/ / Coffee machine "Bosch": choose a home assistant

Coffee machine "Bosch": choose a home assistant

Not so long ago in our market there was a coffee machine "Bosch". What kind of instruments are these, what are their advantages over their colleagues in the "coffee" field? Let's consider these devices in more detail.

Basic assortment

In the CIS countries, three series of BOSCH coffee machines are supplied.The most budgetary model is the compact TAS20. Coffee machine "Bosch" of middle class-TAS40 and, finally, the most advanced version-TAS65. These machines are preparing the same amount of quality coffee. However, there are differences in the management system. In an inexpensive model TAS20, it looks a bit simpler, besides, its reservoir is smaller than that of the "sisters".

Principle of operation

Coffee machine "Bosch Tassimo" can cook about thirty different drinks.

Coffee machine Bosch Tassimo
However, only ten of them are sold in the CIS.Fans of hot drinks can cook as ordinary espresso, and latte-macchiato, cappuccino, hot chocolate, etc. The future drink is loaded into special capsules, or T-disks. It prints a service barcode that reads the coffee machine. Here is information on how much water is needed, to what temperature it should be heated and how much time to cook. After the end of cooking, the user can manually dilute an excessively strong beverage.

A capsule machine "Bosch" can usemilk. It, concentrated, but liquid, is loaded into special capsules. The container with milk is placed in the coffee machine after the preparation of the basic drink.

Positive sides

The coffee machine "Bosch" prepares a delicious aromaticdrink of high quality. Perhaps, he is a little inferior to the one that is cooked in the classic "big" apparatus. However, for those who do not reach fanaticism, this option is most acceptable. For many buyers, price may be the decisive factor. Know that the cost of this device, depending on the model, is two to four times lower than the "classics".

Coffee machine capsule Bosch
Among the advantages are simplicityoperation - for control it is enough to press one button on the casing and periodically pour the filtered water into a special tank. Care for such a coffee machine is simple - it comes with a T-disk that includes a self-cleaning process. Those who wish can wash some parts of the device in the dishwasher.

Bosch coffee machine
An important advantage is the speed with whichpreparing an aromatic drink. This machine will make regular coffee in a minute, and you don’t need to stand and wait while you can do your daily activities. This advantage is especially important in the morning when a person is going to work. Office workers will also appreciate fast preparation - no need to wait for a long time until coffee is brewed for a large team.

Negative sides

Coffee machine "Bosch" has disadvantages. The main one is the rather high price of T-disks. However, if drinking coffee infrequently, the budget does not suffer much.

Summing up

Based on the foregoing, we can say that the coffee machine "Bosch" is the perfect solution for lovers of flavored drinks, who do not want to spend a lot of time on its preparation.

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