/ / Headphones Sennheiser HD 380 PRO: review, specifications and photos

Sennheiser HD 380 PRO headphones: review, specifications and photos

Equipment for working with sound constantlyImproved, providing high acoustic performance. Technological progress affects both amateur devices and professional equipment, but manufacturers still want to separate these two segments. Nevertheless, headphones are increasingly encountered, which occupy a peripheral position - one can say, these are semi-professional devices that combine the advantages of both categories. One of the brightest models of the last time in this niche was the development of the Sennheiser HD 380 PRO. The review of the modification will help to form an opinion on the merits, shortcomings and features of this proposal.

General information about the model

sennheiser hd 380 pro

The company Sennheiser can not be called a debutant insegment semi-professional headphones. Her previous development of the 280 series received a lot of critical reviews, which motivated developers to approach the HD 380 more thoroughly. In addition to minor improvements, the manufacturer made significant improvements in the processing and playback of the signal. Using higher quality materials in the finish of the Sennheiser HD 380 PRO also increased noise insulation. In addition, the company decided to significantly increase the power to 110 dB, which attracts to the model not only the attention of music lovers, but also specialists.

Headphones are not overchargedaccessories, but, by modern standards, looks decent. It includes, in addition to the main unit, a replacement cable, carrying case and an adapter from a typical mini-jack to a connector with a size of 6.3 mm. As a result, the user receives standardly equipped headphones, the price of which is 7-8 thousand rubles.

Model specifications

headphone price

How justified is the cost of thisproposals can be judged by the declared characteristics. It should be noted that not every amateur model has similar parameters. If you compare with the options from the professional segment, you can meet and higher performance, but the price will grow almost at times. So, the headphones Sennheiser HD 380 PRO have the following characteristics:

  • The type of cups are the covering ears.
  • The type of acoustic transformation is dynamic.
  • Weight headphones - 220 g.
  • The headphones are closed.
  • The resistance is 54 ohms.
  • The frequency range is from 8 to 27 000 Hz.
  • Ability to noise reduction - up to 32 dB.
  • The limiting power is 500 mW.
  • The acoustic pressure index is 110 dB.
  • The length of the cord is 3 m.
  • Plug - a standard mini-jack with an adapter to a connector format 6.3 mm.

Appearance and ergonomics

headphones sennheiser hd 380 pro

In materials of manufacture plastic prevails, andmetal is represented by separate elements. For example, an arch of the headband and hinged parts are made of it. Massive ear pads Sennheiser HD 380 PRO perceptibly fit your head, tightly covering your ears. Planting is generally comfortable, but it is especially worth noting the free rotation of the cups with the possibility of bending from the main position. Staying in headphones can be a long time without experiencing discomfort. The only negative - depending on the temperature of the air, the skin under them sweats.

There is also another insulting miscalculation, which for thisonce associated with the identification of the right and left cups. Traditionally, the cable departs from the left earpiece, but the letters L and R in this case are hardly distinguishable - they were squeezed out on the hinge. Special problems this solution does not deliver, in any case, you can get used to, but still on such little things eminent brands usually do not save. But the cable for Sennheiser HD 380 PRO is executed qualitatively and does not cause concern. Moreover, if necessary, it can be replaced via a special connector.

sennheiser hd 380 pro review

Sound Quality

In the process of sounding there are sharpShades with unbroken and deep bass. As for high ranges, they are muffled. Middle frequencies are slightly boosted - perhaps this nuance also provides sharpness when playing vocal parts. In general, vocal compositions are legible, although unnaturalness is also traced. The dynamic range of the Sennheiser HD 380 PRO is quite wide, which makes it possible to attribute it to universal devices. In addition, headphones do a good job with the study of stereopanoramy. This is a rarity for closed-type models, but in this case there is a good localization and sufficient volume of sound.

If we select the closest to thisapparatus genres, then light music will come to the fore, although with the "heavy" compositions the model will do well. Again, this class of devices has the ability to work with the upper and middle frequencies. Therefore, the HD 380 in terms of playback is worthy of attention, at least for high-quality sound on the bass.

Combining possibilities

ear cups sennheiser hd 380 pro

Tracking new developments in the developmentacoustic equipment, the German manufacturer decided to try out the forces in the matter of headphones with mobile devices. This feature of the Sennheiser HD 380 PRO sounds loud in advertising, but in practice everything is not so simple. In particular, many users have noted poor compatibility with some Apple iPhone series. This is due to the lack of power source - in the end, the user is forced to adjust the volume to a maximum. In addition, forcing the midrange when connecting to smartphones becomes even more noticeable due to a poorly developed low-frequency register. This problem may be due to the weakness of the amplifier.

Positive feedback about headphones

For most users to the forecome out in the form of smooth playback in a wide frequency range. If you do not go into the nuances of different preferences, you can characterize the sound of headphones as clear and balanced. There are many positive opinions about the ergonomics of the device. In this context, there is a comfortable headband with a soft arc, and comfortable ear cushions, and pleasant materials of manufacture. Separately, the characteristics of the cable, which is supplied model Sennheiser HD 380 PRO. The reviews emphasize not only its 3-meter length, but also the rigidity of the material, which inspires confidence in the strength and durability of the cord.

Negative feedback

cable for sennheiser hd 380 pro

Critical reviews are also held on allcharacteristics of the model. As for the sound, here users note the weakness of high frequencies, despite their purity. There are also conflicting opinions regarding the fixation of cups with a headband. Indeed, the headphones are large enough and for some of the owners this is an inconvenience. The same happened with the cable. On the one hand, it is durable and wear-resistant, but for this you have to pay the increase in thickness, which is uncomfortable if you listen to music on the street. Users also note the weight of the cable - it is especially noticeable when you put on headphones. The price of 7-8 thousand rubles. also seems unreasonably high for this model. True, there are not so many competitors in German development. These are either professional entry-level devices, or models for fans, which, incidentally, may not reach the HD 380 version for a number of indicators. Typically, the options from the first group are more expensive, so the proposal from the German company justifies itself as a product in which both performance and performance are balanced and functionality with ergonomics.


sennheiser hd 380 pro reviews

The model will be the best option ifit is planned to use headphones at home. They are comfortable and provide a decent sound - even against the background of professional counterparts. For the street model Sennheiser HD 380 PRO is not suitable because of the weak ergonomic capabilities. Affects the weight of the cups, and thick cable, as well as lacks compatibility with mobile music sources. Another important factor in evaluating these headphones is reliability. After all, Sennheiser has been represented in this segment for a number of years and has raised the quality of its products quite high. Model HD 380 is a confirmation of the responsible approach of the creators and to the choice of materials, and to design the design of headphones. As a result, it turned out a device that is easy to use, durable and provides high-quality sound.

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