/ / Leader in sports nutrition - Serious Mass: reviews and recommendations

The leader in sports nutrition - Serious Mass: reviews and recommendations

Every self-respecting professional sportsman,as, however, an amateur, he knows about the importance and necessity of proper rational nutrition. The use of the recommended amount of calories and compliance with the proportion of "protein-carbohydrates" has a positive effect on health, physical fitness and athletic performance. However, often athletes who lead an active lifestyle simply do not have enough time to comply with all these rules. Precisely for such situations Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass was created. This is a geyner, developed by Optimum Nutrition Corporation (USA), which has solid experience and excellent recommendations in the sports nutrition market. Serious Mass includes a full complex of proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, as well as low molecular weight biologically active compounds that provide muscle mass gain and increased demand for vitamins, increase energy and endurance.

Serious Mass, reviews of which are wornextremely positive character, has a lot of additional advantages, including natural taste, ease of preparation and a whole complex of low molecular weight antioxidants. These substances are necessary for neutralization of aggressive free radicals formed in the body due to physical and mental loads, as well as adverse environmental conditions.

To achieve the greatest possible effectit is recommended to take one portion of the drug a day immediately after training. In this case, Serious Mass, reviews of which are mostly athletes, fully satisfies the need for calories formed after serious physical exertion.

Of course, like any drug, SeriousMass there are certain contraindications. The main one is excess weight and inclination towards him, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. In the presence of excess body weight or hypodynamia, calories will be stored in the form of fat deposits: an essential condition for muscle growth is intense physical activity.

Not only the athletes are recommended SeriousMass. Reviews of people with underweight and lean physique indicate the effectiveness of the drug for shaping the figure, which is especially important for men with accelerated metabolism and ectomorphic physique.

Depending on the type of figure, the original massbody, the standard level of exercise and the desired results, the dosage and the regimen of the drug are different. At reception before training you will provide yourself with strength, endurance and vigor, after it - restore the reserve of nutrients. Take 1-2 tablespoons of powder dissolved in cold water, juice or milk and blended in a blender for 1 minute between meals. Before use, do not forget to consult a doctor and make sure that you do not have any allergic reactions to the components of Serious Mass. Customer testimonials indicate that the drug is one of the best in its kind for the effectiveness and degree of balance of nutrients, as well as the absence of side effects. In addition, this geyner has a pleasant taste of strawberries, vanilla, chocolate, banana and others.

With regard to a common opinion on harmall without exception preparations of sports nutrition in general and geynerov in particular, it was true only for representatives of the first generations of drugs. Modern geyners are not only completely harmless, but also benefit the body of athletes, supplementing the diet with missing elements, especially the Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. Reviews about this drug confirm that a company with a worldwide reputation takes care of its image and the health of its customers, and therefore guarantees the absence of any side effects.

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