/ Creating your own business. We register LLC

Creation of own business. We register LLC

If we consider that the domestic legislatorallowed to engage in entrepreneurial activity only to persons who are officially registered in this status, then for those who want to carry out entrepreneurial functioning, there are only two ways to work legally: to open a private entrepreneur or create a legal entity.

In turn, all jur.persons are subdivided into non-profit and commercial subjects of management. They have a difference not only for the purposes of their creation and tasks, but also differ in the structure of the organization (OPF) and in the management order. The most widespread were commercial organizations, because non-profit associations can not set as their main goal the extraction of income from the activities carried out. Thereby, Registration LLC, is the most common way to create your own business.

So, you decided not to be an exception and are going tocreate an LLC. The first step will be to fix this decision in the relevant document, which is called, the decision to establish the company. In the event that several founders participate in the creation of the company, such a decision should be adopted at the general meeting of the existing founders and formalized accordingly (protocol). This type of document will be included in the general package of documents submitted for registration.

The second step will be the preparation of the maina document that will be required by the registrar and will serve as the foundation of your company - the Charter of the LLC. The best option is the standard version of the Charter, where you will have to make minor adjustments to the specifics of your organization. In addition, in the presence of several founders, it will be necessary to draw up an agreement on the establishment of a company, where to specify the main rights (obligations) of participants, the amount of shares in the company's management code and provide valid information about all the founders.

Следующим действием станет оформление заявления (questionnaire) for the official passage of the registration procedure (p. P11001). In this application it will be required to indicate the necessary information, and, notarized verification of this document will be required. Only after this, it will be possible to attach the document to the general package of collected securities.

As you have probably heard, everybusiness entity must have a legal address. You will not be an exception. Therefore, you will need to rent an office space (and take the supporting documents from the owner) or use your own place of residence (home address) to register the executive body of your company, however, this option is not always convenient, because it requires compliance with certain conditions.

Having formed the necessary documentation package,you will need to submit it to the authorized registering authority (as a rule, the territorial tax inspectorate). In the period strictly defined by the domestic legislator, which will not be more than one week, if all papers are properly drawn up and there are no other obstacles, you can request a ready registration certificate at the place of filing and get confidence that your organization is included in the general register of legal entities .

The following important procedures will be: obtaining statistics codes, opening a bank account, making a seal and then adjusting all the vital business processes of your enterprise.

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