/ / What is identification?

What is identification?

What is identification?This word comes from the Latin "identificare", which in translation means "identification", i.e. the establishment of complete similarity or coincidence. Every minute we unconsciously identify people, animals, various objects and events.

what is identification

And although this happens automatically, the processThe recognition of an object is actually quite complicated. After all, he means by himself finding a complete coincidence with himself, with the help of certain maps that he left behind.

In practice, this identification has a high demand in forensic science. By coincidence of different characteristics, examination allows you to quickly identify objects or the identity of a person.

What is identity?

There are various methods for identifying a person. We call the most effective and often used of them:

methods of identification

• Analysis of medical and anamnestic data.

• Anthroposcopy studies. This is the composition of verbal portraits. Part of this method is patescopy - fixing memorized scars, scars or moles.

• Fingerprinting.

• Phonetic research.

So, that's what identification is - the identification of an object with its description or other information peculiar to it only.

Forensic identification

Conventionally, identification in forensic science candivided into two areas: individual and group. With individual recognition, the similarity of one object is established. In the case of group identification, an object is referred to a class, gender and species. The nature of the characteristics of an object affects the choice of the type of recognition. The types of forensic identification are divided into four areas:

  1. Identification of an object by imagery. This type of identification is used to identify someone during investigations.
  2. Identification by description. Such recognition is used mainly to search for criminals and stolen items.
  3. Identification of material displays. This is a search through the analysis of photographs, any manuscripts, or traces. This is the most common method of identification in forensic examinations.
  4. Идентификация по частям.This method is used in cases where it is necessary to establish that a part has ever belonged to a single whole. For example, on a fragment of a headlight it is possible to learn the certain car, having defined it as the participant of any incident.

types of forensic identification

Forensic identification there is a scientific basis, which includes three provisions:

  1. individuality;
  2. relative stability of a material object;
  3. ability to reflect their signs on other objects.

Thus, we can draw several conclusions:

• Identification of an object related to a crime plays an important role in the investigation process;

• forensic recognition has a sound scientific basis.

Knowing what identification is, it's easy to understand how important it is to correctly identify an object when investigating in forensic science.

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