/ / Smartphone Prestigio Grace Q5: reviews of owners, review, specifications and description

Smartphone Prestigio Grace Q5: reviews of owners, review, specifications and description

Today we have to find out what kind ofPrestigio Grace Q5 reviews from their customers. It is also superfluous to understand the pros and cons of the product. After all, the choice of a modern smartphone is not so simple. Many buyers for a long time can not decide what phone they need. It is necessary to study not only advantages and disadvantages of offers, but also consumer reviews. Despite the fact that opinions are often divergent, one can draw from them something useful for themselves. So what are the characteristics that please or frustrate customers in the Prestigio Grace Q5 phone model? What should I focus on first? Is this a good smartphone?


What is the studied product?The thing is that Prestigio Grace Q5, which will be reviewed further, is a modern phone from a fairly successful creator. "Prestige" enjoys the confidence of customers.

prestigio grace q5 reviews

Smartphone allows you to implement all the moderncapabilities. You can call on it, and use the Internet, and even take photos and videos. The most common smartphone of our time. Outwardly, he is not much different from his "fellow". What characteristics does he have? What should consumers pay attention to in order to decide exactly how much the smartphone meets the demands of the majority?


The first thing that they pay attention to is the design.The thing is that outwardly, as already mentioned, Prestigio Grace Q5 is not much different from other models of smartphones. It is quite large in size, without sharp corners. The front panel is mainly a display.

Ultra-thin model is not called.After all, the thickness of the device is 8.3 millimeters. Not too few by modern standards. Prestigio Grace Q5 reviews are positive for their size. Large, but in the hand, as the buyers say, lies comfortably. The phone is almost 71 millimeters wide, 142.5 in height.

There are several types of colors. Preference is given to classic black. The device weighs a lot - 150 grams. As the buyers say, if such a phone is in your pocket, you can not forget about it.

reviews of prestigio grace q5


Of course, the fundamental part of almost any smartphone for a modern user is the display. It gives him a lot of attention when choosing gadgets.

Customer Reviews of Prestigio Grace Q5 in thisareas are mostly positive. The display has a diagonal of 5 inches, it is made using multitouch technology. The resolution of the screen is 1280 by 720 pixels, which is a very good indicator for a modern mobile phone.

The picture on the display is clear.The screen is well protected from scratches, but it is not shockproof. Regarding the Prestigio Grace Q5 reviews indicate that it is worthwhile to monitor, so that the display does not have unnecessary damage. Otherwise, some problems may arise. About them a little later.


The next important characteristic is the cameradevice. A modern phone is not just a technique that allows you to make calls. It should be a multifunctional device. Many use smartphones instead of cameras.

Prestigio Grace Q5 reviews in this areareceives ambiguous. The thing is that there are two cameras in the phone: a front camera for 5 megapixels and a rear camera for 8 megapixels. As the buyers assure, not the best indicators, but also not bad. For amateur shots and good video communication, as well as for self, this phone will fit all 100%.

customer reviews of prestigio grace q5

At night the camera shoots well, in motion -slightly inferior to most similar phones. But at the same time it is possible to make high-quality pictures. There is a flash and autofocus. In skilled hands, the images are almost perfect. Just what modern consumers need. 8 MP for a rear camera with autofocus and face recognition technology - this is enough to have good photos.


Several other important components are differenttypes of memory. Reviews about the smartphone Prestigio Grace Q5 leave very ambiguous in this area. After all, here everyone has his own essential requests. The camera, display and design are characteristics that do not determine the power of the phone. Where memory plays a big role here.

