/ How to check the minutes for Kyivstar? "Kyivstar" bonuses - reviews

How to check the minutes for Kyivstar? "Kyivstar" bonuses - reviews

In Ukraine there are several large mobilenetworks that actually occupy the entire communications market. This is life, MTS, Kyivstar, and also 3mob. Each of the operators, of course, has its own set of tariff plans and various conditions that they offer to the subscriber. The user has only to make a choice in favor of this or that plan in order to use the services of communication with the benefit for themselves.

Kyivstar is the leader of the mobile market of Ukraine

In today's article, we will talk about the leadersphere of mobile communication in Ukraine - the company "Kyivstar". This is the second oldest operator, which started its activity in the territory of an independent country. And it differs in that it offers subscribers favorable terms of service, as well as high quality of service in the form of an uninterrupted signal practically throughout the territory of Ukraine.

how to check minutes on

All tariff plans include certainconditions. This is a fixed cost of services (for example, calls within the network of 10 kopecks), a certain number of bonuses, as well as minutes for making calls. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give examples of bonus points. The bonuses of Kyivstar are currently provided only to users of the home Internet. However, this is a completely different direction of the company's activities.

As for the minutes, they are still widelyare applied in the tariff plans of the company. Customers are offered to use them, in particular, for calls within their network and communication with other operators. About how to check the minutes for "Kyivstar" on a specific tariff plan, as well as the conditions of each of them, we'll talk further.

Tariff "For calls"

The simplest, affordable and practical tariffThe plan, which contains the minutes allocated for calls, contains a plan with the name "For calls to all networks". The cost of it is only 50 hryvnia per month.

For this money the subscriber gets 60 minutes forcalls to other networks, as well as unlimited number of minutes for calls to Kyivstar numbers. Extraordinary accrual of minutes this tariff does not provide - just the cost of every minute after spending is 60 kopecks.

You can check the number of accrued minutes using the combination * 112 #.

As a small bonus, the subscriber is provided with 50 megabytes of Internet traffic per month.

bonuses Kyivstar

«For smartphone +»

The next interesting plan is "For a smartphone +".He, as you can see on the operator's website, costs more - 95 hryvnia per month. Users are again offered unlimited number of minutes for calls in the network and 60 minutes for calls to other operators' numbers. To use Internet services, 1500 megabytes of traffic per month are offered. At this rate, the check of minutes is no different. "Kyivstar" serves a single combination for obtaining such information - * 112 #.

The good news for those who now use this tariff is the lack of tariffication of traffic when working with social networks - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter.

Tariff «For smartphone extra»

An increased number of minutes can be obtained,going to a different tariff. "For smartphone extra" provides the subscriber 200 minutes a month for talking with other networks, as well as 2500 megabytes of Internet. If you do not know how to check the minutes for Kyivstar, use the same combination 112.

The fare is 150 UAH per month.

Tariffs of Kyivstar

"All for 500" and "All for 800"

The last two tariffs, which we willcharacterize, can be combined, as they are connected on a contract basis and offer similar conditions with the exception of the volume of the data packet. So, for both tariffs, unlimited free minutes are provided to Kyivstar, as well as 1500 and 2500 minutes for calls to other networks, respectively.

The amount of Internet traffic that goes into the package withBoth services are 5GB and 7GB, respectively. As you can guess from the name of the packages, their cost is 500 and 800 hryvnia per month of service. Again, the answer to the question "how to check the minutes for" Kyivstar "on these packages" is repeated - use * 112 #.

"Free roaming"

check minutes of Kyivstar

Above we outlined the tariffs for Kyivstar foruse in national roaming within Ukraine. You can also order a service in order to make calls cheaper while you are abroad. In this case, the operator gives you bonus minutes for talking at a lower cost. To learn how to order minutes for Kyivstar for calls from abroad, you can visit the website in the tariff "Free roaming", which we did.

First of all, it is important to mention the separationthe company of all countries in which customer service is provided, into two groups. The first group includes Russia, Italy, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The cost of a minute of conversation with them will be 1.50 UAH (provided that the user will be given 25 minutes for a daily fee of 37.50). However, as noted on the site "Kyivstar", an extraordinary accrual of minutes for this tariff is not allowed - after you spend them, you will have to pay much more.

The second group of countries is a much broader list. For talking with them, 15 minutes per day for 60 hryvnia (per day) costing 4 hryvnias are provided.

After the subscriber exceeds the limits set by the option (25 and 15 minutes), the cost of calls grows to UAH 2.25 and UAH 3.60, respectively, for both groups.

If you are looking for how to check the minutes for "Kyivstar" for talking in roaming, the website with information about the service has the answer: you need to use the combination * 106 * 1 * 2 #.

"Favorite countries"

Free minutes for Kyivstar

Another interesting tariff, also aimed atgiving minutes for talking with subscribers from other countries is "Favorite countries". Choose where you want to call, enter a special code for activation and get an exclusive rate for each separate direction. The cost of connection with all countries will be 2 hryvnia, and the price for activation of the service (from each of the countries) is 5 hryvnias.

Tariffication for each of the states is shown on the official website of the company. It is noteworthy that the number of minutes is not limited, so it's useless to check them, in the context of this option.

Bonuses on the home Internet

It would be useful to mention the services thatDo not touch mobile. It's about the home Internet and about how bonuses are earned for working with him. "Kyivstar" offers a reward simply for the fact that you replenish your account in the system. Each bonus is equal to the number of hryvnias paid for the service. The exceptions are the periods when you were in arrears or the Internet was not active due to the current "Suspension" option.

You can use bonuses at your discretion.It can be the payment of mobile communication of your account in the system, as well as the repayment of debt for working with "Home Internet". The bonus period is 20 days, for this period you will have to use them. If you talk about paying the home Internet from the company, then in this case you can connect the Internet package "Day" or "Night" at a price of 50 bonuses for 7 days, and activate the option "Double speed", according to which for 50 bonuses you will receive doubled connection speed for 90 days.

Checking offers

how to order a minute for Kyivstar

Since the bonuses provided by"Kyivstar", you can in two ways - to pay for the Internet and mobile services, there are two accounts, and therefore two ways to check the remaining bonuses you have.

The first is a combination of * 110 #, which shows how many of them you have on your mobile account. The second one is * 460 # - shows how many bonuses are directly on the stationary Internet account.

Control minutes, bonuses and more

We would recommend that you use a specialsystem of accounting all data relating to your subscriber account. This is the application "My Kyivstar", which is available both on the Internet and in the form of a program for any of the mobile platforms presented to this day. With its help you can not only see how much and what is left on your account, but also to keep track of the statistics of expenses. And the main advantage - it's all free and in real time. As a result, you receive exactly the same information that you previously had to ask contact center consultants or company representatives in the service center.

To start using the application, it's enoughregister in it using a phone number and a temporary password that will come on it in the form of a text message. Subscribers who are interested in the home Internet service should use their service agreement number instead of the phone number.

The system's capabilities are such that you can even transfer some types of bonuses to other subscribers! Mass of the advantages that the platform provides, you should definitely try!

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