/ / Humidifier Air-O-Swiss: reviews about the humidifier Air-O-Swiss

Air-O-Swiss humidifier: reviews of the Air-O-Swiss humidifier

The Air-O-Swiss humidifier is produced by the Swissby company. Currently, all devices of this brand are made in accordance with established European standards. This fact speaks of the impeccable quality of devices and their functionality.

air o swiss humidifier

To get a good humidifier is a challenge.not easy. There are many nuances here that the simple consumer does not even suspect. First of all, these are the technical characteristics of the devices. They are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the premises where it is planned to use the Air-O-Swiss humidifier. Reviews of people who already use the devices, allow us to draw certain conclusions. Based on their arguments, the most suitable in all respects are ultrasonic models. Next we look at more details of the product of the Swiss company, which has earned an impeccable reputation, using the example of the modern AOS U650 device. However, first we will review the general characteristics of the humidifiers of this manufacturer.

Boneco & Air-O-Swiss Product Types

The first thing you want to pay attention to iswide range of model range. Here you can find devices that meet any requirements. As a rule, they are distinguished not only by the exterior design, but also by the functionality, as well as the principle of operation.

Although the Boneco Air-O-Swiss humidifierrefers to the elite products and deservedly costs a lot of money, the company still made sure that in this model range were presented and traditional devices. Their work is mainly based on the production of cold or hot steam. But with ultrasound devices represented by multi-purpose complexes, the principle of operation is somewhat more complicated. Here, unlike traditional models, the fluid is processed by ultrasonic vibrations.

air o swiss humidifier

Производительность данных устройств также deserves special attention. Due to the high level of functionality, the Air-O-Swiss humidifier (customer reviews are evidence of this) has become a true legislator in this area. Its distinctive feature is the ease of use. As a rule, almost all models are able to maintain optimal humidity in the room throughout the day (50-60%).

TM Air-O-Swiss: a brief overview of the model range

The Swiss company specializing in the manufacture of humidifiers, introduced to the market three main types of devices:

- traditional;

- ultrasound;

- steam.

The most simple and inexpensive models are simplea design that is based on the principle of cold evaporation. The most common are AOS E2441, AOS E2241, AOS E2251. Their design consists of a fan and a filter that humidifies the air. The undisputed advantage of such models is silent operation. They are ideal for installation in rooms such as a bedroom and a nursery.

Modern Ultrasonic HumidifierAir-O-Swiss stands out against the general background of the models, as it has many advantages. Like the first option, it does not utter extraneous sounds during work. This effect is achieved by minimizing the amount of steam. It is worth paying attention to the high power of such devices and ease of operation. They are completely safe for children. The humidifier itself has a fairly compact size and is equipped with sensors that automatically control the level of humidity in the room.

humidifier boneco air o swiss

Паровые устройства несколько отличаются от above. First of all, the fact that the principle of their work is to heat the water. Such humidifiers can be used in rooms with a large area, for example, in greenhouses, museums, libraries. Due to its high performance, it is easy to maintain a humidity level in the range of 60-70%. However, these devices have pronounced disadvantages. This is the noise they make during operation, the lack of moisture control and the consumption of large amounts of electricity.

Highlights when choosing humidifiers

Человеку, не владеющему подробной информацией об humidifiers, you need to know the main points that will be useful during the acquisition of devices of this type. Recommendations are selected based on customer feedback.

The first thing that is most important when buying a device is the technical parameters. What exactly is included here:

  • tank volume - its capacity is directly proportional to the duration of continuous operation of the device;
  • functionality, for example, the absence or presence of automatic control of the level of humidity or the option of self-switching off with full evaporation of water;
  • performance - is selected depending on the size of the premises;
  • noise level is a very important parameter, especially if a humidifier is needed for rooms designed for relaxation.

ultrasonic air o swiss humidifier

The second stage is the choice of additional functions. Here TM Air-O-Swiss was not stingy. Almost all products of this brand have the following options:

  • humidity level sensor;
  • air cleaning;
  • hydrometer;
  • aromatization;
  • auto power off;
  • neutralization of allergens;
  • ionization.

Air-O-Swiss U650 - a popular and popular model

In the manufacture of applied only advancedtechnologies and materials that provide high performance and quality. In addition, the design of the humidifier will be combined with any decoration of the room. If based on consumer feedback, this model can be called the most sought-after. Let us consider its technical characteristics in more detail.


The main purpose of the device is to maintainthe desired level of moisture. Due to the high accuracy of the parameters, it is possible to create a healthy indoor climate. The process of the device is to supply water to the membrane, which vibrates at high speed and splits the liquid droplets into the smallest splashes. After that, they are sprayed in space and provide an opportunity to achieve the specified parameters. Air-O-Swiss U650 humidifier is equipped with built-in temperature sensors and a hygrostat. If the automatic mode of operation is set, the humidity level is regulated in accordance with the temperature in the room. The ITC function provides optimum performance in continuous mode.

air o swiss reviews

Distinctive features

Главное преимущество увлажнителя – это режим "Warm steam." Thanks to this option, the liquid heats up to 80 degrees inside the device before it enters the ultrasonic membrane. This mode clears the generated steam and significantly increases performance. The membrane is made by technology Titaniumnitrite. It eliminates the appearance of rust and provides a high level of protection from chemical and physical damage.

Air-O-Swiss humidifier (model U650)Perfect for rooms where wooden furniture and antiques are located. As is well known, with an insufficient level of humidity, the basis of such products begins to crack and aesthetics of appearance are lost. The specified moisture parameters will make it possible to avoid undesirable consequences for wood and damage to other household items.

As for the plants in the room, for theirHealthy growth must comply with not only the desired level of lighting, but also a certain humidity. Thus, the AOS U650 is great for flower greenhouses. The device maintains a high level of moisture in rooms up to 150 cubic meters. meters Installation of the device can be carried out on any horizontal surfaces.

Disinfection of water

A new sample of the AG + cartridge incorporatessilver particles. They are designed to disinfect water and purify air (steam) from dangerous germs and bacteria. Thanks to this configuration, the Air-O-Swiss U650 humidifier completely eliminates the sedimentation of salts present in the composition of tap water to home furniture and appliances.


Problems with setting the desired parameters and selectionthe necessary mode will not arise thanks to a practical and modern control unit that has a touch type. Any change in settings is accompanied by an unobtrusive sound. You can select automatic or night mode. When choosing the latter, optimum moisture will be maintained throughout the night and a spontaneous shutdown will occur in the morning. The water level in the tank is reflected on the display and makes it possible to constantly monitor and quickly add fluid.

air humidifier o swiss reviews

Cartridge replacement

During operation, you can quickly understand thathumidifier Air-O-Swiss U650 is made quite simple and practical. Basically, these criteria are achieved through the use of a special filter element for water purification. The service life of an ion exchange cartridge ranges from 2 to 4 months, depending on the intensity of operation. To save money, you can only purchase ion-exchange resin and replace it in the cartridge yourself.

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