/ / Smartphone HTC Desire 500: reviews, price

Smartphone HTC Desire 500: reviews, price

HTC Desire 500 is another creationTaiwanese company for the production of communicators. This model was announced more than a year ago and during this time managed to recruit a large number of fans in its army. This model was not the flagship during its announcement, but nevertheless it is also difficult to classify it as an absurd cheap. HTC Desire 500 is something middle between an explicit budget model of a touchscreen smartphone and an expensive flagship.

htc desire 500 review

HTC Desire 500 Review

Review it is necessary to start with the appearance of the smartphoneand its ergonomics. Taking this device in hand, it can be said with certainty that it is worth the money that was paid for it. Weight of 123 grams and small dimensions make it very convenient to handle. By and large, it's phones in 4.3 inches or - in extreme cases - 4.7 inches are the most optimal option for use, and not all these giants, whose diagonal exceeds 5 inches. So, in our case, the smartphone HTC Desire 500 has a diagonal of 4.3 inches, which immediately earns a plus in their piggy bank. What can you say about the appearance of the device? The whole assembly is made very high quality. Due to the fact that the smartphone is equipped with a practically monolithic case (with the exception of a removable back panel), the user will not hear any creaks and crunches. However, this very rear panel is a pretty brand, which can lead to an endless rub of the phone with a special cloth.

htc desire 500 dual

Internal components of the phone

With external characteristics, everything seems to be clear,but what is the HTC Desire 500 stuffing? The review of this section will briefly describe this. HTC Desire 500 has a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 processor, whose clock frequency is 1.2 GHz. RAM in the phone is 1 GB, which can not but rejoice. The internal permanent memory of the phone is only 4 GB, but HTC Desire 500 has a special slot for a micro SD card, the volume of which can reach 64 GB. The lithium battery has a capacity of 1800 mAh. The phone is equipped with two cameras: the back and front. The back can boast of 8 megapixels, flash and autofocus. In addition, the phone has software from the Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system and the fifth sensor, which will allow elements of your gadget to easily respond to each touch. Some resolution can cause some disappointment, which is only 480x800. With a sufficiently large diagonal of 4.3 inches, you can see the pixels, but for this you need, of course, to try hard. Make a company from Taiwan more resolution, then the desire to look at the pixels on the phone would not even arise.

Species by color

As a rule, HTC does not try to entera large number of different colors in their models, and is limited to only two options. Most often these are white and black colors of phones. In the case of the HTC Desire 500 smartphone, Taiwanese designers decided to change their views a little and released three options. The first one is completely black and is called HTC Desire 500 black. The other two are silvery, but with slight differences from each other. If the panel around the camera, as well as all the inscriptions on the back of one phone have a red color, then another model is turquoise. Thus, a person can choose the phone whose color is most appealing to him.

 smartphone htc desire 500

Two-part version of the phone

In fact, there are two versions of thissmartphone. That is, the company from Taiwan surprised us. You can buy a phone that uses only one SIM card, but you also have another option - buying a phone using two SIM cards. However, the latter option will be somewhat more expensive than the usual version of the smartphone. In its filling and functionality, the HTC Desire 500 Dual Sim is practically no different from its brother. The use of two SIM cards takes place on the same principle as on all dvuhsimochnikah that came out in previous years. As a rule, only one SIM card can use the Internet and telephone communication simultaneously, while the second one can only be used for calls. Therefore, you can suggest the following option: one SIM card to use as a connection on the Internet, and the second - for calls.

Which applications can be installed on the phone

This smartphone has strong enoughcharacteristics, therefore a similar question can disappear with itself. By purchasing such a phone, you can install any application and play any games that you can only download on the Play Market portal. Just remember: the better the game graphics, the more it requires from the phone - the more battery power is consumed. Therefore, do not install too large applications on your phone. Or, at least, use them in a place where there is no way to charge the device. Otherwise, the risk of a quick discharge of the phone is high.

 htc desire 500 price


Turning on the phone, you can immediately be aware ofall the events that happen to your friends. This became possible after HTC developed HTC BlinkFeed, which notifies the smartphone on the main screen about what your friends are doing, what photos are uploaded to social networks and where they are at the moment. In addition, you have the opportunity to change the application grid in the main menu of the phone. If before it was always 3x4 by default, then on this model it is possible to make a grid of 4x5, which will increase the number of viewed applications by 8. As for the other functions of the phone, in many respects they are similar to other HTC models.

