When we buy any product (whatever it is), as a rule, we rarely look at its labeling. This is normal, because everything that interests us is the product itself, its functionality and capabilities.
Even if we buy an “iPhone”, it takes us a little, what designations can be found on its back cover - we immediately turn on the device, go to the menu, launch applications, and so on.
In today's article talked about a single signlabeling, which is very important for any buyer. It is now a sign of the PCT. What it is and why the manufacturer puts it on the device - more on that later.
Let's start with general information about whycertification of goods, what it means. This is a mandatory procedure that is carried out to confirm the quality of products. With it, you can surely say that a particular product belongs to a certain quality class in the event that it has been certified.
This stage is obligatory according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.For example, such a category of goods as appliances is subject to certification. Of course, this also applies to “iPhones” - they must also go through this procedure if they are sold legally. And on each of the goods that have passed it successfully, a symbol is placed that corresponds to this PCT phone. What does this mean, read on.
The procedure is carried out by a state body authorized to do so.by law. It is called RosTest. It is this abbreviation that contains the icon that is put on your iPhone. The PCT (what it means, you already know) indicates the possibility of using the model in the domestic market. Thus, experts ensure that the phone is safe, properly adapted and configured for our conditions. In addition, an iPhone with such a symbol will last longer, and this is again guaranteed by RosTest.
The meaning of the emblem that we describe in the articleyou know. It indicates the passage of the device certification. But it is also necessary to understand that there are a number of other points affecting the phone with and without a sign.
For example, the price.The cost of certified products at 20-35 percent will be higher than that of a simple device, imported illegally. This is because the procedure itself costs money and takes time. Consequently, the distributor (stores) transfers these and other costs to the buyer. He pays for the PCT symbol. That this is the right to choose (pay more and be confident or save but take risks) is clear to everyone. Products that are certified will be precisely adapted to work in our market, have high quality and function in the networks of mobile operators in the Russian Federation. For this we pay more. Of course, with phones without a PCT (what kind of model it is, it does not matter) no one can guarantee this.
In practice, you can define several signalswhich will make it clear whether the phone passed certification or not. The first, of course, symbol. The second is the keyboard. Devices introduced by the “gray” path were officially released for another country. This means that they do not always have a Cyrillic keyboard. The third is domestic networks. It is necessary to understand what the PCT means, that this is a test for compliance. Since the same “iPhone” can be blocked, let's say, for work in the network of the AT & T operator operating in the USA, it is obvious that in Russia it will not be possible to use it. RosTest checks and gives a guarantee that everything will work properly.
Finally, the fourth is the guarantees about which we andstarted talking. Without the “PCT” symbol, “iPhone” (which model it is, does not matter) will not be accepted for free warranty repair by Apple official service centers in the Russian Federation. In contrast, of course, from certified equipment. Such measures, by the way, the manufacturing company is taking primarily to combat the illicit trafficking of "gray" devices. However, as shown by reviews of the owners of “apple” products, even with gadgets purchased from unofficial distributors, you can safely contact the manufacturer’s warranty centers, and in case of refusal to sue the center.
In this article I would like to mentionAnother important factor that you should know. These are regular cases of online store fraud and manipulation of the PCT emblem. What kind of violations it is, you shouldn’t think long: everything is trivial. Very often sellers, wanting to fill the price of their goods, imitate a mark about the certification passed by the device. Thus, they deceive the buyer, mislead him.
Проверить, официально ли завезен ваш смартфон в country, or it is "gray" and imported illegally, quite easily. Just visit the Apple site, where there is an IMEI code verification section. Entering the address of your device in the field, it is easy to understand what is the history of your gadget.
And, of course, as a result, we answer the question aboutwhat model should you buy. At first glance, it would seem, you should take certified products at a higher price. This will give confidence in the quality of the phone, will provide a guarantee for the model.
On the other hand, overpay 20-30percent of the original cost of the phone makes no sense to someone. After all, since the product is released by Apple, it will be of high quality in any case, and without Cyrillic, you can do without it (especially if it is about the PCT).
"IPhone" - what is it? Very high quality device.Therefore, one can do without Russian certification. As for working in certain networks, you can check it with the help of the device itself. As soon as you insert the SIM card and start the device, the seller can sense something wrong and start his escape.
Thus, everything, as you understand, depends ondevice models, the seller and the price at which the transaction occurs. Given this information, the buyer has the right to choose between the two specified data.
Of course, if you take information on the number“White” and “gray” phones, then in certain situations the volume of illegal sales exceeds the number of legal ones. Thus, it shows the attitude of most people to the original certified devices.