/ / Nokia 6630: Features

Nokia 6630: Specifications

The company "Nokia" became famous for itsquality smartphones on Symbian. Today, of course, this platform is quite outdated, and it was replaced by "Android". However, there are many users who are used to the functionality of Symbian and the reliability of these phones. One of the most famous models working on this platform is Nokia 6630, which was published more than ten years ago. Today, we will examine its characteristics and find out whether it is worth buying such a phone.

nokia 6630


Looks smartphone is quite unusual.The Nokia 6630 is rounded from the bottom, which adds extra comfort when used. The expanded area allowed developers to place keys non-standard, but it's convenient to press them. On the back there is an eye of the camera, there is a rim that protects it from scratches. At the very top there is a company logo, and at the bottom there is a button for removing the cover.

The top end of the Nokia 6630 is occupied by a speaker forconversation and handsfree. On the bottom there is a port for charging the device. The left side has a button for voice input (it is also used to turn on the speakerphone during a call). On the right side there is a power button and a memory card slot (MMC). A stub is used, when opening it, the card power is turned off, applications are closed, and an extract message appears on the display.

At the top of the Nokia 6630 front panel is an interestingthing. First, it can be taken as an LED for reporting events. In fact, this is an exposure meter. It measures the illumination and adjusts the brightness of the backlight of the keyboard. The feature is useful, but works quite slowly.

nokia 6630 body

The Nokia 6630 keyboard is made large and convenient,thanks to the allotted space. It does not take long to get used to the new location of the send and cancel buttons, which are now on the sides. The keys are pressed nicely and do not cause rejection. Some people have to get used to the behavior of the four-position control key, which often causes not what is needed.


It should be immediately said that in some smartphonesuneven installation display. This problem has already been encountered in other Nokia phone models. This model is made by TFT technology, the resolution is 176x208 pixels. Color rendition is at a high level, the screen does not shine in the sun, the viewing angles are quite wide, which is enough for comfortable work.


Platform 60, edition 2, the second update package- The Nokia 6630 system received such characteristics. The firmware manual (jaf-file) is on the manufacturer's website and on other resources about the smartphone. The new system brought great opportunities, thanks to which the developers managed to create such a functional device. Here are just some updates:

  • support of third generation networks;
  • function of video calls;
  • the ability to transfer documents from the phone to the server;
  • highlighting of links and numbers in messages;
  • continuous shooting;


nokia 6630 firmware update for jaf

The device has a 1.3-megapixela camera that certainly will not satisfy the needs of a modern user. The lens of the module is not protected. There is a plastic insert, which protects the camera from scratches and dust. All is fixed not so reliably, even at not strong touch it is possible to feel люфты. The camera is suitable only for taking close subjects. Photos are obtained with noises and not very detailed.


Phone Nokia 6630, the characteristics of which is unlikelywhether at least someone surprised, received only 10 MB of internal memory. This volume was not enough even 10 years ago, what to speak of the present tense, when many cheap smartphones are equipped with 8 GB. The developer focused on memory cards, which can be purchased separately.


The battery is set to 950 mAh.The manufacturer claims about 6 hours of talk time and up to 250 hours of standby time. With an average load, the phone is able to work up to 3 days. Autonomy of the model is much higher than previous models. Full charging of the device does not exceed 2 hours.


nokia 6630 specifications

Nokia 6630 turned out quite good.Of course, for that time. The phone has a good loudness of the speakers, a sufficiently powerful vibration. It did not disappoint the autonomy of the work, which allows you to stay in touch for a long time. Today, such a device, most likely, will be interesting only to fans of the company. Despite the functional, the model is very outdated. The user will not be able to comfortably use the Internet or familiar applications.

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