/ / How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8: tips, recommendations, instructions

How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8: tips, recommendations, instructions

Timely installation of new softwareproviding for any gadget can rid its owner of most failures, errors and malfunctions. But in some cases this procedure only harms. Today we have to figure out how to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8. Next, we will talk about all the features and nuances of the procedure. Should I even think about downloading this for the iPhone 4? How well does the G-8 work with this phone?

Update urgency

The first thing you have to understand is whether to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8. The issue is very difficult. A unambiguous answer to it will not be given.

how to update iPhone 4 to iOS 8

The fact is that the "apple" smartphone version 4supports downloading and working with iOS 8. At the same time, this iPhone has far not the most powerful features. Therefore, the G-8 on the device is slower than it would be desirable. There are delays of several seconds.

In principle, this is not such a big problem.If small brakes do not frighten the owner of the "apple" phone, he can safely think about updating the software. Some reviews suggest that the smartphone simply "does not pull" the new OS. In reality, this is not the case.

Methods of updating the software

Accordingly, anyone can try to translate the idea into reality. How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8? In total, there are several options for the development of events.

More precisely, the process of initializing a new operating system can proceed:

  • through the computer (through the use of iTunes);
  • from a mobile phone (through "wi-fi").

How to act?The owner of the mobile device can choose how to update the OS on his own. There is no significant difference between these options. But every approach has features.

update iPhone 4 to ios 8

Working with PC

Let's start with the fastest and most reliable way. It's about working with iTunes. This program is known to all owners of products from Apple. It is extremely understandable, working with it is easy.

How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8.1 via computer? The algorithm of actions is reduced to the following steps:

  1. Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer. It is advisable to download the program from the official website of Apple.
  2. Launch the appropriate application.
  3. Using a USB cable, connect "iPhone 4" to the computer. At this point, the mobile device must be turned on.
  4. Wait for the synchronization of the PC and iPhone via "iTunes".
  5. In the left menu of the program, select the line that represents the connected smartphone.
  6. Find the item "Update iPhone ..." in the field that appeared on the right side. Click on the corresponding label. Wait.
  7. Click on "Download and update". This message appears on the screen when updates are detected for the operating system.

Fast, easy, convenient.How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8, if there are no updates? In this case, you will have to change the firmware and find and download the necessary software for initialization on your mobile phone. In practice, such a need arises extremely rarely.

how to update iPhone 4 to ios 8 via phone

Wi-Fi activity

There is one more solution to the task.How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8 via phone? For this, as already noted, you will have to use Wi-Fi. The lack of wireless Internet in the reach zone imposes a taboo on the implementation of this method.

To perform a manual update of the operating system on the iPhone 4, follow the instructions:

  1. Turn on the mobile phone. It is necessary to wait.
  2. Connect iPhone to Wi-Fi.
  3. Go to Settings in your mobile device.
  4. Open the "Basic" tab - "Software Update".
  5. Click the "Download and install" button.
  6. Wait. The operating system installation wizard will start downloading.
  7. Click on the "Install" button on your smartphone. Next, the owner of the device will have to accept the license agreement. This is a mandatory process.

Now it's clear how to use "wi-fi" to update the software on the smartphone. What other information can be useful to every owner of "apple" gadgets?

how to update iPhone 4 to ios 8 1 via computer

What's new in Wi-Fi?

It is important to pay special attention to working with mobilephone by working with "wi-fi". This method is not suitable for iPhone without jailbroken. If the smartphone has this status, you will have to use iTunes to update the operating system.

Also, the user must be concerned in advanceon the presence of a sufficient battery power in the iPhone. For the successful download and installation of iOS 8 will require about 50% of the battery. If the installation is interrupted by shutting down the gadget, it can only be restored via iTunes.

How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8? Using Wi-Fi is the easiest and fastest method, but it does not give any guarantees for success. Initialization may fail.

Download the installation file on your smartphonewill start immediately after you click on the "Download" button. The volume of the operating system is about 1,024 megabytes, so the procedure can be delayed. It is necessary to show patience.


We learned how to update "iPhone 4" to iOS8. In fact, this operation has no special features. The update process does not differ from the initialization of the new operating system on any other "apple" gadget. For 100% success it is recommended to give preference to working with iTunes.

how to update iPhone 4 to ios 8 if there are no updates

The most important issue related to thetheme, is the decision to install on the iPhone 4 a new operating system. All owners of this smartphone must take into account the advantages and disadvantages of the planned operation. Only after this, a person can make the right decision.

Updating the iPhone, usually ends with the restoration of a backup copy of data from iCloud or iTunes. They need to be done in advance. Otherwise, the new operating system will be "clean".

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