Today we will meet you with a very interestingan opportunity that Beeline provides its customers. A buzzer on the phone can be changed by using this service. Instead of the usual monotonous sound, you will hear a song or any other melody. This is a very interesting and useful addition from the mobile operator. But the service "Beep" (Beeline) is something that should be connected automatically. And it is for this reason that now we will understand how to start using this opportunity, and also learn a little about the denial of the service. Let us, as soon as possible, proceed with you to study our today's question.
Melody on the beep (Beeline) can be setin a few very simple and simultaneously fast ways. For example, at a personal visit of the client to the nearest office of the mobile operator. As a rule, it is in this place that you can get answers to all the questions.
It's enough to come with your cell phone anddetermine the desire. After all, music instead of hooters (Beeline) is diverse, and the choice is not so easy. You can find a list of possible options with the help of an operator in the communication office. After you stop at something specific, tell your choice to the employee and give him your cell phone. He will perform a few simple manipulations - and you have a melody set on the beep (Beeline). That's all.
Now that someone calls you, he will hearthe track you selected. As a rule, most often the choice falls on classical music, as well as on the "hot hits" of modern songs. That's all the problems are solved. But let's move on.
The second scenario, which is likelywhen you connect the service "Beeline Gudok", this is nothing more than the use of special sites-directories. They, as a rule, publish a wide variety of melodies, as well as prices for their use. For each telephone operator they are their own.
To be honest, this method can be calleduniversal. After all, it is suitable for any mobile phone operator. Music instead of hooters (Beeline, MTS and other operators) is set after sending a special SMS message. Thanks to this action you can pay for the service. Very quickly, simply and reliably.
Only here many users try not touse this scenario. It's all because of the fear of being deceived. After all, quite often on the World Wide Web, "left" hosting services are created, which only charge their customers a fee.
Well, we move with you further.Now it is worthwhile to find out how the beeline hooks the majority of clients, because the main thing in this business is reliability and correct implementation of the algorithm of actions.In order for users not to be frightened by third-party hosting, it was decided to add the automatic connection of "Beeline" Beep. "How is this done? Let's try to figure it out.
To begin with it is necessary to visit official site andlog in to it. After that, you can see the sections in your account. And you can find the line "Hello!" And click on it. Here also there will be an opportunity to establish a melody instead of hooters ("Beeline"). It will be enough to look carefully at the list of music offered to you, and then click on "Connect".
You will open a window where you have to type your owndata (name, number), and then confirm the changes. After that, you can try to call yourself. You will notice, as you have instead of the usual beep, the previously selected track will be set.
In addition, "Beeline" -hook can be obtained in another very interesting way. How? As a present. For this, of course, another Beeline subscriber should present you this present.
In fact, this is a very interesting approach.However, such a call will be set for only one month. Then the comrade will either refuse to provide you with a repeat service "Music instead of hooters" (Beeline), or pay you the next month of use. Quite an interesting and very original way to get additional features.
In order to present a similarsurprise, just visit the official site of "Beeline", go to the "Hello!" section, and then choose the melody that you like. Then click on "Gift". An authorization window appears before you. Go through it, and then fill out all the necessary fields in the friend's choice box to present the gift. As a rule, it is enough to indicate the phone number of the subscriber. Important: your friend should also have a "simka" from "Beeline". As you see, nothing difficult or supernatural. But there is another interesting approach to the solution of the task set before us today. Beeline-hook can be connected in one more way.
For example, you can try to findpages of magazines and newspapers section of music and applications for phones. The same directory is easily found on the Internet or on the official website of your mobile operator. Now just pick up the music for the call, and then send SMS to the short number. Inside the message, you should write a special command. It will be listed opposite the selected track.
If you use an official website, thensend a message with the melody code to the number 0770. Make sure that you have enough funds on your balance sheet to perform the operation. Only in this case we can wait for the result. You will receive a message from the operator about the successful connection of the service. But there is one more issue that we have not touched yet. He worries those who are not particularly eager to use the "Good". What are we talking about? Let's try to figure out how to turn off "Beep" to "Beeline". This can, of course, also be done in several ways.
For example, quite interesting, fast anda reliable approach will be the reference to the official website of the company. Here, each client in the personal account will be able not only to track the last activity of his number, but also to check the connected services. If you want to refuse something, then there will be no problems either.
In order to understand how to disable the "Beep" to"Beeline", it is enough just to log in to your personal account, and then see the list of services connected to the number. If you click on "Hooter", you will immediately see a list of possible actions. Select "disable" there and confirm the changes. That's all the problems are solved. As you can see, nothing difficult.
Another rather effective approach iscall the number of the "Beeline" hotline and cancel the service. You dial 0770 and wait for an answer. There are two options for the development of events: you either talk with a robot voice that will tell you about all the necessary functions, or you get on the line to the real operator. And already with him you have to conduct a dialogue.
In addition, to disable the "Whistle" enoughresend SMS with melody code to number 0770 and then wait for a reply. Once you receive an alert for the processing of the operation, you can rejoice at your achievements. That's all the problems are solved. Now you know what "Beeline" is, and how to use this service.