HTC Desire 500. Reviews

At the moment there is quite a lotthe number of people in the post-Soviet space who decided to acquire this model of a cell phone. Many users are very pleased with this purchase and with confidence advise the phone to everyone who wants to buy an inexpensive phone of excellent quality. Among the obvious merits of many people distinguish the quality of assembly and ergonomics, stating that the device is perfectly seated in his hand, and also fits nicely in the pocket of trousers or jeans. Also among the advantages of the smartphone are the opportunities that it possesses thanks to the company-creator. Other advantages of the phone are called an excellent camera, which removes in any conditions, loud speakers, as well as the possibility of using two SIM cards, if you purchased the HTC Desire 500 Dual Sim. Among the minuses, some buyers of the phone allocate insufficient battery capacity, which is not enough for a full-time job with enough loaded usage. But this disadvantage is difficult to attribute only to the HTC Desire 500, as it is inherent in almost all phones on which the operating system is Android.

htc desire 500 phone

Expert opinion

Usual users praised HTCDesire 500. The reviews of many of them were more than positive, but what do people who are versed in these matters think better? Experts who gave their feedback about this phone, agreed on the common opinion that the smartphone has very good qualities and is a solid model in the competitive market for smartphones and communicators. Among the obvious advantages is the price-quality ratio. Experts in this industry say that the HTC Desire 500 is one of the best phones for its price. They praise both the camera phone, as well as the good quality of the photos that are obtained when using it. The efficiency of the monosymmetric model was at a very high level, which can not be said for her dvuhsimochnom brother. Because of the two SIM cards, there were glitches and hangs, which is somewhat frustrating, especially considering the fact that a phone with two SIM cards costs more. Also, as a minus is the uncertainty regarding the long service life of the phone, because HTC can not prove itself as a manufacturer of communicators, whose smartphones can work long enough.

Pricing for smartphone

This model of the smartphone from the Taiwaneseof the manufacturer today is quite cheap for those features that HTC Desire 500 possesses. The price after the announcement was 350-400 US dollars, and today it can be purchased already for $ 270. This price applies only to the model with one SIM card. As for the two-sentence option, the prices for such phones range from $ 300 to $ 320. When choosing this smartphone, remember that more than a year has passed since the day of its announcement. This indicates that there will be no new software updates. However, if for you the updated operating system does not play an important role, and you just want a good phone, the quality of which will be comparable with its cost, then the option with HTC Desire 500 looks very promising.

htc desire 500 black

What comes with the phone

After you purchase a smartphone, you will not receiveonly the phone itself, but also something else that can be useful for use. The first in this list is a USB-cable, which you can use to connect the purchased device to your personal computer. In addition, the adapter for charging is also included. In addition to the cord and adapter are also available branded in-ear headphones. According to many users, they are not convenient enough, so if you want to listen to music through headphones, it is better to buy a new and more convenient option. By the way, before HTC bundled up the headset from the company Beats, but in order to reduce the cost of their communicators, they refused this option. Also in the box HTC Desire 500 you can find a manual on how to use the phone.

htc desire 500 reviews

What additional items can I buy for my phone?

That your phone has served you as long as possible,you need to buy a case for the HTC Desire 500. You can do this either in any online store or in a regular store that specializes in selling this type of product. When choosing a case, pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is better to buy accessories from dense silicone. This will simultaneously protect your phone from bumps, and easily remove the cover if necessary. If desired, you can also buy a film for the screen. This is done in order not to scratch it, but many people refuse the film because after touching the sensation from touching the screen they do not change for the better. As an additional element, you can also purchase new headphones that will be convenient for you. You will have the opportunity to choose for yourself those that will fit your own preferences.

As you can see from the review, the phone existsquite an impressive army of fans who can name a very large number of advantages of this device. One of the main is his camera, which makes amazing photos in completely different situations. In addition, a very powerful processor will allow you to get rid of glitches and hangs that could be traced when using other models. Choose this phone and be sure that it is exactly what you need, because the price-quality ratio for today is the main factor in choosing a truly worthy device!

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