In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, many business entities must compile energy passports. What are they? What is the specificity of the development of these documents?
Energy passport of the enterprise is a document,which is compiled by competent experts following the results of an energy audit of an object used in business. In accordance with the requirements of federal legislation, it must include information:
- about the level of equipment of the object by means of which the records of consumed energy resources are kept;
- about the amount of energy used, as well as the dynamics of their consumption;
- about the indicators characterizing the energy efficiency of the object;
- about the size of the loss of energy resources - if the organization is engaged in their transfer;
- on the potential for the implementation of energy saving measures;
- on typical measures aimed at optimizing energy conservation.
The document in question is usually prepared forobjects forming industrial infrastructure, administrative and residential buildings. The energy passport reflects the balance of energy resources that the organization consumes, and also records information about the performance of this infrastructure. In addition, the energy passport of the enterprise may contain information about the plan of measures aimed at optimizing the energy efficiency of the relevant business entity.
The legislation of Russia defines the lists of personsfor which the preparation of the considered document is mandatory for the reason that they must pass an energy audit. At the same time, as we noted above, the energy passport of the enterprise is the source, compiled following the results of the corresponding audit.
The preparation of this document is mandatory:
- for authorities;
- for legal entities that are established with the participation of the authority;
- for organizations that carry out activities related to regulated;
- for legal entities that carry outproduction or transportation of water, gas, electricity, heat, extract gas, oil, coal, produce petroleum products and carry out the processing of relevant minerals;
- for companies whose expenses on energy consumption exceed the values established by law;
- for organizations that implement measures aimed at optimizing energy efficiency and financed from the budget.
These categories of persons must holdenergy audit at least once every 5 years. At the end of each event, an energy passport of the enterprise is compiled. Thus, the validity of the considered document - 5 years. At the same time, it is issued for the legal entity as a whole, and not for individual objects.
If the energy audit is not conductedif the organization is obliged to carry out this procedure according to the law, and, accordingly, the energy passport will not be obtained by the company, then it can be fined. The amount of sanctions in this case is determined by the status of the person who committed the offense in the form of failure to carry out the relevant audit.
It may be noted that the need to compileThe document under consideration can be established not only by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but also by legal acts of other states. For example, a similar document is provided by Ukrainian law.
So now we know why an enterprise needs an energy passport. Let us examine the order in which the development of the document under consideration is carried out.
First of all, the management of the company needs to find out if the company's energy passport is necessary for a business based on the requirements established by law.
The next step is to search for the energy auditor and concludecontract with him. In Russia, it is quite easy to find a company engaged in such services - you can use one of the most common thematic catalogs. Similar resources are available for Ukrainian enterprises, such as, for example, rada.kom.ya. The energy passport of an enterprise is a document that is prepared, as we already know, according to the results of an energy audit. Thus, the next step in the development of this source is direct work with the object of energy audit. It is also carried out in several stages.
Прежде всего, компетентные специалисты partner organizations collect information about the energy audit facility. Then processing and analysis of the data is carried out. After the inspection is carried out, as well as instrumental examination of the object of energy audit. Upon completion of this procedure, reporting documents are drawn up, and an energy passport of the company is developed. Consider the nuances of creating the corresponding document in more detail.
The main Russian source of law, in accordancewith which the energy passport of the enterprise is compiled - Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 400, adopted on June 30, 2014. This regulatory act says that the document in question is drawn up using the information that is reflected in the report, which is formed, as in the case of a passport, according to the results of the energy audit of an object. In this case, the date of this report should coincide with the date of the audit, as well as the formation of the document in question.
What specific information should include the energy passport of the enterprise? The law defines their specific list. We study this nuance in more detail.
The structure of the document should include:
- the title page, which is desirable to draw up using the form given in Appendix No. 1 to the Requirements for the compilation of an energy passport, which was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 400;
- general information about the object of energy audit using the form according to Appendix No. 2 to the Requirements;
- information about the level of equipment of the enterprise with metering devices - in the form that is given in Appendix No. 3;
- information on the amount of energy used - using the forms given in Appendices № 4-13;
- data on indicators characterizing the energy efficiency of objects - in the form approved in Appendix No. 14;
- information on the amount of losses of energy resources transferred by the enterprise, as well as recommendations aimed at reducing them - in accordance with the forms given in Appendices No. 15-20;
- information on the potential for the implementation of measures aimed at energy conservation, as well as on the assessment of the prospects for saving energy resources - in the form given in Appendix No. 21;
- data on measures aimed at optimizing energy efficiency - according to Appendix No. 22;
- information on the staffing of certain activities that are aimed at optimizing the energy efficiency of the enterprise - according to the forms given in Appendices No. 23-24;
- data on the amount of energy resources for enterprises that produce, store or process gas - according to the forms given in Appendices No. 25-29;
- data on the amount of energy used - provided by gas transportation enterprises, according to annexes 30-34.
What can the energy passport of the enterprise look like? Sample document - in the picture below.
It is important that the document meets the standardswhich were introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 400. This source of law provides for a number of nuances that characterize directly the filling of the energy passport. Consider them.
Первое, на что следует обратить внимание The company that composes an energy passport is the fact that if there are separate subdivisions in other municipalities in the company, the document in question should be supplemented with information using Appendices No. 1-34 for each department. This, of course, adds to the work of the responsible managers of the company, especially given the fact that the company's energy passport is valid - it needs to be changed every 5 years, while when opening branches owned by the company a large number of new objects may appear.
The following nuance:if the energy audit firm cannot provide any information due to their absence or the inability to measure certain indicators, the field provided for reflecting the corresponding values is not filled unless otherwise expressly provided for by Requirements approved by Order No. 400.
If the information for reflection in the Appendices to the Requirement is absent in principle, then they may not be attached to the energy passport of the enterprise.
Итак, мы изучили то, что представляет собой energy passport of the enterprise, why it is needed. Consider another nuance of the legal relations characterizing the use of this document - sending a copy of it to the Ministry of Energy. These communications are also regulated by Order No. 400. This source of the law prescribes that copies of energy passports be sent to the Ministry of Energy to self-regulatory organizations - SROs operating in the field of energy audits.
The procedure must be carried outno less than 1 time in 3 months. A copy of the passport should be paper and electronic - in PDF and XML formats, which is attached to the main document on disk or over the Internet. In addition, each copy of the energy passport should be sent to the Ministry of Energy along with a cover letter, which indicates information about the self-regulatory organization - also in paper and electronic (in PDF format) versions. Paper versions of documents sent to the office must be certified by the signature of the head of the company, as well as the seal of the organization. If the documents are electronic, they need to be certified by electronic signature.
Ministry of Energy, having received an energy passport from SROcompanies that are submitted by paper or electronic copy must, within 30 days, process the relevant document. The department examines the sources obtained for compliance with their structure and content with the provisions of Order No. 400, as well as with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation governing the implementation of measures by individuals or those aimed at optimizing energy efficiency.
If copies of the energy passport aresent by the self-regulating organization to the Ministry of Energy with violations, or if the relevant documents do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the agency will send the SRO a reasoned refusal to register these sources.
If the documents are all right, then the Ministry of Energywill send to the SRO notice of registration of the relevant copies. At the same time, this source is sent to the SRO in both paper and electronic versions. Documents that are available to the Ministry of Energy in electronic form are placed on the SRO personal account in a specialized state information system.