/ / Phone Sony Ericsson W200i: description, features, test, reviews

Phone Sony Ericsson W200i: description, specifications, test, reviews

At the present time, there is a lack ofthe assortment of mobile devices will not work. Every year the market is replenished with new models. However, in this article I want to ponostalgize and review the phone Sony Ericsson W200i. It was released ten years ago.

На старте продаж аппарат уверенно занял the leading position in the segment of expensive devices. Connoisseurs of the brand watched how the W200i model changed the cost for the entire period of time, while it was being produced. Sharp jumps both up and down were not noticed. The price of $ 200 affected the demand: keeping it at a moderate level.

According to users, this model wasreleased by the manufacturer to expand the range. In the mobile device market there is always strong competition, so developers have to look for fresh ideas and new solutions. Not for nothing, some buyers noted a certain similarity with the K310i and K320i, produced under the brand Sony Ericsson. This indicates that the W200i model can not be called a separate product. The developers used only small changes in the system "stuffing" and finalized the stylization. The phones differ in color and some functionality.

sony ericsson w200i


Sony Ericsson W200i pleased the buyers with a largeassortment of color options: black with patches of red (Rhythm Black) and blue (Mono Blue), white with orange accents (Pulse White) and graphite (Aquatic White), pink with a border of contrasting silver (Sweet Pink) and gray. The chip of this model was a combination of representatives of the palette. For example, in the black version, the whole body is made in the same color scheme. On models of blue and red colors there was an inscription Walkman, indicating the device belongs to the music class, standalone control keys for the player, joystick lighting and a brand name in the bottom of the case, which is located just below the keyboard.

As for the white version, then in itthe distribution of colors was somewhat different. The main color is used for the front and back panels. Accents in the form of other representatives are located on the side faces, merging into a kind of frame. In order for the design to look holistic, they also used an insert on the back panel, placing it on the bottom of the case. It is on it you can see the green and white logo of the company.

Sony Ericsson W200i was made of plastic.The dimensions of the case, according to users, are chosen optimally. At a height of 101 mm, the width of the phone was 44 mm. The thickness is rather big - 18 mm, but in 2007 this indicator was within the norm. In their responses, the owners positively respond about the quality of the assembly. The phone is durable and reliable. If you look at the side, you can see that the designers decided to abandon the standard solutions by choosing the parallelogram shape for the case. Thanks to this phone "Sony Ericsson" looks quite original.

The front panel is equipped with all necessaryelements. Of course, this is the screen over which the speaker is displayed, and the company logo. Under it is a control panel consisting of five buttons. For the location of the latter, the manufacturer chose the shape of a horizontally elongated oval. Let's talk about the numeric keypad below.

On the back cover there is an opening for the output speaker. It is made in the form of a semicircle. A camera lens is next to it. Below is the name of the company under which the logo flaunts.

На боковых гранях расположена «качель» громкости (right) and the player button (left). An autonomous key for controlling the camera is not provided. On the left side, the designers have installed a memory card slot. It is covered with a plastic cap, on which there is an inscription M2. The bottom end is used to place the Fast Port connector for the charger, it is also used to connect the headset, there is also a hole for the microphone. The power button is on the opposite side of the case. Next to it there is an infrared port. For those who prefer to carry the phone on a cord or strap, an opening for fastening is provided on the upper end.

sony ericsson phone


Which display is used for playbackgraphic information on the Sony Ericsson W200i? The screen is small, its diagonal is only 1.8 ". On the clarity of the image is unnecessary. The resolution of 160 × 128 px does not give a high quality. Color rendering is limited to only 65 thousand shades. One pixel encoding uses 16 bits of memory.

The display is made using UBC technology.Unfortunately, it does not provide high quality images. In the sun the screen fades strongly, the granularity is visible to the naked eye. The picture looks unrealistic, the saturation of the transmission of colors is weak.

The screen size is enough to deduce 6 linesinformation text and 2 service. There is also always a panel with battery and mobile network signal levels. It is at the top of the display.

sony ericsson w200i battery


The phone "Sony Ericsson" is controlled bybutton keyboard. Innovative ideas the manufacturer did not apply, repeating the concept of past models. The keyboard consists of two blocks. The first one is soft-keys. The phone is controlled by two paired buttons and a five-way joystick. The digital unit consists of four rows, in which three buttons are combined. They are separated from each other by a certain distance, which greatly facilitates the process of dialing a number or text. Pressing is felt pretty well, since each button has a hard stroke. According to users, it is very convenient. There are comments to the design of the joystick. It is small in size, so it is not very convenient to operate it.

games for sony ericsson w200i


Which is installed on Sony Ericsson W200ibattery? Autonomous operation is provided by a lithium-ion battery BST-36. Its capacity is 750 mAh. How long does it take for the owner to work offline? After testing, the following results were published. In order for the phone to work up to 3 days, you do not need to exceed the talk time - 2.5 hours, the data transfer via the infrared port - no more than 30 MB, listening to music - 2 hours via the headset and 20 minutes. through the speaker, activation of applications - 30 min.

Sony Ericsson W200i: memory specifications

In order for the user to storeall kinds of software on the phone, the manufacturer has provided a special memory storage. In this model, the ROM size is 27 MB. For a full-fledged work of this volume is not enough. In order to expand the phone's capabilities there is a slot for Memory Stick Micro M2. If the owners will use the memory card, they will be able to install applications, music, photos with almost no restrictions, as it provides a 2 GB storage.

sony ericsson w200i specs


What optics is used on the Sony Ericsson W200i?The price in this issue is not an indicator. Taking into account that in 2015 the phone could be purchased for 2500-3000 rubles, the camera does not have a high indicator. It is made on the basis of a 0.3-megapixel matrix. The size of the photo is 640 × 480 px. Quality is not high. The pictures are fuzzy, the color rendering is weak. When working with the camera, you can magnify the image 4 times. However, according to users, the quality is significantly reduced. With the camera you can shoot video. Its maximum resolution is 176 × 144 px.

sony ericsson w200i price


Inscription on the case of Sony Ericsson W200i Walkmanindicates the use of a proprietary music player. In this model, its second version is installed. According to the connoisseurs of the brand, it practically does not differ from the previous ones. But the quality of sound, on the contrary, has significantly improved. Developers have raised the level of low frequency reproduction. Undisputed advantage is easy control of the player. It is carried out by means of the independent button located on the case.

sony ericsson w200i screen

Menus and Apps

The menu consists of 12 main items.Most of them are standard. You can select PlayNow - the service that is used to download music tracks, and Walkman - the original player. The organizer provides all necessary services, such as synchronization, code memo, tasks and others.

The games for Sony Ericsson W200i are designed taking into account the characteristics of the screen, so the user is available QuadraPop (a variation of Tetris) and Treasure Towers.

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