In total, the smartphone has 2 memory - operational andusual. The first is 1 GB, the second - 8. RAM, as they say many, is not enough. Indeed, for a modern smartphone, especially gaming, such indicators are a disadvantage. Only reviews about Prestigio Grace Q5 indicate that this product is not a gadget. Games on it are launched, but for the latest innovations, the smartphone's power is not enough.

customer reviews of prestigio grace q5

Usual "user" memory is a little, but atyou can install an additional card to increase the space. To the place on the phone, as a rule, no complaints. Just keep in mind that the maximum hobby for free space is 32 GB. As the reviews on the mobile phone Prestigio Multiphone Grace indicate, if you use a memory card with 64 GB or more, the operating system of the device will start to crash and hang as you fill 32 gigabytes.

operating system

The phone's operating system is anotheran important characteristic. The thing is that customer reviews of Prestigio Grace Q5 indicate that customers are satisfied with this component. There is nothing particularly new here.

The smartphone is installed "Android" version 5.1.Classic and familiar to many interface allows you without any problems to manage the gadget. Nothing freezes and does not buggy. Sometimes, of course, the phone slows down a bit. Especially if the device is already used for a long time or if many programs are running in the system. However, if you believe the reviews, then such problems are observed for all phones.


A battery deserves special attentiondevice. The time of the smartphone also affects the response. About this component reviews about the phone Prestigio Grace Q5 leave ambiguous.

On the one hand, the smartphone is of high quality and longworks - 2 days without recharging with active use. On the other hand, some consider this a short period, although in practice this is not so. In the talk mode, the gadget "keeps" for 8 hours, like most analogs.

smartphone prestigio grace q5

The drawback is only one - it's that if there is a breakdownor battery failure, it will be difficult to replace the component. Owners of Prestigio Grace Q5 indicate that any spare parts from the phone can be difficult to obtain. This should be taken into account before buying a smartphone.


Now it is clear what Prestigio Grace Q5 5506 reviews. The disadvantages and advantages of this device also became known. But an important role is played by such a component as the cost of the gadget.

The thing is that many are satisfiedprice of Prestigio Grace Q5. As buyers say, this is a mid-price device. On average, the model costs 7,500 - 8,000 rubles. It's not so expensive. For the proposed phone and even more so.

Yes, you can find a smartphone less expensive, even withsimilar characteristics. But, as the buyers assure, the quality of the device will not be the best. This should also pay attention, so as not to make a mistake in choosing a phone.

reviews about smartphone prestigio grace q5

Main characteristics

What other characteristics do the gadget studied have that were not mentioned? Customers' comments about the Prestigio Grace Q5 model indicate the following:

  • presence of touch buttons;
  • quad-core processor;
  • the possibility of connecting 2 SIM-cards;
  • presence of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi;
  • built-in voice control;
  • flashlight;
  • the processor frequency is 1.3 GHz.

There are no more significant characteristics. The main points to look out for are indicated in the reviews about the smartphone.


What happens if you consider all the disadvantages of PrestigioGrace Q5? What are the disadvantages of this device? Often, buyers can not pinpoint what to look for. This makes people think that the device under study is the best that only can be, and even at an attractive price.

At the moment, the basic nuances deserve special attention:

  1. Problems with repair.There are no spare parts for the phone, but simply to buy spare parts for Prestigio Grace Q5 in most regions is problematic. We have to either order them and spend some time without a phone, or refuse the device.
  2. Speed. Over time, the phone starts to slow down and does not respond very quickly to the signals sent. This is a clear sign of wear. On new devices this problem does not happen.
  3. Average power.Phone Prestigio Grace Q5 is not suitable for modern games, despite the new operating system. Although some applications on the gadget are running. The smartphone is intended primarily for business use. Or for not the most powerful and demanding games.
  4. Lack of covers. To find additional protection for the gadget can be very problematic. This small defect is emphasized quite often.

reviews about mobile phone prestigio multiphone grace

Perhaps, these are all the disadvantages that are only available inmodel. Whether to buy Prestigio Grace Q5? Look closer to it is clearly worth it. This phone is not the best, but for its price category it is worthy. Do not think that the gadget under study is endowed with some incredible possibilities. The only thing that stands out is the modern assembly of Android. In general, the product is good. Find it in stores is not difficult. It is recommended that you refrain from buying, if a person does not know how to handle neatly with phones. Prestigio Grace Q5 does not have anti-shock, and it's not so difficult to damage.

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