/ / What is the need for a lamp for drying nails?

What is the need for a lamp for drying nails?

Almost every woman wants to have a beautifulmanicure. However, it requires constant care and caution, since breaking one nail will have to cut everything off. It was to solve this problem that the gel for nail extensions was invented, which was later used universally, and not only for correction, but also for the formation of artificial nails on all fingers.

lamp for drying nails

To work with this gel, you need a lamp forbuilding, as it is called in the people, which is a small container with a light element emitting ultraviolet. It is this kind of light that has an effect on the gel, which contributes to almost instantaneous hardening.

Some women believe thatsuch a manicure lamp for drying gel nails is optional. In part, they are right, because the gel can dry out on its own, in the sunlight, so if a manicure was done in the evening, it's enough to wait until morning, and in cloudy weather you'll have to sit in the light for several hours. It is also worth considering that when the gel dries on its own, it has a completely different structure. It becomes brittle and impractical, often deformed and can exfoliate. That is why the lamp for drying nails must be present in the manicure salons where the gel build-up is made.

 drying lamp for gel nails

There is an opinion that in this device alsodrying can be carried out. This assumption is erroneous, because the varnish for drying requires a certain temperature and time, and ultraviolet rays have no effect on it. For these purposes, there is a special spray that is sprayed on top of the covered nails. It, entering into a chemical reaction, promotes fast hardening of a varnish. Therefore, the lamp for drying nails after their coloring is not needed.

To date, purchase such a devicecan anyone who wants, visiting a specialized store or placing an order on the Internet. At the same time, the price for it is not very high, so it is available to almost everyone. However, it is worth considering that the lamp for drying nails is based on a light element that emits ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, before buying it is worth to clarify whether there are such elements in a separate sale, which of them will fit the chosen model.

bulb for building

Many masters of manicure prefer to purchasemore expensive devices of this type. They usually set a timer and even a sensor that automatically turns on the device when an object is placed in it and starts the countdown. Such a lamp for drying nails in quality practically does not differ from cheaper models, since its device is also based on a light element placed in a special case. Therefore, the quality of all devices of this type depends on the reliability of the lamp installed in them.

Thus, a lamp for increasing gelNails should be for any master of manicure. Those women who prefer to take care of their nails on their own can buy it at a relatively small price.

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