/ / "Nokia 6100": phone description, specifications and reviews

"Nokia 6100": phone description, specifications and reviews

The model represents a family of classiccell phones in a standard form factor. This is one of the most successful models of the Finnish manufacturer, although the platform was not used. Previously, devices such as the 6610 and 7210 were based on it. However, unlike these models, the Nokia 6100 got an improved design and a more ergonomic design - of course, for its time.

Device Overview

Nokia phone 6100

Against the background of its competitors, the model is oneof the easiest. The total weight with the battery was only 76 grams. In many ways, the relief design has been achieved through the use of a new battery. True, the update of the power supply system in relation to the previous devices of the same platform was not in order to reduce weight, but to optimize the performance of the device. It was introduced element BL-5B, the capacity of which is 720 mAh, a lithium-ion battery. "Nokia 6100", as the manufacturer, retains the energy potential of the battery, which is enough for a 6-hour conversation or 150 hours in standby mode. But not only power surprised users of this unit. The developers used a new matrix for the screen. Of course, it can be called conditional. Nevertheless, for 2003, when the model came out, the change of monochrome displays occurred gradually, and Nokia was among the first companies to realize a color screen in a relatively inexpensive device.

Design and design

Nokia 6100

Как уже отмечалось, телефон выгодно отличался small size. Compared with its predecessors, it has received a thin and generally compact body. Not without reason, during the production of this line, the developers managed to earn the status of the foremost in terms of the implementation of ergonomic designs. We can say that the formation of the style of elegance, combined with practicality, just started the phone "Nokia 6100", as well as its subsequent modifications. According to users, the model organically lies in the hand, without causing discomfort in the process of manipulating the control. As for the color design, there is little choice, but there is still a certain variety. In particular, the case was carried out in dark blue, blue and beige. It is noteworthy that the manufacturer has provided the possibility of changing the color panels, so the main range can also be diversified with green, burgundy, black and other shades.


In working qualities, the model is nothing revolutionaryIt did not show, but in the aggregate its communication capabilities and functionality provided good performance. The internal filling is also supported by a good color screen, which the Nokia 6100 received. Characteristics of the main parameters of the device are presented below:

  • The number of screen colors is 4096.
  • Display resolution - 128 x 128.
  • Battery capacity - 720 mAh.
  • Mass - 76 g
  • Dimensions - 102 mm in height, 44 mm in width and 13.5 mm in thickness.
  • The number of names to save is 300.
  • Memory for SMS messages - 150.

As for communication capabilities, the device received an infrared port, as well as data transmission modules WAP and GPRS.


nokia 6100 specifications

The main operations are carried out bybuttons located directly below the screen. This unit is made with dignity in terms of ease of use of the menu, but the keyboard as a whole has several drawbacks. For example, the bottom row and side buttons are too deeply recessed in relation to the central keys. This unevenness makes typing difficult. Conversely, the central row of the keyboard of the Nokia 6100 phone is not properly covered by the backlight. On the left side you can find the volume control. In this case, we can note the successful execution of the button, which protrudes from the case to the optimum value, which excludes accidental pressing.

Applications and Multimedia

Initially, the model has three applicationsJava, among which is an improved converter. Games are represented by Chess Puzzle Chess, however, full-fledged games are out of the question, since the user is only asked to perform typical tasks. Actually, in the past, there was no reason to rely on the acceptable quality of regular games of Nokia fans. The main thing is the potential ability to download applications, and in this case it is present. The sound in the Nokia 6100 phone as a whole remained the same, the same as in previous versions of the family. The phone provides both polyphonic and standard melodies. Again, if necessary, they can be replaced.

Positive feedback about the model

nokia 6100 battery

The main functions of the phone this unitperforms almost flawlessly. The owners say that it provides a speakerphone, a tangible vibration and consistently catches the signal. The same impressions are also caused by the design, in which the main differences of this version from the previous modifications are concentrated. A battery for the Nokia 6100, which is capable of providing up to 6 hours of continuous talk time, deserves a high user rating. Other members of the line demonstrate similar performance indicators, but in this case, the battery is also notable for its size. It was the flat form factor that made it possible to reduce the size of the overall design of the phone, which affected both the visual appeal and the usability of the device.

Negative feedback

nokia 6100 battery

There are quite a few flaws that are foundusers in operation. If the external design of the case causes mostly favorable responses, the software and functionality are not so impressive. Some fans of the brand were disappointed by the lack of a flashlight, which was provided in previous versions. There are also small gaps in ergonomics. For example, many owners find it difficult to switch between text input formats in the Nokia 6100. "How to remove the smart message set?" - one of the most popular questions from novice users of this model. To solve this problem, you must hold down the button, which is responsible for the option of working with the dictionary. There are disadvantages of another kind. At the time of the release of the model, there was a surge in popularity of the Bluetooth wireless transmission module. The ease of use of this technology could appreciate the users of individual models from large manufacturers. However, the Finnish developers did not equip the 6100 with a novelty. The device is deprived of voice dialing - a more familiar function for that time.


Nokia 6100 how to remove an intelligent set of messages

Yet by the average standards of outspoken consdevice a little. Especially if you approach the phone in the aggregate characteristics. The model came out light, thin and ergonomic. Comfort in the management of compensates for many minor shortcomings - in any case, you can get used to them. With respect to the hardware, no noticeable progress has occurred. The Nokia 6100 got the same stuffing, which resulted in a modest set of applications with multimedia capabilities. Therefore, those who want to get a reliable tool for sending messages and making calls should be guided by this option. Do not forget that, including thanks to this model, the manufacturer Nokia has formed the image of the manufacturer of high-quality and stylish telephone structures.

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