/ / Headphones Philips SHC1300 - Review and Feedback

Philips SHC1300 headphones - review and reviews

The leader in the middle price category of wirelessHeadphones can be called Philips SHC1300. It is about them that will be discussed in this article. Their cost is about 1300 rubles. Since they are wireless, sound is transmitted by the radiation of infrared waves.

philips shc1300


Headphones are dynamic, closed type.As already mentioned, they are wireless and overhead. The device is able to reproduce frequencies from 18 to 20 thousand Hz. Weigh 410 g; have a sensitivity of 108 dB.

The mount is represented by a headband.The membrane in the design has a diameter of 32 mm. The sound signal is transmitted by means of infrared waves, which are received at a distance of 5 to 7 meters. This figure depends on the number of walls separating the Philips SHC1300 headphones (reviews about them below) from the sensor. The further the device is located, the worse the sound. The transmitter frequency range is 2.7-2.8 MHz. Since the headphones are wireless, there are no questions with a suitable connector for the device.

Power supply type AAA. The number of batteries is two. The headphones are able to work from the battery for up to 30 hours.

headphones philips shc1300

Appearance and comfort

The Philips SHC1300 headphones are an overhead device that has a standard appearance. There are no special innovations in design here. The case is black. It looks pretty massive.

In carrying the device does not bring discomfort,rather the opposite. Use headphones for listening to music, talking on Skype, passing games, working on a computer and so on. The headband is regulated by a light movement, finding the right size will not be difficult. The ear pads are made of soft foam rubber, so even with prolonged wearing do not cause discomfort.


The Philips SHC1300 has enoughA good sound for wireless headphones. Bass and high frequencies are audible well. The speaker is made of a magnet of a ferrite type, its size is 32 mm. The frequency range is 18-20 thousand Hz.

philips shc1300 reviews


The Philips SHC1300 device has advantages thatconquer many consumers. What are the advantages of buying these headphones? It's about good sound, beautiful design, lack of wires, the base for catching and signaling, which is included, the quality of all materials and parts, the presence of a regulator, excellent ergonomics, battery operation, compatibility with almost any kind of equipment, low cost. In addition to the above, it should be noted that the base can work with several pairs of headphones simultaneously.


Like any device, the Philips SHC1300 model has its drawbacks. Consider the main:

  • The sound is transmitted only for a distance of up to five meters;
  • ear cups wear out too quickly;
  • The playback quality deteriorates if walls or partitions appear between the device and the sensor.


Reviews about the device are somewhat contradictory.Who bought headphones only to listen to music without inconvenience to his family, is pleased with the purchase. Those who expected too good sound and quality, respectively, no. The official information about the device is small, so you'll have to rely on the information that customers provide.

What comes with the Philips SHC1300?Instruction, batteries, adapter, adapter (6.5 mm) and transmitter. The manual describes everything quite informatively. Many of those who purchased these headphones confirm that it is necessary to always be in parallel with the transmitter, otherwise there will be noise during playback.

The modulator looks modest. He has special light bulbs that light up when turned on, as well as four legs that help him stand steadily.

Buyers note that sound, in principle, clearand not bad. Adjust its quality and volume can be directly on the headphones themselves. It's comfortable. The device is light, does not press on the ears. Warranty, as a rule, they are given a year, but for many these headphones work much longer.

philips shc1300 user guide

Wireless devices have one feature. When the battery sits down, they suddenly begin to hiss and wheeze. However, the described model does not have this problem.

The ear pads, according to many, are terrible forquality. However, if you use headphones carefully, you can significantly delay the moment when they become unusable. Some ear pads are torn in half a year, others - after a couple of years of use.

If you want, you can purchase a chargerfor accumulators. Thanks to him, you do not have to buy a huge amount of batteries, which will save your family budget considerably. But you have to charge about once a week. The frequency depends on the quality of the batteries themselves, as well as the frequency of use of the device.


As the manufacturer says, headphones are enoughquality and work well the whole warranty period. Distortions of sound are quite probable, however, from this problem no device of this type is insured. Before buying you just need to weigh the pros and cons, considering that you can use Philips SHC1300 headphones only at home. As professional they will be useless.

The device is best purchased in official stores, not from suppliers. Otherwise, there is a risk of buying a counterfeit, which will break down literally in three months.

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