/ The best connection. Best operator of communication

The best connection. Best operator of communication

So, today we will try to find out whichthe operator provides the best connection. In general, it is rather difficult to decide with him. Each region of Russia has its own features and communication services. The article will consider the merits and demerits of cellular operators in general. What do subscribers think about various network operators? What is the best connection among them?

best communication


Let's start, perhaps, with the largest operator.It's about a company called Rostelecom. Its branches are located in many cities of Russia. Many subscribers believe that this is the best connection. We are talking about all types of networks: telephone (city), television and mobile communications. By the way, this operator is in great demand on Internet issues. Subscribers note that Rostelecom offers humane prices, as well as a fairly high-quality network operation. During some major weather incidents, of course, failures occur, but not as often as competitors.

The network catches even in remote corners of cities.With all this, there were no breaks and failures during the conversations. Especially it concerns city telephones. We can conclude that Rostelecom can be trusted.


There are subscribers who assure that the best connection is availableonly with the operator "MTS". However, there were ambiguous opinions about the firm. The point is that when it comes to a mobile operator, subscribers begin to pay attention to many points concerning not only the quality of communication. They leave their imprint on the rating of a particular company.

What about MTS?In general, this operator does provide Russia with quality services, not in all places, but in the majority. The best quality of communication from the company will be provided in those points of the city, where the transmission lines are located. On the outskirts of the mobile signal decreases.

which connection is better

Internet from MTS, unfortunately, can notboast of its quality. There are more discontent than joy. And all because of the fact that in most regions the signal of the network is low. Pages open long or, in general, do not load. In developed cities, you can still admire the Internet from "MTS", but here among the trees or in the village - no.

This company is the best communication operator, ifevaluate the prices for the proposed tariffs. Many argue that it is the connection from MTS that is beneficial to sociable people. In general, the network is stable, although it works with some interruptions. The most frequent failures are observed during heat or hurricanes.


Далее стоит обратить внимание на такую крупную firm, like MegaFon. Perhaps, very few people can say that this company has the best connection. Rather, it's not bad. In any case, some subscribers are negative about the corporation.

This opinion has developed for several reasons.First, the prices for the Internet and services of access to the network. Initially, they are small, but soon begin to grow. With all this, during conversations or working on the Internet, you may notice connection gaps. This, of course, few will suit.

Secondly, if we talk about the World Wide Web, the speed of connection in most cases leaves much to be desired.

better quality of communication

Consumers also assure that even at the slightestWeather anomalies can be left without communication, especially in remote regions. Within the developed cities, you will simply observe constant network failures. Many subscribers say that MegaFon is clearly not the best connection in Russia.


The next quite worthy competitor"Rostelecom" and "MTS" - "Beeline." This is one of the few companies that tries to attract subscribers with its quality, but it is not perfect either. What do users think about Beeline?

In general they are happy.Interruptions with the network are extremely rare. The Internet works qualitatively, the speed keeps up high even in the worst weather conditions. Mobile network is also almost not lost. If you do not want to use the services of Rostelecom, then we can say that it is Beeline that is the best communication operator, however, with its shortcomings.

For example, with the cost of their services.Beeline is recognized as the most unprofitable and expensive operator, but its connection is quite high-quality. However, recently some subscribers began to complain about frequent failures in the work of "Beeline." Plus, this operator very often connects paid services and does not notify their customers about it.

"Tele 2"

Who has the best connection?To be honest, it's very difficult to decide, because each subscriber remains at his own opinion. Quite an ambiguous opinion has the company "Tele2". This is another major mobile communication operator, a worthy competitor to MTS and Beeline.

best communication operator

To himself, he attracts a new audience with pricing,in the majority they are anti-crisis. This makes me happy. Only here the quality of communication, as users say, is not always beautiful. This is due to the fact that "Tele2" in Russia has only recently begun to spread, therefore, not everywhere the communication system is established. In large cities, there are no complaints about either the Internet or the cellular network. But in remote places they are enough.

In principle, if you live in a large city, wherethere is a "Tele2", and you do not plan to leave it, then you can be sure that it is with this operator that you will have better communication at favorable rates. But in cases of active use of mobile communications or the Internet outside the developed infrastructure, it is still better to choose someone else as an operator.


The last company to date is Yota.This operator appeared in Russia not so long ago. It positions itself as a company that provides all the most-necessary. The best connection, profitable tariffs, fast Internet - this is exactly what you can find at Yota.

Practice shows a slightly different picture.Subscribers assure that Yota does offer a huge selection of services, but their quality can not be considered excellent. If the mobile network is still acceptable, then the Internet is much worse. Communication is constantly interrupted, information is processed slowly, and it can also completely refuse to work in some regions.

best connection

What do we get in the end? Which connection is better? Proceeding from all the above, we can sum up:

  1. "Rostelecom".
  2. Beeline.
  3. "MTS".
  4. "Tele 2".
  5. "Megaphone".
  6. Yota.

This opinion is shared by many subscribers. True, Rostelecom is often used only for home Internet and telephone, and as a cellular operator is not considered.

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