car, and a dispatch center, where the coordinates of the vehicle's location and real-time status information are displayed on the object tracking monitor. Hidden installation minimizes the chance of hijackers to detect it, and within literally 40 seconds the controllers will already be aware of the emergency.
This is another reliable alarm system, of which only good reviews. Caesar Satellite is a system that has a number of advantages. In this case, the features of the system are:
This anti-theft complex is designed forbusiness class cars. The system is controlled by a key fob which can block the engine. The code of such a key fob is complex, so it is difficult to scan it. The label is capable of working from one battery up to two years. A special CAN-module makes control of the security complex simple and convenient, without interfering with the standard on-board electronics.
Satellite alarm Cesar Escort X + will becomereliable car protection every day. The security system operates in power consumption mode, while it itself is included in the protection mode automatically. The system monitors unauthorized ignition. There is a hidden alarm button, controlled by the penetration into the car through the door.
Это одна из дорогих систем сигнализации, которая Designed for use in premium cars. The Caesar Satellite Premium X + satellite alarm system is a powerful system that will protect the driver and become an excellent anti-theft tool. The peculiarity of the system is its efficiency: it will protect the car from theft, even if the reception of a GSM signal is muffled. The system is equipped with an additional option that protects the driver from robbery and throwing the driver out of the passenger compartment.
Includes electronictag identifier that is completely protected from scanning capability. The label must be in the cabin, and this is controlled by the system. If it disappears, a signal will be sent to the controller's console. A distinctive feature of this type of security system is the radio beacon, which operates at a frequency other than GSM: thanks to it, you can detect the car using a simple location method. In the case of shutdown or discharge of the battery, you can install an additional. There is such a powerful satellite alarm "Caesar Satellite" about 67,000 rubles, along with the installation.
This satellite complex, according to manyusers, allows you to provide maximum protection for premium cars. The kit consists of a holder's anti-theft tag identifier, which uses digital dynamic two-sided leather. There is a system that protects cars from capturing and scanning information from the chip. The task of the tag is to turn the system on and off, and the engine will be reliably protected from dismantling. The Caesar Satellite Platinum X + alarm system is characterized by low power consumption, and if the standard car battery is discharged, the power supply mode will be run from the backup battery. The system controls the unauthorized ignition and prevents it from entering the salon. The cost of such a system is about 90 000 rubles with the installation.
Another quality system created by JSCCaesar Satellite, Cesar Satellite Tracker. The peculiarity of this system is that it does not need to be set and disarmed, there is no need for additional key rings or tags. The alarm works throughout the country in the GSM network. The essence of this system is to detect the car, if it is suddenly hijacked, and return it to the owner. This alarm is particularly relevant for companies engaged in transportation: it will help you quickly track the stolen goods.
These security systems are resistant toscanning - they can not be visually detected, and the label can not be faked. The small size allows you to accurately position the system in the car so that it can not be noticed. Thanks to its own battery, the alarm can operate even without power. Low power consumption - a pledge that you can install the most reliable security system for cars.
Стоит отметить, что поиск автомобиля ведется only after the owner submits the relevant application. First, the machine is determined from the point of view of geographic location, then the data is transmitted to the Caesar Patrol response panel. Accurate calculations are performed on the ground using the location method of a beacon operating on a GSM frequency.
Security of various properties, includingThe number of country cottages or garages is a reliable way to protect your housing and property, and most importantly, your family. Today, many companies offer their designs and various “smart” systems that will control all residential and non-residential space in a suburban area. How to properly design a security system so that it works efficiently and successfully?
For a start it is worth noting that the protection of the countryhouses is divided into two frontiers. External assumes that video cameras will be installed around the perimeter of the site, internal one is the installation of a well-designed security system inside the house. Such a modern wireless system will reliably protect your home and land from unwanted guests. The Caesar Satellite system has proven itself well: the auto-start of the alarm is triggered immediately after the sensor detects movement.
It is worth remembering that the installation of security systemsinvolves the installation of sensors, tracking devices, which are located in different ways. Internal security involves the installation of opening sensors for windows, doors, intrusion sensors, which are triggered when windows are broken. In this case, all devices are wirelessly connected with the control panel and the executive processor.
When installing an alarm system for a suburban area, its division into zones plays an important role. Most often we are talking about several control zones:
Each protected area is equipped with its own unit.control, so you can turn on the alarm at certain sites. If desired, each system can be supplemented with an alarm button that will allow you to perform an address security alarm.
Apartments and country houses, offices - all this canbe subject to outside intrusion. To avoid this, it is important to set a security alarm. The company Caesar Satellite offers reliable security systems for both cars and apartments or private houses. The company's specialists will offer you the installation of a system consisting of a control panel and a set of sensors that instantly respond to an emergency. Then the signal is transmitted to the monitoring center.
The company offers customized configurations.complexes depending on the specific requirements of customers. If necessary, the system will consist not only of sensors, but also of video surveillance, and a control and monitoring system.
It works as follows:
What is good satellite system "Caesar Satellite"?First, installation is carried out in just one day at a convenient time for customers. Secondly, the response team is triggered quickly and arrives at the facility within 15 minutes. Thirdly, the system guarantees reliable protection against burglaries, vandalism, fires, flooding, gas leaks. Fourth, the number of installed sensors does not affect the cost of all equipment.
The company offers several security options.complexes for apartments, offices and garages: Cesar Light, Profi and Cesar Profi Rent. High quality, reliability of operation, ease of installation - all this distinguishes the system "Caesar Satellite". The price of the system varies depending on the amount of equipment. The easiest with the installation will cost 11,500 rubles, the most difficult - about 27,000 rubles.
Caesar Satellite works in the marketRussia is already more than one year old, so there are already quite a few reviews about its activities and the alarm systems installed by it. Let's start with the positive. Most customers who have chosen the CA system note the following:
Not without negative views on the systemCaesar Satellite (Moscow). One of the reviews tells us that, despite the maximum security package installed on the machine, it was still stolen. And it turned out that there was no connection with the car through the tag. In such situations, company experts advise you to be attentive to the work of the system and periodically check it.
From the negative points users alsonote unreasonable increase in the cost of subscription fees. The buyers were faced with the fact that the group was slow to respond to sensor signals, with the result that several owners looked for their cars after they were taken by a tow truck.
Set or not to set the alarm on the car,apartment or office? Experts advise: if you want to ensure maximum security, be sure to put. Such systems often work reliably and stably, so your car will not be hijacked or hacked. The feature of the satellite is precisely in accurate and reliable operation, since the data is calculated by means of a GPS module. In this case, the owner of the car will always be in touch, because any sensor signal will be reflected in the SMS message.
Security guards created by Caesar SatelliteSystems have long been proven to be reliable and stable. Of course, there are negative reviews too, but they are only a reason to improve their products. The main majority of buyers, however, notes that this type of protection is reliable and effective, despite some malfunctions during operation. Think about protecting your own home now. And your safety will be in your hands!