/ / Intel Core i5-4210U processor: features and performance reviews

Intel Core i5-4210U processor: performance specifications and reviews

Excellent central processing unit forassembly laptops of primary and secondary level - is the Core i5-4210U. This semiconductor crystal has excellent technical specifications and is capable of solving an impressive list of tasks. On the other hand, its high degree of energy efficiency allows you to create very, very compact mobile computers, which at the same time can boast excellent autonomy.

core i5 4210u

For which products is this chip?

На создание мобильных ПК начального и среднего level this chip is oriented. If there is only one graphics card integrated into the CPU in the computer system, this is an entry-level solution. Well, in the case of using an additional discrete accelerator, this is already a solution to the average price range. On the one hand, the Intel Core i5-4210U - 1.7 GHz boasts a modest base clock frequency. But, depending on the degree of complexity of the executed program code and the temperature of the central processor unit, this element can dynamically raise its frequency to 2.7 GHz. As a result, we get a balanced solution for creating virtually any mobile personal computer at the primary and even intermediate levels.

CPU socket

Core i5-4210U is designed for use inprocessor socket FCBGA 1168. This socket can be found only on mobile computers. Its important feature is that there is no plastic connector for installing the CPU. The processor in this case is non-removable. It is soldered directly on the motherboard. On the one hand, this makes repairs or upgrades by replacing the CPU impossible. But on the other hand, such an engineering approach can significantly reduce the cost of a laptop by eliminating an additional component from the PC and simplifying assembly operations.

core i5 4210u specifications

Silicon Crystal Production Technology

One of the most advanced to dateThe process technology is used in the production of the Core i5-4210U. The characteristics of it indicate that 22 nm nanometers are used. Well, the semiconductor crystal itself is manufactured using a well-proven and time-tested technology - TriGate. Its essence lies in the fact that instead of film transistors, their three-dimensional analogs are already used. This allows you to significantly increase the number of suitable silicon wafers at the outlet and reduce the final cost of the products.

Fast memory

Как и любой другой современный процессор от Intel, this product boasts a three-level cache. Its first level has a hard specialization. It is divided into 2 equal parts of 64 Kb, which are geographically located as close as possible to the computing modules. In the future, each of these parts is divided into 2 parts of 32 KB each. One of them is used only for storing instructions of the central processing unit, and the second is for data. The total size of the cache level 1 in this case is 128 KB. The second level of fast memory has a similar organization structure, but only with the difference that in this case there is no hard division into memory for data and into memory for instructions. As for the rest, it is divided into 2 parts of 256 Kb each, which, again, are assigned to a specific computing unit. Its total size, as it is easy to guess, is 512 Kb. Well, the third level of fast memory in this case is common, and its size is equal to a solid 3 MB.

core i5 4210u processors


Intel Core i5-4210U is equipped with an integratedRAM controller. At the same time, it can even work in dual channel mode with two or four RAM bars at once. The types of memory supported are DDR3. The clock speeds of the RAM are 1333 MHz or 1600 MHz. Slabs with lower speeds are not recommended to be installed, and faster modules will operate at lower frequencies.

Thermal package

Immediately it should be noted that thisThe semiconductor chip, in addition to the computing units, also contains an integrated random-access memory controller and an integrated graphics accelerator. Therefore, against the background of such specifications, the declared heat pack of 15 W for the Intel Core i5-4210U looks quite impressive. Such a value allowed to achieve a high degree of product optimization, as well as an advanced technological process underlying it.


As noted earlier, the minimum clockThe frequency for the Core i5-4210U is 1700 MHz. In this mode, this chip operates in idle mode or when performing the most simple tasks. If you run on it enough demanding toys, for example, then its clock frequency will automatically increase to 2.7 GHz. Such a change in the frequency of a semiconductor chip, on the one hand, allows increasing the energy efficiency of the system, and on the other, varying PC performance and, if necessary, significantly increasing its level.

intel core i5 4210u

Internal components

This silicon crystal belongs to the familychips codenamed "Haswell". It consists of two 64-bit computing modules, each of which can process 4 instructions per cycle of its work. At the program level, the Hyper Trading technology is implemented in this case. With its help, 2 computational units are already transformed into 4 streams for information processing. This allows you to get an additional 15 percent performance in multi-threaded applications. Also, this nuance allows this CPU to be tested for the required level of minimum performance in the most demanding toys.

Graphic accelerator

As part of this chip is alsoGraphics Graphics Accelerator HD Graphics 4400 from Intel. Address this graphic solution can a maximum of 2 GB of RAM, which will be "allocated" from the RAM of the PC. Its clock frequency can vary in the range from 200 MHz to 1 GHz. Its capabilities are sufficient only to solve the simplest tasks. But in the case of the launch of the most demanding toys, a discrete video adapter is indispensable. In such a situation, it is better to report 300 dollars immediately and purchase a laptop immediately with an additional discrete video card.

core i5 4210u 1700


Base clock frequency as notedpreviously, for the Core i5-4210U is 1.7 GHz. Support for proprietary technology from Intel, which is called TurboBust, allows you to increase this value by 1 GHz. That is, in the regular overclocking mode, this chip can already function at a frequency of 2.7 GHz. Theoretically, you can try to increase these values ​​by raising the clock frequency of the system bus. But it is not recommended to do this for the reason that the declared thermal package of 15 W can be exceeded, and the installed cooling system will not cope with the increased thermal load. This may eventually lead to the failure of the computer.

intel core i5 4210u 1 7


Sam Core i5-4210U manufacturer in the face of "Intel"estimated at 281 dollars. If we take the cost of mobile PCs based on it, then you can find the most affordable models at a price of $ 600-800. In this case, the integrated graphic accelerator will be used, and the laptop will show disgusting results in the most demanding toys. To turn such a mobile PC into a full-fledged gaming center, you need to lay out another $ 300. In this case, the computing system will be equipped with a discrete graphics card, and its level of performance will increase significantly.

Owners about mobile devices based on it

Core i5-4210U processors provide sufficientThe level of performance of mobile PCs, which are based on them. Preferred in terms of speed those notebook models that are equipped with a discrete graphics accelerator. But the cost in this case will be higher by $ 300. Otherwise, this is a great chip, which simply has no weaknesses.

core i5 4210u 1 7 GHz


Сбалансированным как с позиции быстродействия, and from the side of energy efficiency is the Core i5-4210U. Based on it, mobile PCs of primary or secondary level are created, which for their niches can boast an excellent combination of price and performance.

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